Clearly, the JEW-Puppet supports ISIS.
What a measly, miserable COWARD Trump is!
While the Syrian Arab Army sheds its blood trying to destroy ISIS with Russia’s determined, sacrificial help, Trump BOMBS them.
What a miserable COWARD Trump is!
He’s a LIAR who went against everything he promised during his campaign about not doing “regime change.”
The homo-enabler, Rex Tillerson, is a miserable piece of garbage. Flip flops for the JEWS within 6 days.
Jared Kushner, the JEW, Runs the Show!
You could see it coming:
Netanyahu visits Trump; IsraHell bombs Syria; Netanyahu demands buffer zones into the Golan Heights; Tillerson says Assad can stay; Some kind of false flag occurs regarding a ‘chemical attack’ in Idlib; The Jew-owned MSM blames Assad sans any proof; The Pentagon (war criminals’ Mattis and McMasters) concurs and Trump buys the JEW LIE; Tillerson caves; Trump BOMBS Syria. Tillerson flip flops and says Assad must go; The Jews applaud!
Bottom Line: Trump supports ISIS and fights the foes of ISIS, Syria and Russia.
KUSHNER, the Jew Globalist WINS; Bannon, the American Nationalist, (and many of Trump’s supporters), LOSE.
It’s ALL for the Jews. Trump represents JEWRY’s interests, NOT America’s.
Kushner and his tribe don’t care about “terrorists” as long as they can be used (and created) to serve IsraHell’s interests of destroying the “Axis of Resistance” to Zionist hegemony in the Middle East: Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah’s military arm, Hezbollah. (No, NOT a “terrorist” group as the Jew-owned State Dept. labels them.)