I live near an air base in MA and there's been a ton of activity tonight, like nothing I've seen.
Is this it boys? Is Kimmy gonna get MOAB'd?
I live near an air base in MA and there's been a ton of activity tonight, like nothing I've seen.
Is this it boys? Is Kimmy gonna get MOAB'd?
Other urls found in this thread:
Danny Gannon is a bundle of sticks. the B52 isn't classified, anyone with half a brain knows that
>flying at eye level of third floor
>Kek, unless he was about to 9/11 her apartment build, dat shit didn't happen
Anyways, 2spooky4me, mate.
>B52s are a highly classified aircraft
>you'll never see it flying in the sky
What did he mean by this?
I live in MA. The cargo planes do tree level flying routines for practice all the time. My dad was in the army and can confirm. They go right over my house.
This is nothing new.
I live near Shreveport La. and barksdale air force base is just across the river. B52's fly daily weather permitting
Wut I see B52s flying all the time near the base where I live
take a deep breath shit skin ain't nothin happening.
>Mass hysteria
>The thread
kid, you are getting overdose'd with recent happennings, chill out
Smug snug trump
urr, no you don't, they are c130s.
b52s are highly classified and you won't see them flying.
t. military intelligence officer
so it's nothing
every time I am out there and one flies over I am looking for a wheel to drop off
One of them lost a wheel which is like as big as a car itself in the Belchertown woods.. also those things are loud as fuck and must ruin people's hearing
t-thanks for your service
no problem, citizen
chemtrails more than usual
>Straight B-52s
Sorry, but Fred Schneider came out of the closet
that's not an acutal b-52
youll never see one flying, its classified
t. military operations coordinator
I live just outside McChord AFB in Washington, C17s were flying around all fucking day.
Moving materials to north Korea, or wasting fuel on trips to Oregon for dat tax free booze, your guess is as good as mine
They aren't actually called B-52s, youll never hear their name, it's classified.
t. Military operations senior coordinator
Fuck off larper
Hey senpai I don't know what part of the state you're from/talking about but Barnes and Westover commonly do night training.
guyths look at dis classified playne, its top secret don't tell nobody
Im leaking it faggots