This case made me sick. Anyone have anything worse? Of course they made a race "case" about it too since the perps were black
Most brutal killings in history
Other urls found in this thread:
The official police report stated that six black men driving two vans committed the robbery. Roberts and another man remained with the cars and two others loaded the vans, while Pierre and Andrews tortured and killed the victims. However, detectives only had enough evidence to convict Pierre, Andrews and Roberts. Ogden Police Department Officer Delroy White, who was a detective when he worked the case, observed: "Andrews was the brains behind the whole deal, the one who organized it [...] Pierre was the enforcer."[4]
The Asian guy that cut some random dudes head off in canada
I gotchu senpai.
Was humiliated by being kept naked most of the time
Was raped every day in both vagina and anus. More than 100 men are believed to have raped her – the captor with Yakuza connections is said to have invited other Yakuza members to have a go at a 16 year old. She’s estimated to have gone through about 500 rapes. At one point she was raped by 12 different men in one day
Endured physical beatings included hits with golf clubs and bashing of face against cement floor
The 100 men who are believed to have raped her had also reportedly enjoyed urinating on the girl
Frequently, in order to turn her rapists on, she was forced to masturbate in front of them and/or their guests
Had various objects forced into her vagina and anus, including a bottle, an iron bar, scissors, roasting needles, grilled chicker skewers, etc.
Was provided with only limited supply or food or water
Was forced to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine
Had fireworks forced up her ass and set them off, causing serious burns
Had her left nipple ripped off with pliers
Had dumbbells dropped on her stomach while laid on the floor with hands and feet tied up – this resulted in loss of bowel control
Was hanged from the ceiling and used as boxing bag
Was kept in a freezer for several hours
Had eye lids burned with hot wax and lighters
Had breasts pierced with sewing needles
Had her vagina and clitoris burnt with cigarettes and lighters
Had hot, lit on bulb inserted into her vagina and rubbed until it exploded inside
Junko Furuka case, BTW.
Here are two links that demonstrate media lying to hype mythical white serial killers as they cover up or defend black brutality.
"The NAACP demanded that Pierre and Andrews' death sentences should be revoked because of racial bias at the trial. They noted that the defendants were both black, and the victims and jury were all white."
That counts as racism now?
I heard about those killings from Nutnfancy
Toolbox murders.
South African farm attacks. Don't look them up before bed. Seriously.
The peaceful nonviolent freedom fighters drilled this guy's head, but he didn't die, so they put his head in a tabletop mounted wood vise and crushed it till it exploded.
Black privilege
>Live in country surrounded by the most violent people on the planet who hate you because of your skin colour
>Don't own guns
>Don't own guard dogs
>Don't hang jingle bells on every door and window
excuse me are you forgetting the holocaust? 6 million jews were gassed to death by adolf hitler. nothing will ever be more brutal than that. 6 billions jews, murdered, for no reason. you fucking anti-semite.
buy these true crime books extremely graphic with lots of detail and pictures I think you can find them for less than a $1 online best books about the subject you will ever find.
Jesus Christ
Who the fuck does this shit? this is beyond any mental illness one can have.
Indeed, it downright ruined my night senpai. why did i read this shit.. yet its fascinating tho
Nothing makes me quite as angry as whats happening in south africa