Sup Forums humour
Sup Forums humour
Shouldnt the german be happy?
(nice trips)
>Sup Forums is le satire damage control
good one
elevated lel
>implying collaborating with Russia is a bad thing
I bought one gram tonight, not even enough for the full night. 50 pesos....
This always makes me laugh
This'd actually be pretty fun to play.
>every time the kike gets hit he screams "anti-semite!!!
>kike gets even more power the more coins he collects
>nigger can smack into people to steal their power ups
>pepe gets a speed boost if you hit a dub speed, even more on a trips speed
>when burger falls off the track he has a flock of bald eagles carrying him back
>if carl is passed by a white character he screams "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??"
the bogs would be OP as fuck
the first time i saw i nearly died of laughter
im sorry about your autism
You forgot to label the point at which throwing the communists out of helicopters begins paying for itself
>go to free college
>almost free of commies
>commies came once, got kicked out
maybe it helps that it is a STEM only college
from the beginning
does it count if you thrown them from planes?
sure but not as much growth since planes are more expensive if you desire more bang for the buck use a helicopter
Mother fucker
that pic made me raff
Like the addition of The White Death in that pic
Helicopter rides should be more shifted towards the left and spare more of the libertarian right imo.
>planes are more expensive
its the other way around and you should know it burger boy
Well raked my friend.
>gets shot in the face
>war ends the day he wakes up in the hospital
that rapist look lipe /fit/ Forrest Gump
>Says Science
Informing the masses about science was a mistake
holly fuck, Jim Davis prophesied this!!!!
Holy shit this might actually get me to start lifting.
always gets me
Is this a parody of what clueless Democrats think?
Your asking for a ride, leaf.
>can't take jokes
oh lighten the fuck up, it's pretty funny.
you can even switch it to be about Hillary ind it would sill work.
requesting comic of kkk members talking about how overly racist Sup Forums is.
comfy af, would play.
Racemixing isn't normal. Fuck off.
Clearly Dr. Evil, but Mike Myers was a close 2nd
Why is it always people from Florida who do the most bizarre shit in this country?