Would i pass as local in your country?

I am not Bulgarian by the way, I am Turkish.

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Get rid of your beard it screams possible sexual emergency.

cut your hair or lose weight

and trim the beard. women don't like the pubes on face look


>I'm not Bulgarian
>I'm Turkish

Yeah, we fucking know.

You look exactly like what I think Turks look like. People would think you are a Native American, so yes.

I would think you were a Mexican.

You pass as Shia Lebeouf

Of fucking course you are
Any true Sup Forumsack can recognize races and regions from miles away

>Would i pass as local in your country?
You wouldn't even miss kebab, just ask for "carne al pastor"

You look like an off mix of dot and feather indian im sure if you shaved you would fit in with the firewater tribes and get gibs

hey onur, how tight was anzus pussy when you raped her on the school bus?

Hive mind

You smokem peace pipe

Shave the beard keep the Attilla stache
>about the only alpha thing about your face

Maybe in London

siktir kemal

As close to pic related

Yeah, you'd fit right in.

reminder its not rape if she's taking payments for it


Beard is fine, good looks

You look like the average dude on the streets around here

what is your opinion of the (((Dönmeh))) of Turkey??

Hey, Japan is pretty expensive

No, thank god.


You look like an Argentinean i met once.

The 2RAN rises brother. Tekbir Allahü Ekber. Sen Türkçe biliyorum?

Hell no

In toronto you could because toronto is a haven for everything that is not the northern European master race. In my home town you would probably be mistaken for an Indian (native) because of the long hair. Northern European men around here tend to cut their hair short and if they have beards it is also kept short and well trimmed.

You look like a hairy Mexican. Tons of those out here.

Where I live muslims are the locals. So, yes.

You would fit in in the southwest, but not in the midwest or new england. Cut your hair but I like your beard bro

You could pass as a native American or Inuit if you got a close shave.

You poor soul. You should get the fuck out of there. Sooner or later they will force their Sharia law on you.

If you trimmed the beard down and put your hair in a pony tail you could pass as a standard mexican here in Georgia

if you shave your beard you would maybe pass as an injun in amazon

maybe if you were a bit blacker, had bad teeth and more wrinkles you could pass as an abo

yes , people would just think your mexican

Just noticed that a lot of Turks look "Mexican" according to Giaours.
It's because of Swarthy European+Middle Eastern+Mongoloid mix i guess.

Like most Turks, you're pretty ethnically miscellaneous. If I didn't know, I'd guess you were Mexican, maybe?

Fucking mongols

You would pass as Bulgarian here

You could be mistaken for a half caste maori.

Shave the beard and hang out in a casino, and people would assume you're a native.

oh boy

Yes, you'd pass as a Pakistani.

are you this guy?


you would do well with the abos here. I bet you get piss drunk in the middle of the day

speak the language well and you probably will be.

Indian here
you could easily pass as a kashmiri.

Get back in Canada ya bum! And shave that beard! You have a job interview on Monday!

Ok, Ok,

My turn

How would I pass in your country?

>100% Mexican


The photo on the right sort of looks like a turkish Steven Seagal

Look a bit more greasy and you can be a wog in a burger shop.


Remove kebab.

The first pic fits RIGHT in. you look like a metal head. to be honest: the clothes make the man. wear a button down collared shirt and style your hair somehow, some good jeans, no one questions you. even blacks who wear this they blend right in. Style matters a lot.


Maybe in the southern states

do your jeb

You look like some indian inbreed, so yes.

literally anyone could pass as an american

Holy fuck how much mongol ancestry do you have

My internet died shortly after i made the thread. Had to reset the router.
According to answers, could pass as a local in Mexico and USA/Canada as Native American
I don't have any.


most of the people here look like that, at least where i live

Since we're mixed and had all kinds of immigration, anyone is considered a local until they start talking...

I have 20, but I suffer from baby-face syndrome

>Would i pass as local in your country?

Yes, you look like a native, er Indian/native american.

You'd be what we call a native. If you're in town on welfare cheque day then you'll blend right in.

how much?

2 million dollar plus tip plus jizya

discount jason momoa?

how about 5 buck?

People would think you are a terrorist where I live.

you still have to pay jizya anyways

not yet but give it 10-20 years you probably will

how much is jizya? will she give me a discount if I give her a shoutout on my channel?

Do your job and send him back Vasil

it was something like $150-500 depending

>I am not Bulgarian by the way, I am Turkish.
You barely pass as a Turkish though, from Mardin?

He doesn't look Kurdish

Id pay double, how do I get in contact with >her?

like, California?

You would pass as a deportation candidate.

travel to turkey and act rich, is the simplest answer

you could be a roadie for skynyrd

Shave the beard and cut your hair and you could pass as hispanic



If he keeps the long hair and beard he could live on a rez.

Lol no, not by a long shot desu. If you shaved
and kept the long hair you could pass as Native
American prolly, there's a res like an hour from where Im at.

inshallah ;)

Yes, as one of the heavy metal guys over here

>vocaroo fag
>has to whisper because his dads watching tv in the other room and he'll beat his ass if he's loud

ajajaj burrito es muj bueno tengo tres piscina senor

Yes. Ugly as fuck but yeah.
