Thoughts on Milo?
Thoughts on Milo?
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Good man
/ptg/ will definitely fuck in the ass and drink his jew cum.
Based Faggot is truly a gift to our cause.
He has the power to destroy a college campus at will.
nuff said
Some homo
I support him making the leftists uncomfortable by playing his faggot victim card, but that's about it.
I don't believe in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" shit. He has some good things to say, but he's also a promoter of faggotry and hedonistic degeneracy, neither of which I can support in any good conscience.
So, I tolerate him, and that's about it.
Very early, entry level red piller... if you haven't moved beyond within a month you're probably gay
think he's been using drugs and alcohol again since he's been gone?
think he's gained a bunch of weight?
He's a faggot Jew who's a savage. Feminists can't attack him because hes under more layers of social oppression than them. If I had to pick one gay guy to be friends with, I choose this guy.
No homo. Hes a penis lover.
huge attention whore but he uses it for good not evil.
Hahaha funny ha...ha.ha
About to make the biggest comeback ever seen. Screenshot this.
Not a huge fan but was definitely a victim of SJW railroading.
He baits SJWs really well.
Thats all hes really useful for tho.
Isn't this the guy who thinks its okay to fuck 13 year olds? Yeah he can fuck off.
>Larps as smoke despite being a Catholic greek
>Raped as a kids and fucked in the head tho
>Triggers libshit into full fledged urban warfare
Triggers poltards because he's a de facto Chad and would hypetetically get more money than resident sprergs
gay jew
Yeah, he's a fucking pedophile
He's a pedo but a brilliant speaker.
It is
Hes a based fag. He fucks up the PC culture and red pills daily.
Faggot neocon
Theatrical faggot
I think this guy is irrelevant but what did he do?
Is a pedophile oppurtunist
Is a pedophile oppurtunist
Is a pedophile oppurtunist
Is a pedophile oppurtunist
>Larps as smoke despite being a Catholic greek
Is also a pedophile oppurtunist
>Raped as a kids and fucked in the head tho
And is a pedophile oppurtunist because of it
>Triggers libshit into full fledged urban warfare
Because hes a pedophile oppurtunist
>Triggers poltards because he's a de facto Chad and would hypetetically get more money than resident sprergs
Because he's a pedophile oppurtunist
Of course a german would think a pedophile oppurtunist is based, glorious and entertaining, wasnt Hitler fucking a 12 year old girl at the time?
He never lied about being gay
>He falls for libshit D and C that easily
Brainlet detected
His words have been teisted, and he made a mistake padding his tought so it has been easy for them to distort it
Not only has he been raped himself but he routinely spoke out against pedos, outing 3 public figures as ones and has gotten "the call," (aka shut the fuck up or well bury you)from DC circles as p-pizzagate dropped
>He believes Milo is a pedo
>im a bluepilled brainlet without my own judgement , but instead I parrot shit I heard fake news say
Kys faggot
>milo is based
>Uses Dangerous Faggot as a tagline
>Turns out to be a dangerous faggot
It's like poetry
speaks some high quality autism.
He gains massive media coverage for being a contrarian and suppressing mass ammounts of leftists that go nuts at his mention. I think that's one thing biding time in the US.
LOL, you cant surely be this much of a cuckold Hanz. Public Figures have a tendency to lie through their skin as a means of covering their own asses from the shitty truth that they're terrible human beings.
Also regurgitating memes made by other people doesn't make you any more smarter, it just makes you an untalented parrot
>liberals are still asshurt about milo
Hey Milo, I'm sorry you are no longer relevant. You should stop drinking and find a nee career. The free ride in fame is over buddy. Get used to it.
oh please he's nothing but a filthy fucking lying kike, do you actually believe he's a conservative? Every fucking speech of his revolves around how many black cocks he's sucked.
He's a fucking disgusting pedo kike and should not be trusted or listened to by anyone.
I don't like him, but it's undeniable that he has woken up millions of young people up to (((what's going on))).
You must be chemically imbalanced if you believe Milo, a cock sucking degenerate pedophile is a conservative at this point and not simply a snake charmer selling conservative values onto the masses
>Thoughts on Milo?
Fake and Gay
Conservatism is an ideology that defines itself by liberalism.
a lot of current conservatives (like donald trump) would be considered liberal not too many years ago.
Oh shut the fuck up Shartnigger
You can't possibly say anything of solid value against him
We all know he has induced more collective asstorment to our enemies than you or your fellow little crabbucket minded rats will ever do , like this one
you're a bunch of neverlaids who got taken in
gay jew who has no place on Sup Forums
anyone who supports him has to go back.
Milo is a liberal
>bruh hes anti feminist tho xD
Fuck off retard.
Gamergate really was a big deal to you pedo defenders wasn't it
I don't agree with him on everything but he gets the commies buttblasted
his character is going to wear off though, he needs to keep his grasp on his intellectual foundations to not go overboard
Faggot bong kike
Gay, next?
Donald Trump was a registered democrat for years until a few years ago when his dreams of becoming president turned to fruition when he realized the republican nomination is the easiest way for him to become one. All that other shit you said sound like pretentious fluff
Shartnigger? You're not only stupid but also cringey. And also
>taking Sup Forums memes this seriously
I drink beer with kikes, smoke weed with niggers and shitpost about them all in jest. Only insecure faggots like yourself need to feel the fact that you have enemies
I heard he was coming back with new explosive material.
Let's see...
this faggot's logo is literally a man on all fours waiting to receive anal penetration. fuck milo.
>snake charmer
I get it!
Like an unguided bomb, he's a fire and forget weapon against political correctness/speech censorship. He gets normalfags who are easily taken in by charisma to activate their almonds for the first time. Because his attacks against progressive behavior are so pointed and accurate he easily enrages them and they show their true vile behavior to even more normalfags.
Relax bud.
>be milo
>be gay
>be jewish
>love black people
>LOVE black MEN
>dress in women's clothing occasionally
>call a controversial politician "daddy"
Why do nu/pol/ and r/tha_donny love him so much again? Is it because of "muh civic nationalism"?
Seriously Sup Forums pull yourself together.
Milo is so degenerate that we could never even remotely consider him /ourgay/
>kike promoting degeneracy who openly talks about his lust for BBC
b-but haven't you seen that video where he destroys fat SJW feminists?!
I hate nupol
fake and gay
Is he dare I say it /ourfag/?
Milo who? Seriously,this guy is so fifteen minutes ago.
I want to be his pet!
Tha sides
Fags need to all die.
Same massive faggot.
Nailed it
Ironic how many of the "criticisms" here basically boil down to "muh feels".
If you think fighting against cultural marxism and leftist lies is important there is no rational reason to be against Milo. He is a net benefit.
If you can't put your personal emotions aside for political gain you reveal yourself as a LARPer who just likes fantasizing about a personal utopia, not actually changing the current political landscape.
There's nothing wrong with sex with GIRLS no matter how young they are. Fags raping boys is bad though.
he's a fucking entertainer narcissist nothing more. if you think he is some important political figure you are genuinely mentally deficient
He doesn't change anyone's mind about anything. In the end they just laugh it off because he has no real bantz other than
>muh nigger dicks in my ass
who knew he had such great moobs?
almost worth going gay
>He is a net benefit
He's just a filthy bigger living faggot that needs to be killed like every other fag.
I love when he sucks my big black cock.
With milo a come back will include his black uncle pulling out.
He's entry-level. He brings forth leftist lies to normies who have never even thought about this stuff
If you have nothing to say just stop posting retard.
If Milo is not an attention whore, then no one is an attention whore.
>he has no real bantz
if that were true he wouldn't have been banned from twitter.
they were so hurt by his tweets they shut him down.
If I had a dollar for every gender...
Fair enough, if you had never been exposed to any of the ideas he might get the noggin joggin. But he's also a liability because of his arrogance and flamboyance imo. Might push people away.
Milo creates threads about himself so he can stay relevant after the pedophilia scandal.
He just quit his podcast like 2 months ago and I don't even know why.
He got banned for making fun of a sheboon that literally looks slow. Not saying that wasn't bantz but he tends to go after low hanging fruit.
Milo did nothing wrong.
I would assume that the posts bashing him are Milo or his friends posting them but I've seen a lot of people that are genuinely asshurt about him.
When is he giving that speech on PG?
if he only went after low hanging fruit he wouldn't have been banned or have a dedicated hatedom.
You can tell that Milo is genuine since he angers all the right people.
He's like Assad, an enemy of enemy.
Like Assad fights against Islam radicalists, he fights against radical lefts.
No reason to hate him for now.
he is le based man
/ourguy/ xd
I miss the faggot. He was great for pissing off libs.
I don't hate the dude, more like annoyed by him. Playing the gay coal burner role while attacking people feels like cheat codes desu. I don't think he could stand out from the crowd without the layers of protection his "status" provides him.
>If you have nothing to say just stop posting retard.
What else is there to say?
Years ago there was a guy(let's call him the CumAltarGuy) who posted on Sup Forums about how he prints pictures if his coworker and find on them in woods. He invited others to join and e-mail with him. If you e-mailed him he'd open up and send pictures of his co-workers daughter who he also masturbates over.
That's who this girl, this pictute is both if them.
(I think he might be in prison because he stopped answering e-mails and posting several years ago, those were the days)