Oy vey , he' s our good little goy now

Oy vey , he' s our good little goy now

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Trompas BTFO yet again.

Day of the rope/rake when?


Burgercucks failing yet again.

>muh guns
>muh we will clean up (((Washington DC)))
>does nothing

ah fuck. i guess we have to kill trump now

Its 86th dimensional Jumanji

trump is a good boy now. good boy trump! sit trump! roll over trump! theres a good boy!

trump is faggot

Yeah this faggot general said the same thing.


>He never really knew where the Trump administration “would move in terms of America’s global leadership” and the republic’s “historic traditional role to help stabilize the world”. He feared, explained this military deity, that Trump might “pull back and be more isolationist.”
>He then said “but that’s over” and during the last week the Trump administration showed that it is “reassuming the protection of U.S. interests and the interests of our allies.“
>He went on to express his regret over the time that had been wasted by “lot of debate” about that non-interventionism stuff. That debate, the almighty military god then declared, is ended, adding “that is a fact”, and that non-interventionism is “no longer a debatable subject.”

Trump's cucked.

>the republic’s “historic traditional role to help stabilize the world”
This part especially made me laugh

Getting out of business with our best ally in the Middle East is the cucked option.

My mom calls him that


Lel, Trump's backtracks even more than Bibi.

>So assmad over your loss you have to pretend this was what you wanted all along
They're falling into delusion

Actually it's 99th trans-dimensional dungeons & dragons



I love it when Canadia Cucks laugh about Trump when they have Trudeau.

How the fuck does this dude continue to be elected into public office? Somebody please explain it to me. Just the sight of his fucking retarded name makes my jimmies start to rustle.

His main claim to fame is he said every bad thing that was possible about Obama during the Obama years, and this was just what Kentucky low-class white trash wanted to hear, so they kept re-electing him. McConnell though is classic establishment where he represents the 1% and above, but used racism to win over all the lowlife poor Kentuckians who are racist as fuck. Yet another state made up of a mostly obsolete meth-head electorate that just need to die off.

"My owners stole this country in 1913 and they're damn well gonna keep it."

right here

That sounds like it would take a ridiculous amount of time to even set up


>McConnell is the reason we have Justice Gorsuch
>By extension, since there were many people who only voted for Trump over the vacant SC seat, he's probably the reason we don't have President Clinton
>People still treat him like shit
Being a turtle is suffering

I do despise the direction his presidency is taking, but he's still a far better alternative than Clinton.

I'm keeping faith for now, but if there's no wall by 2020 I doubt I'll be supporting Trump.

thumbs up for kaiba.

Damn, thats brilliant.