If American schools are shit tier, how come is America so powerful?
If American schools are shit tier, how come is America so powerful?
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Minorites drag down the numbers.
White majority schools are fine.
because schools are run at the state level
private schools
Because our universities, which are the best in the world, make up for it. Just don't attend liberal arts classes and you'll be fine.
He gave the nig nog what he deserved, better the big whitey or chinkey than a cop with a gun.
I really like this webm. Did he die or just pass out? Looks like big kid could have snapped his neck with that yank.
Minorites and whites drag down the numbers.
east asian majority schools are fine.
>how come is America so powerful?
Because they won WW2, largely through subterfuge, and they made sure they would benefit from it for a long, long time.
America pays and accepts intellectuals from all over the world. Being a first world with liberal laws is very alluring for any outsider with an IQ above 100.
This, obviously.
Story on that webm? Did he actually kill that nig?
>Because they won WW2, largely through subterfuge
Yeah--Canada and the other Anglosphere nations took no part in that obviously. Simmer down, America Jr.
He died.. this video is nearly a decade old. The big kid got a life sentence. It was big news a while back. Tons of outrage when the middle schooler was sentenced to life in prison. Story died out for a while until the big kid made news again after being involved in a jailbreak. He used a plastic spork to jam his cell door from closing. He then slipped out the front door wearing a guard uniform.
Top kek. This is fake news unless I've been living under a rock. I'm 30 and don't remember this story.
He passed out temporarily.
bull shit.
i guarantee the little nigger was fucking with the big dude a bunch before this happened
you dont pass out that fast mate
>not knowing Danny "the barbarian" Jordan
>nearly a decade old
Bullshit. You can clearly see one of the kids recording with a modern smartphone.
He wasn't yanking hard enough to snap the dudes neck; he was basically just holding him in one place until he went limp. The only way that he could have sustained serious injury is if he landed really hard on his head which I don't see any indication of that. I also don't remember any big story about this like user indicated:
You literally pass out in seconds in a good chokehold
american public schools are shit tier, not higher education
Because America gets all the intelligent people in the world. America probably won't fill its necessary doctors without such people coming into the US. (Most of lower paying medical specialties like psych and family medicine are filled with non-US citizens. American medical graduates won't even bother going there because of lower income. Same goes for many natural science/engineering fields)
Not enough school shooting to keep the tolerance and diversity accepted.
you want to know how diversity doesnt work? Go to a diverse high school. Whites stuck with whites. Blacks stuck with blacks and Mexicans stuck with Mexicans. Mexicans would always start race riots with blacks because they have no white guilt and dont give a fuck about black people problems just like blacks dont give a fuck about Mexican problems.
It was basically like a prison yard( you stick with your kind). Sure there was times groups would talk to each other but it was mostly mexicans and whites. yes american schools are shit tier....
high school graduate from a southern California school here
Because schools test your ability to regurgitate what you've been told to believe, not your actual intelligence.
minorities drag down the numbers
white or asian majority schools are fine
iPhones came out in 2007/8
We still have a little bit of God's blessing, but even that is dying as we continue to embrace secular atheism and degeneracy.
I graduated over a decade ago in a Southern Indiana high school in a "city" with a population of 19k. There were like 4 black kids and they were all bro tier and the handful of Mexicans we had all kept to themselves and didn't associate with anyone else. I had a few white trash buddies that would fuck with them by kicking the door in on them while they were taking a shit or pulling their pants down when they weren't looking (which had everyone laughing). I'm glad that I didn't grow up in California.
We have the best universities in the world, thats why we dominate. Also you high schools and elementary schools are excellent, but since our country is so big, there are some really shitty ones. Its not an epidemic, its just that shitty poor areas have shitty schools.
Nigger detected
Yeah 4 niggers. Try going to a school full with niggers. Yeah it's good you didn't go to school in so cal the beaners wouldn't take your nigger shit.
Mad digits. Praise KEK!
That nigger got rekt.
it makes me laugh americans...the only reason why I hang out on Sup Forums, is to try to wake you young fuckers up
if your in jail in america, how does it matter how "quote/unquote" powerful america is, if you dont get to see sunlight
how does it matter, how powerful america is, if you dont have a job
how does it matter, how powerful america is, if you have to work 60 hours per week and cant afford health care
you might think you are american, you may act like you are america, you may want to be american, but those fuckers are at the 1%
the rest of you dumb fucks are just wannabes
all you american slaves get the scrapes from slaves of another country
american 1% so powerful, because you dumb fucks gave up all your power
good job idiots
>If American schools are shit tier, how come is America so powerful?
largest concentration of anglo white people in one country with oceans on both sides
>how come is America so powerful?
Because America imports the most intelligent foreigners from India, China, and the rest of the world. America is run by non-Americans. Your tech company CEOs are Indians. Your scientists are Chinese.
I guess he..
blacked out.
Its fine, it lacks the forceful nature of other nations and other nations have cultures that value school more, like japan.
Those who say they didn't learn shit though are faggots who weren't in the advanced classes. Normal classes = daycare for the minorities.
because oil.
If Russia didn't make the retarded decision to go and attempt to conquer some middle shithole and played smart, maybe it could have been the world's superpower. But the u.s won through proxy wars and conquer the middle east with impunity on a lie and now we have all the oil we could ever wan't, but it's not going to stay like this forever.
Because we import all our good scientists. The US isn't really good at much in reality. However, it excels at identifying and nurturing talent, foreign or domestic.
American private schools and Ivy league universities are the best in the world for the simple reason that the highest wages attract the best teachers in the world.
Their top 1% is really made from the best on the planet, not the country.
iphones didn't have video recording capability till the 3rd iteration plus the quality was ass, clearly iphone 6 and older becasue of the high framerate, kys shit bag
You do if he cuts off your jugular, fuckboy.
This and the fact that USA is a really good place to live if you are rich and poorfags are brainwashed into thinking it somehow benefits them as well. Seriously, if you are poor and in USA, you're an idiot. Of you are rich and in Europe, you should really consider going to USA. Countless people did it, starting from Murdoch, through Houser brothers ending at Elon Musk.
schools make a country powerful?
wtf kind of sense does that make?
Rear naked chokes cut off blood flow to the brain which makes you black out within seconds. It works by pinching the jugular on both sides of the neck.
If the choke hold is done right you will pass out fucking fast
They are so fine in fact, that states like California cut the budget of white majority schools and give the surplus to the beaner infested schools, muh equality.
>reddit spacing
sometimes i space out my points for greater impact. it helps get my message across better
people that say shit like "reddit spacing" are newfag redditers who are trying to fit in
tl;dr gb2 reddit you fucking faggot
Surely your filename should be "a woman who happens to be Mexican", or better not posted at all. There are plenty of beautiful latinas.
Yes you do.
t. chokehold victim
In USA people tend to run all over other people in the name of competition, they foster a being ambitious culture.
>how come is America so powerful?
It is?
Maybe so but they dont come el norte.
A Wetbag is must likely to go to college than a nigger.
did he die? does that twisting the neck thing from action movies work?
lol nice try shitbag, whatever helps ya get through the day.
>America is run by non-Americans. Your tech company CEOs are Indians. Your scientists are Chinese.
And their nobel prize winners are Jewish.
reality right there. Any country dominated by shitskins is almost always garbage, im sure there are exceptions.
hahaha good one muhammad!
Yeah you do. Had to choke a guy out at a party for being too belligerent.
Because of American Jews
Inb4 butthurt stormniggers
It's the truth that you can't deny
KEK here's your You
and a blessing
I've always wondered about this. When I was getting my education degree here, there was a joke which went around that the only thing you learn from the US education system were the three R's: racism, recycling, and reproduction.
Still doesn't explain why the system is such shite nationwide.
Feels good to be the true master race.
no refutation? lmao americowards at it finest
>If American schools are shit tier
America has some of the best schools in the world. You just have to pay a ton of money to attend them.
Half a century of robbing the world of its wealth does the trick
I like this story.
american schools are babysitters, they import skilled labor from shithole countries to do easy jobs that they say non americans are willing to do, not to mention the drugs that they flood our country with
Lost against
name the us president who is a jew?
there is an open war against america and europe but people are to blind and distracted to see it
Triggered? :^)
WW2 gave us the industry to be a powerful super power to bad we ruined it in the 70's with outsourcing
That webm was fucking awesome, that was some Nathan Drake shit!
slovenia at it again, lol cry more u bby
Also, of course the fucking long haired blonde kid has the most empathy in the room. None of the niggers leaped to check on him.
>Asian in America
>not a minority
Kek. It's like you aren't from this country or something
bc you are controlled by jews, your country is big and useful for (((them)))
We're coasting on fumes. Europe is no different. Demographic decline is going to sink Western Civilization sooner rather than later.
Mad cause we reached the moon first.
No wealth out of me so no tears, just calling out the kikery at play and goyim buying it
I also find it fascinating how new world mongrels tend to identify with their government even though they have no say in what it does, must be because they lack any other concrete identity
You also reached 56% first lmao
You don't seem to understand that America operates on a caste system and that, provided you have the money, you can have access to the finest schooling on the planet
Private schools and public schools in wealthy areas are quite good
building wall you dense mexinigger
Most of the bad schools are in the city. The MSM panders almost exclusively to city and suburban liberals. Remember that second point for everything people start to panic over.
You won't find a single Asian majority school outside of Hawaii. Hell, I'm not even sure you can find one IN Hawaii.
Wait a minute, wasn't the Space Shuttle American? Is that a bait image?
The Federal Government appropriated more than 50% of its budget towards the military and defense. The rest gets divided among education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc
>pic related