Has Trump abandoned the alt right?
Has Trump abandoned the alt right?
he wants the george w bush audience.
Millionaire globalist here. When the fuck is that orange retard cutting my taxes?
there was no alt right to begin with.
What the fuck is an "alt right"?
the alt right was never a political party to begin with, let alone a stance.
WHO IS THIS Sup Forums
Do you even know what the alt-right even means? Seems like no one on this board does. Makes me laugh when a non-white claims to be alt right.
he never was with you
Yup he doesn't need them anymore.
seems like hes on track to do so since he could just placate towards the neocons to get the adoration he so seems to desire.
So why pander to the alt right when one can get more love and adoration much more easily from other republican groups instead?
>people who pay more will save more from cuts
wow, amazing. Also what's more interesting and relevant is savings of total people in each bracket, not per person
richard spencer's group, he's not as bad as you people think.
fuck what a bunch of cucks. Trump is gunna launch a bunch of wars. You just know. Right wing retards love war.
>implying he ever gave a shit about a bunch of lonely basement autists
He never supported it in the first place
>piggie posting
has communism ever succeeded?
>the alt right
You mean that thing that was made up which we never liked or identified with in the first place?
He's going to blow up Venezuela and you'll be all "ablooo blooo blooo" it'll be funny.
guess again
I didn't say invade, I said blow up.
>drumpf has less than 1% chance of winning the election
C'mon, I'm sure the pollsters learned their lessons and everybody's being really careful and accurate now. Surely.
No. He's a lil more preoccupied with stoking wars against Syria and NK. Oil price is gunna skyrocket and u retards will be paying $5/gallon just like u did under Bush.
>drumpf has less than 1% chance of winning the election
was not a poll
you're a retard
we meme'd him into office, we can meme him out
if he takes us for granted, and disassociates from us, we should destroy him
drill baby drill
nice try shareblue
back to your discord with you now, go on, get!
Right wing retards can't argue facts so they whine like bitches about the source.
Trump never supported the all-right
>Has Trump abandoned the alt right?
He abandoned his supporters, his base. He is a double-crosser. He was the snake we let in.
>we meme'd him into office, we can meme him out
>/leftypol/ meme
Trump never was altright
>he legitimately fell for the meme
you got rekt bro
the russian narrative died so they have to say trump abandoned his base now to stir shit up
Yep. Funny thing is that he has fucked himself for 2020. The boomer neocohns will be dying off and he will not make up the loss with youth who were his "alt-right" supporters. So he will lose to whatever bastard mulatto Dems can scrape together for the next election.
He never supported the alright alright alriiiight
Sorry but you are an idiot
After all this time after the election and you still can't accept that the bicth lost?
Go ahead and cry for the witch
Every day the same shit KYS
So frustrated and angry Leaf