Why are niggers still in the USA and not back in Africa?
Why are niggers still in the USA and not back in Africa?
too busy turning america into africa
Isn't Leafland literally pajeet and mohammed and chang land right now?
in the east it's turning muhammad
in west it's turning chang
pajeet is distributed evenly
Why did that one take off all her clothes?
Lincoln tried to send them back after the civil war but he got assassinated before he could do anything about it
Because some monumental retard just had to shoot the fucking president.
>"Martyred President Abraham Lincoln was fervently making plans to send all freed slaves to the jungles of Central America once the war was over," the Internet posts say. "Knowing that African society would never allow the slaves to return back to Africa, Lincoln also did not want the slaves in the U.S. He thought the jungles of Central America would be the best solution and conducive to the freed slaves best interest. The only thing that kept this from happening, was his assassination."
Because the pure-bred spear chuckers don't want our niggers back. See: Liberia.
why does she have a penis?
Why did he take his clothes off? Literally no reason to do that
>dat high af nigga fighting in slow mo at the end
that would be a good robbing technique
Look like a girl then when you punch you do it with the force of a man
>I now just FOUND OUT the reason for this fight
oh user you didn't even see the dongle.
Somebody needs to enhance that img.
Because of John Wilkes Boothe?
Damn, these dude were struggling fighting against women. Sad.
look close
Friendly reminder that there needs to be a revolt of vitalism, and that the cities should be destroyed in fire.
in black culture does this mean they are married now?
we all come here to shit post but no need to make me cry user
I live in chicago and even our trains arent this black. Where the fuck is this?
I jerked off to that part. Just thought you should know.
there is no welfare in Africa.
This is now a nigger hate thread
Wherever the niggers go, they bring Africa with them. Also, great fuckin' vid. I used to have long hair. Now I don't because I've seen what niggers do.
These threads always make me crave cuckold porn.
Have you taken the trains south? Take them south. Watch where all the white people get off, then wait around to find out why they got off.
This could be Chicago, DC, or maybe New York. Unless you can tell me for sure it's not Chicago, I'm going to continue thinking it's Chicago.
>African vs African-American
Who'd win?
probably this guy
The actual African
Most likely won't shoot sideways, no clothing so won't trip over low hanging pants or worry about getting shoes dirty, has probably already shot and killed seven babies and three grown men
Jesus, how uncouth.
Bare-ass naked and still swinging, savages.
before or after he blows his head off?
he's a real nigga, so he'll probably just take out all three at once
the digits don't lie
I've got a feeling this is staged, bro. How the fuck does a buff-looking male fight a woman for over a minute and not completely destroy her? Why do her clothes all conveniently pop off?
call them Africans, not African American.
Watch what happens.
the creature he is fighting with has a dick
melting pot
I'd fuck it because it's got a dick.
Least you know it's got your back in a fight lol.
Because we built this country and every ancient civilization. White people have only been on top since you started cheating (through slavery, opression, colonization,etc.).
Fucking retard, if he shot that AT-4 like that the blowback would kill his nigger ass
how did she even manage to get naked during a fight
what the fuck
and as soon as the black guy starts losing, the other black jump in to stop it.
i hate this world.
This video kills the clammo
>fight a woman
>her clothes
they're still in USA so they can culturally appropriate white accomplishments
Best post in here so far. You will attract lots of sex vaginal or otherwise with views or skills such as yours
There were four men fighting in this video.
lol, you think that was jumping in?
you know what I meant
the dude with the tits
One of the was less man that the rest
This is now my favorite webm.
African dude for sure. Probably been killing people since he was 8 as a child soldier
Fuck I hate Sup Forums's file size limit and no audio webm faggotry. We should do a parallel thread in /wsg/ I have some good nigger hate thread webms
the nice thing is that from what i see blacks generally live in segregated areas of town thanks to public housing. i'd love to live in a nice white american suburb with no niggers and the only mexicans around doing yardwork. that would be the dream.
No. One man with tits and three betty crockers
>"social experiment"
>proves niggers steal
you sof t if think thats jumpin in, looked like he was out after the slam
>0:36 tits are hanging out, has a split second of down time, chooses to adjust hair instead
>2 people start fighting, then 10 more join just because it's an excuse to chimp out
>men losing to women
>onlookers grinning and filming
sheeeeeeit. imagine the smell in that place.
Wow blacks really do steal bikes
Felt violated watching that video.
I grew up in a poor neighborhood. One nigger I knew had stolen well over 400 bikes. He'd go up to the Target where wealthy white people would stop because it was along the biking/walking trail from their neighborhood to the artsy town-within-a-city place. He took bolt cutters and would just cut their lock off and take it.
For a second there I wondered why he was pouring water as the guy was pretty much fucking dead already after the previous immolation and the dozen bricks he got in his head.
Then I realized it was just preparation for round two. Any backstory? Why did they do this?
How is that jumping in? the guy was out.
lol, seriously, what did he do that was so heinous to deserve that? steal a chicken?
>back story
>reason why they do this?
Well, usually there's a trigger.
You misspelled nigger
It's been quite a few years since I saved this but if I remember correctly, it was indeed a case of theft (whether true or not I'm not sure.) There's so many videos of necklacings/immoliations that I may be getting it mixed up
Cause dis land is blood balls be gee 4 200 years dos dos land belongs to blacks
u mad whyte boi?
3 v 1 (and at one point the guy steps in to help) and they still can't take this lass down. lel
theres two stories I hear from this, either he was A: gay, or B: stole
>and the world got one nigger less greater that day
Listen to this at the same time for maximum lulz
This one even makes me a bit squeamish. Treating an infant like, even if it's a niglet, is simply monsterous.
no kfc there
white people would
let me tell you an interesting fact about the coon bath which is the only way they wash, they literally fill up a filthy garbage bin and bathe in it.
My friends does the maintenance for the government houses they live in, which is that house in the picture. They all look shitty like that and are covered in human filth, fecal matter, urine and god knows what else. They so are so fucking dumb and stupid they tear out the wood from the house to burn at night. One day my friends company got sick of the coons destroying their own house and blaming the white workers for not fixing it in time.
So they drilled holes into every abo bath, they couldn't bathe for months and had to be chemically cleansed because water didn't clean off their stink anymore.
"oooh not near the curb!" was my reaction. I got empathy, even for dindus.
The same niggers that killed him went on to lose to a tranny in OP video everybody in here is loving to ignore
Literal fucking Darwinism in action.
It's amazing Abos even survived until the white man came. They are so astoundingly stupid, it's a wonder they could survive in such a harsh environment.
Feel good story of the year lmao
This one is pure rage porn. Really gets you fired up for the DOTR