Bend over goyim
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At least i voted for Hillary
fuck Drumpf
i voted for trump i feel ripped off lying kike. fuck hillary too
hope your wife's son's autism keeps him out of the draft
>implying men, not brainwashed saps fight for the jews
liberate NK
And OP may be a fag
>goes into Syria
Why did I vote for this conman
now I feel much better that my absentee ballot got delivered too late
Shut the fuck up nigger
here we go
gotta keep the right wing retards entertained while the rich get another round of tax cuts
here'a few more trillion down the drain
Fucking leaf, go fuck yourself. Go pick up a brick and ram your ass with it til you die. You brainless fucking leaf nigger, you know nothing, zip, jack shit. You gigantic fucking failure. Everything about you and your life is a joke. This is why nobody respects you, you have the cognitive function of a child, but won't shut the fuck up with your moronic opinions on everything. Have you not read a thing in 25 years related to Asia? Are you being deliberately retarded? It's a shame your mother squatted over and dumped you out 16 years ago, when she could just have easily laid down in the road and been flattened. Or better yet, not have spread her roast flaps for Tyrone and his crew, her sweaty beef guzzling dark cum like your mouth does in your spare time. You thick faggot cunt, I hope the US Navy saves one tomahawk for your loose ass, at least we know it would take out a bukkake squad of muslims in the process of wiping your dumb ass off the earth. Fuck off.
>goes into Syria
Why did I vote for this conman"
He's stated several fucking times at his rallies that he intended to "bomb the hell out of ISIS."
>he's not a conman, you're just retarded.
Fighting the Syrian army =/= fighting ISIS
maybe take the fat jew cock out of your mouth for one second and figure out who really benefits from this shit
Only he never said anything about going after Assad. Tillerson has already spilled the beans about regieme change in Syria being a priority. this goes against his campaign promise to stop the US toppling governemnts. trump is a fucking liar neo con stooge.
Didn't he promise to send in ground troops to fight ISIS? Why do shills mixup his promises? If he uses those troops to fight Assad, then it's a promise broken
>Vote for the candidate that openly supported Israel all along the campaign trail
He didn't abandon you; he was never with you to begin with.
>may (not actually)
>literally who source
is this for real?
On the one hand, this is kind of troubling information. On the other hand, it's on Zerohedge.
I would laugh at americans openly in the street if the get into a major war in Syria.
>We're going to bomb ISIS
>Whoops I mean remove Assad instead
>H-he didn't lie y-your just retarded
>trump ran on how bush fucked up iraq
>continues and expands his mistakes
>1 post by this ID
did he get scared?
f...f...four dimensional chess
> 89 dimensional dungeons and dragons
This is what the controversy with Flynn and Bannon is really about.
The deep state and their neocon friend McMaster want Trump to be W 2.0, a goy puppet they will pump and dump to enact their unpopular decisions.
Well Trump apparently doesn't want to but the deep state and his (((advisors))) do.
The source is Mike Cernovich and Eli Lake from Bloomberg.
You'd have to be dumb as a brick at this point not to realize those 2 have inside sources.
cernovich is a spook for sure. came from nowhere with limited hangout A-B testing and is getting massive press
I'll believe it when I see it, so until it happens, it's just more CTR shillfag talk from cunts like yourself who all need to commit suicide ASAP.
Really, just go fucking die now.
see you in hell
I think what's going on is that Trump or someone close is filtering stories through to him so that the original source is disguised.
The most obvious source would be Donald Trump Jr.
>i voted for trump i feel ripped off lying kike. fuck hillary too
Yeah it feels like a scam. Ended up being the same thing but took longer. The whole reason I wanted Trump instead of Hillary was to not deal with stupid wars.
best goy
I wasn't aware ISIS operated out of Syrian airfields.
His hand was forced on that somewhat and we don't have all the details.
Trump is based
Remove the butcher Assad, that animal must ne tried and put to death
ya. i would feel like an idiot except it literally does not matter.
Fuck off ISIS supporter
How big is your nose?
Jesus Christ, you guys believe anything that is anti-Trump now?
Eh, the checking of numbers is a time honored tradition for Sup Forums. You must be a nufag yourself. But many of the other points stand; anyone that trusts Trump (or anyone in politics) is a bluepilled retard. I'm not ready to give up on Trump completely but let's face it, our main purpose for him was to shift the overton window. Trump was never far right enough for our political views, but he was outrageous enough to allow us to once again speak our minds. This goal has been accomplished, albeit it has produced some extreme division among people, it is a necessary evil. I hope he doesn't cuck out to the kikes/globalists/etc but it was always a risk.
>Voting for any american president
Nice try Mehmet.
hehe thats riggt goyim die for Israel mehehehheheheehagqhegagag.
*plots nearby*
>find article on fringe news site
>post it to rile their jimmies
nice bait
>The deep state and their neocon friend McMaster want Trump to be W 2.0, a goy puppet they will pump and dump to enact their unpopular decisions.
>his (((advisors)))
>The whole reason I wanted Trump instead of Hillary was to not deal with stupid wars.
Ok... And?