Israel - you've been bigoted xenophobes for too long. When will you join the West and open your borders to the joys and wonders of multikulti?



israel should continue to be the only ethnostate

please get this trending.


LMAOOOOOO why do they have all pointy heads?


I'd bang that short little tub

She looks fun


Number 5 looks like the one who raped Bill Clinton







This is pretty good if we can tag blm whith these we may get traction, make up a story how the Israelis threw bananas at you and your family when visiting ISRAEL and called you goyim

We Jews are a separate race from Caucasian-Whites. We are the Jewish race. How dare you threaten the state of Israel. We must have a place for our own people!

We Jews cannot possibly expect to survive unless we acquire more land. It was promised by God himself. We must destabilize EVERY country that surrounds us with our US Govt military.

There's plenty of videos like that, even when a white man brings a cameraman with him and asks simple questions; they all jeer and try to run them out of town. A whole mob forms as if they are trying to hide something in the streets. Just Youtube search anything you can imagine.





No wonder Jewish men never marry Jewish women.

Kek. Nice trips btw.

Jews need to check their Jewrat privilege and hire more non-Jews into banking, Hollywood, and publication.

Glorious, keep going

Why do you retards have to put pepe or some bullshit meme into everything you do? It's not going to get anywhere if you do this.








An average Israeli hates the Jews on the right more than pol hates niggers





bumping this thread
for great justice





Kek. Fuck Jews though, seriously.

pic related

This is a good idea but stop making them so obvious.





Nobody here cares for kikes. You are Bastards and is an honour for your people to be cuckold.




Shut the fuck up schlomo. This is a NO JEW/ISRAELI THREAD


I like your attitude.

I fully support this. I hope all the Canadians and Australian posters will too :)




Never. Ben-Gurion purged the country of Marxist Jews while Israel was still young and half the Jewish population consists of resentful and revanchist Mizrahis who still hate Arabs for running them out of their homes in the 50s and 60s.




Funny how the only pregnant woman is also the most fuckable...that better be a baby though, its the one before the last

uh.. r-roll... i guess


I think I would've been a great Nazi camp guard

Israel beating the shit out of the arabs when they were so much stronger than Israel has given in the right to survive.







They definitely need to open their borders. If they want to push this (((diversity))) bullshit, they can lead by example. Cultural enrichment would only make Israel a better place... right?


This movement is dead. The wall is a hit. Suck it stormfaggots.


>tfw "multiculturalism" backfires


No to everyone except the second from the right.

I would even do number 4, and first on the right, except I just know they have fucking terrible personalities. The one in the middle with the big ass head seems she like she has a nice little body, but I cannot get past the fucking McLovin face.


>Israel is for everyone
This is a good one actually




>creamy seeds of African and Arab men
wtf kek


i support this

fake and gay


Don't like this one because it makes refugees look like women and children, when it's almost always men
Like this kek

some Sup Forums loser spent time making these

I've never visited that cancerous site. Storefront is like Dave Duke - cancer on everything it touches