Why is Shia's new exercise in autism already down? Did I miss the show?
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It took us only a few hours to find him.
I don't know what became of him after that. I wasn't paying attention.
Bump, but seeing how quick Pol is to brag about such things, I guess he simply quit by himself after not getting the attention he had anticipated
Oh I had no idea, thanks familia
Is the project down?
he should have gone to mexico
The stream looks pretty down, unless they shut it down for the night or when the museum is closed (which might actually be the case, hadn't thought about it earlier)
Why didnt he go to north korea?
I havent been paying attention to this but this popped up on my youtube.
They shut the stream down for the night
Should be up in a couple hours, it's Easter Friday, and 7am at the moment
the stream is down cauz it's 6 in the goddamn morning over there you idiots.
Shia's an idiot. But he won't broadcast himself 24/7
I won't be satisfied until someone spray paints "fug #Divided xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" on the side of the cabin and posts pics.
It's 6:22AM... Maybe 7:22AM in Finland to be honest.
hwndu has been the biggest failure i've ever seen in general
Did a Finnbro go out there?
yeah I think they gave up on it
now they're hiding out in some cabin and its supposed to be art somehow
That's where he's "isolating" himself? That's ten times nicer than anywhere I've ever lived.
Also gib GPS pls I can't find it on google earth from those shitty pics.
Guess we should be beheading people then.
someone should make some noises near the cabin ... reeeeeeeee
God fucking damnit
>gib GPS pls
oh hey, there's a bottom half to that pic, whaddaya know
North Korea might get glassed by the end of the month.
post yfw you found out Shia was a furry yesterday after he sperged out
I was busy with classes and missed the crackdown.
I lol'd!
better post than mine so I deleted
One thing is for certain you can't just waltz in with a frog mask and act like you own the place
We sure it wasn't already copypasta before shia ripped it?
Can't wear a mask in a museum mate.
Some user would have tipped the local cartel that Shia is the guy who ripped them off last week and he would have gotten drive-by'd
Let's make him go there!
Starts at 1am MST kind of uneventful thus far
Unsure if it is actually but he is 100% looking at furry stuff.
It's in Sweden, just hide it under your burka.
North Korea might get glassed by the end of the week.
Would a Good Friday or Easter Sunday nuking be appropriate? Start a holy war on the most important holiday in Christianity.
>Shia is a twink furry
Really knocks around my almonds.
I double dare him
I think that might become a "SWEDEN NO" Situation.
c'mon this isn't real right guys?
You bust out the frog mask after you get in the cabin
Looks like it.
I'm sure if we were there it'd smell like it.
Fucking this.
>captains log
there seems to be no sign of intelligent yiffs anywhere.
How exactly does this prove he's a furfag? How do those tweets relate to him?
thats far as fuck tho, and there aren't even 2k people living near that area
but maybe someone will make a roadtrip
Holy fuck don't tell me he actually is a damn furry. That'll open up so much trolling on him he's going to forget about the Pepes.
Just stop user you aren't helping his situation.
He Took a shotgun so maybe people don't wanna go pay him surprise visits in the middle of nowhere where police won't go??? Just a thought.
Why do these threads keep getting deleted?
I'm afraid that trolling can kill.
He's a hollywood kid.
He probably was abused.
Instable guy from my perspective.
Maybe a litteral faggot.
I wouldn't mess too much with him.
I get the lols but the guy seems at an all time low.
His face was filling with sorrow and desperation as more and more MAGA hats were entering the cabin.
What are gunlaws like where he is?
I genuinely want to know, I don't know what's been going on. I haven't really been following it since after the flag. All I know is it's an art exhibit with him and 2 other people in operate cabins in Finland. I don't know why that text from the tweet is on the screen or how it proves he's a furry
this season fucking sucked goddamn
>implying Shia is man enough to use it except on himself
I don't know man, he's becoming a cornered animal even if he's being run ragged by red hats and frogs.
He will NEVER forget about Pepes: I'll make sure of that.
He's in for a world of hurt though.
>tfw Shia is lurking right now to try to get ahead on what evils we're planning to unleash upon him next
It's not a 24 hour stream
It runs when the museum is open
I'm guessing it may not be open today because it's Easter Friday, or it might be open late.
The event is still going, and we still have a month's worth of opportunity to fuck with him.
>Shia is a fucking furry
> when Sup Forums is slowly turning shia into a lefty hitler.
This is how the jews started fucking hitler up because of his art m8.
Damn think of the ramifications if Shia were to go both barrels on a frogposter though.
>mfw he literally divides us
Considering he's a lefty and is part of (((Hollywood))) I wouldn't be surprised if a billion rats suddenly came out of that cuckshed walls of his to form a lawyer with a super schnoz not a moment after it happens.
The thumbnail looks like he has a small dog head.
Look at the date you fucking moron
Pretty sure this faggot just steals everyone's quotes, do you really think he knows what he's talking about in the slightest?
I don't know about that. It has made some of the most consistent memes and real world shitposting that I have seen sence Trump.
>step 1: buy a (shia-" is that a tiny speaker")
^a bluetooth speaker^
>step 2: buy some black duck tape!
>step 3: hide behind your fellow user
> step 3.5; get frog man to run around the room and get the guards distracted and normies out of the way!
>step 4: set speaker to low but still high enuf to hear it
>step 5: duck tape it to hide it better!
>step 6: !Shadilay!
(in the museum)
should someone try to message colin?
The date of the tweet you dumb gook, shia said all that shit today.
kek furfag is just mad white people are waking up and theres no place for yiffing jews in the future.
Do you people not care about who you hurt? Really? Does it not occur to you that if you were in the same position, you'd cry. You'd become depressed. You would FEEL, you already feel, but you just suppress the pain and cause others pain to forget your own.
Please, stop.
Furries need to be gassed first
Video made me kek because I can relate
Just as I said, you're trying to dismiss the pain through diversion. Stop lying to yourself, you've been manipulated and programmed to think these people are your friends when they're not.
no yeah you are right. atleast I'm not going to troll him. and anyways personally he doesn't seem like a bad guy, he's just confused like all of us. why shouldn't he have peace? if anyone of us were in his situation we'dve seppukud long ago, #leaveshialone
He certainly is trying to hold his own
He should apologise and admit he was wrong first.
He never started any conflict.
We are Chaos cultists who worship happenings. What makes you think we care about a pathetic cuck like Shia?
Shia was designated as our sacrifice: we won't stop until he is memed into oblivion.
Sounds like literally all of the progressive jewry pertaining to slimes and niggers.
You've embraced a collective mindset, and a collective group cannot have any feelings of itself, it is the individual who possesses it. Does your collective care for Shia? Your collective does not care. Should you? You should. Sociopathy is what holds society back, it is what caused atrocities such as the Holodomor to happen
not everyone follows waht fucking shia is doing and on whatever form of virtual interaction he's doing it on, christ. skepticism is healthy, especially when it's a charge as heavy as being a goddamn furry. you may as well call someone a raper, which is slander if you can't prove it beyond a shadow of doubt
he said all of that today, down to the intonations of shit grammar and punctuation? really? or did he copy paste it?
guys... what if we can't find him?
But I'm not in that position because my beliefs aren't retarded and I'm not a virtue signaling faggot. All he needs to do os stop shilling for liberal elites and jews. He could easily fade into obscurity with his ZOGbux and live a good life, but he won't.
By BTFOing shia we are demoralizing commies and muds everywhere.
More like 8:42AM