Why are Asians so smart?
Among the smartest nations are almost only Asians.
Are they superior than whites?
Why are Asians so smart?
Among the smartest nations are almost only Asians.
Are they superior than whites?
The Asians are clearly a peer to whites, the only race comparable in intellect to our own.
They're superior to you abdul
Whites and Asians have Neanderthal DNA. Sub-Saharan Africans do not. Thats why they score at the bottom of the IQ chart and Whites and Asians score highest. Check it out, very interesting stuff.
it's the rice
it's called having more than multiple kids, if you have 10 children you'll have more chances of not raising a retard.
>among the smartest nations are almost only Asians
List them Muhammad.
This might be a thing. Whites and asians being the only races to have real civilizations capable of providing for 10+ children, it might have allowed for decent genetic combinations to flourish.
So colonialism was simply revenge for niggers wiping out the neanderthals.
Makes sense.
I refuse to ever say one race is superior to another. We're just better at different shit. There's no way I could eat the leg of another human being.
Because asian girls have the tightest pussies, when they give birth the children must pass through the tightest birth canal.
This forces the child to have the most compact, efficient brain when it is born. So when the child becomes adult sized, it basically has a 1.5x powerful brain (vaginal diameter ratio).
This also explains why fat fucking pussy nigger spawned nigglets are so fucking retarded.
>more than multiple kids
When in doubt, infinity +1
>all these europeans won a european prize wew
>europeans contributed to a european system of element notation wew
its a typo,
no bully boipussy.
asian countries have higher average iq because they dont have black people and white nations do
its really as simple as that
How many of those elements were discovered at universities dominated by asian students though, chief?
Majority of the elements were discovered well before any significant asian immigration or any trans-racial immigration at all.
Nice postmodernism.
>implying anyone other than whites or asians have contributed anything of meaning to civilization
Asian societies and white societies both instill discipline in children with strong family units. Confucism and Christianity both support a strong family. Africans don't.
More energy into the children = smarter children
This is actually most likely the truth... fuck
Asians are smart because they don't spend all of their free time bitching about the White bogeyman and how Massuh's out to get them everywhere they go.
Asians are just followers, repetitive, submissive, not smart
Holy shit that graph is overly complex to the point of being stupid. Impossible to understand what's going on.
>measuring racial intelligence with awards for discovery.
>measuring racial intelligence with a chart of elements
You're not even smart enough to know your own ignorance. You're only embarrassing yourself.
What the fuck is this thread.
>implying we wuz kangs
All the westernised asians end up becoming SJWs really quick thanks to university. It's the foreign ones that have to go back to their strict parents and uphold their honour that usually ignore that shit.
I seriously hope you don't actually believe any of that.
If china is so smart why cant they feed their own people, checmate
They work hard, they're practical, and they're backed up by a very dogged mindset which is partly cultural at least.
chinks are the idiot savants of humanity, high spatial iq but shit tier in every other regard: physically weak, no soul, no emotions, ugly etc...
doesn't even matter. discovering something has nothing to do with intelligence. you didn't have to be genius have discovered any of those elements.
Yeah, their leaders are so smart to the point that they are regulating their population by not feeding their own people (who are probably dissidents). Same thing goes with North Korea
native americans also have significantly more Neanderthal than whites or asians yet theyre stupid and homicidal.
>having to do with intellect
a fucking leaf
Why does this place go downhill every evening?
Honestly man... excluding shit from prehistory, pls elaborate on something pivotal contributed by nonwhites or non-east-asians.
arabs discovered algebra
Well that's because of their upbringing, aboriginals in Australia are very similar to Native Americans, drug and alcohol abuse, incest etc. The stolen generation and half-abos actually are far better off than natives abos here since they actually had a good and healthy upbringing, had great foster parents that taught them life skills, social etiquette, put them into school, got them jobs etc. and they still fucking nerve to complain about being separated from their degenerate subhuman dirt dwelling petro sniffing families.
Upbringing, I reckon. I don't want my bring down my ancestors. They had a hard time and struggled to pass on their offstring. I don't wanna fuck it up.
They lack of emotional intelligent. Sure, Europe has great inventors and scientist, but thus all is based on EI.
What the fuck?
It's takes a pretty good understanding of science to actually realise you've discovered a new element. Guessing you're a butthurt gook.
It's funny, as a Japanese-American, I went to uni a liberal and became a Monarchist after witnessing the vast retardation the left produces.
Tenno heika banzai!
Hm. True. Arabs built a lot of things on the backs of the Greeks (whose civilization they conquered.)
Now let's watch how Sup Forums willfully ignores reality when it's not convenient to them.
I blame their clergymen to their downfall. It's a sad thing to follow they used to be the center for math and science back then.
Americanized bastard no true Nippon-jin.
Am Asian; start beating your kids
No really, their test scores will skyrocket
and europeans built a lot of things on the backs of the romans
asians are smart but whites are clever
based off our history compared with their history its obvious which attribute is better
>why are asian the smartest race.
>One city in italy that fell had more influence on the world than any other continent, including asia.
>this integral
Why is it so easy to impress you laymen by random formulae? Nothing smart about that, faggot, it’s just training.
>implying the romans and greeks weren't european
that kid was like, 3. the age when you were getting kicked in the face for brooming the sidewalk
They cheat on standardized tests, including IQ tests.
Asians , especially Chinese and Indians, are notorious in Western universities for cheating. It's why they have a hard time finding jobs in the Western world and often have to go back to their own country to flaunt their prestigious degree that they "earned" by cheating.
Ever notice how those Asians avoid humanities majors? That's because it's much harder to cheat when you have to produce original writing all the time.
Let's see Asians produce literature, art, and philosophy that even touches the lowest Western equivalents. I doubt it will happen in our lifetime.
Until then I would put true Asian intelligence at about the level of mestizos (Hispanics). Hispanics are just lazier and too honest to cheat.
you have a case for greeks but romans were definately outside the present day european admixture. real europeans were the barbarian tribes (vandals, visigoths, saxons, etc) that lived around the actual roman republic
Honestly the Arabs used to be the shit. Then they decided to return to their fundemental Islamic roots and substituted guns for textbooks.
For the past centuries, the only useful society's have been Asian and white. Of course there have been SOME exceptions but even the brownest societies are going to get lucky once in a while (peanut butter).
Because most of us are as based as Lao Yang. If a white man is in the same situation as Lao Yang, the white man will spend an hour or two trying to lecture an animal.
>iq tests
pick one
The fuck
Oh please. Just because North Africa was used to grow grains doesn't mean Romans weren't white.
They, as a group, have no creativity, adaptability or innovation.
>Work drones
South east Asians also don't have high IQs but are generally more moral and have more humanity
The rest would sell there own grandmother
Do you think asian success comes from very strict parenthood?
Why does it matter how old he is? I’m telling you shit he does is basic. I understand if a kid learns calculus and then goes on to become L.D. Landau with pioneering contribution to theoretical physics. But what happened to this faggot kid integration acumen? He ended up just knowing how to integrate, just like any other person who ever took calculus course. Moreover, this shit is purely mechanical, not like it tests your reasoning.
>everyone with white skin are european
it doesn't work like that. there's afghanis and syrians who look like white europeans too
What is the reason specifically black people evolved so retarded
I know Neanderthals were actually smarter than all their contemporaries and mixed into Europe
None of the asians I have worked with are intelligent
It's weird that we have Terence Tao as a counter-example but I have just never had experience with a smart asian. Ever
>A fucking leaf having a yellow fever
Like pottery
>Are they superior than whites?
This infograph is proof that Asians are better fathers than whites.
stfu you're being a retard
why is op pretending to be asian. why are you guys falling for it.
They received those traits usually from ancient Europeans. Like the lighter Indians have Greek DNA from the conquest of Alexander
>unironically thinks the meme of smart asians is more than just a meme
checks out
Mostly yes, upbringing is a predominant factor for success, overshadowing almost every other factor
>inb4 fuckers start arguing about muh genetics
I like to visit these threads sometimes to see the racial theorists trip over themselves trying to explain away the fact that, by their own standards, they're inferior to Asians and Jews.
>t. phd in shitposting
>that Canadian flag and Chinese flag
Is this an opposite day or what?
The "muh heritage" meme was invented by Europeans dealing with the same thing. Hyphenated Americans are prone to this.
>normalized by fraction of a total
The fuck. This is literally the most retarded way I've ever seen to display data. I hope you aren't white because this is embarrassing.
>Why are Asians so smart?
>Among the smartest nations are almost only Asians.
not any of the brown ones
They're insect computers.
They can solve equations.
But they can't come up with original ideas or concepts.
That's why China in particular is going to fail so miserably over the next few decades.
All they can do is attempt to emulate what they see elsewhere. They can only copy. And their copies are always inferior.
Japan is the only Asian country that seems to be capable of originality, and I think that's only because they've tried to emulate the USA to the fullest extent possible.
There's something wrong with the intelligence test. They can memorize well but they're lacking something.
Their skin color doesn't mean anything. Afghans and Syrians were raised under an entirely different cultural grouping which turned out way shittier than Europeans.
>japan only country
ur weeb is showing
japan as always been copiers too dumb ass. Copied all of western culture and government in the late 1800s
A lot of countries in Asia use a tracked education system
In 4th grade they sort the good and bad students.
The bad student a lousy, inexpensive educaton.
The good students get an expensive, excellent education.
Since only the good students are allowed to go to college test scores are very high and the country's students seem very smart.
The bad students rot in menial jobs.
Don't mistake computational ability for thought
Proves that it's culture. You have the genetic smarts, but culture decides whether you use them in the classical Anglo way or waste them on the traditional Chinese educational approach.
>what is 20th century Japanese innovation
Even if it's fucking anime and video games (neither originally invented in Japan) nowadays they are definitely taking them in directions no one else has tried.
LOL no it doesn't. In 1787 Carl Axel Arrhenius stumbled into a mine in the tiny Swedish island village of Ytterby and picked out a rock that he (mis)identified as tungsten. He sent it to a lab and got super fucking lucky that the ore in it contained 4 undiscovered elements. Then other chemists later went to that same mine and picked out 3 more undiscovered elements.
So just like that Sweden has 7 elemental discoveries, from a dumbass who got lucky picking out a rock. Didn't take any "understanding of science" to do it. Just some crazy IRL RNG and some OCD for shiny rocks.
Okay, but still has nothing to do with higher IQ scores than white countries.
>Don't mistake computational ability for thought
stupidest post ITT next to that one leaf post
The numerals and algebra came from India actually. The West learned about algebra from the Arabs so many people get confused.
When you say asians you really mean nippers.
They're more brachycephalic than whites.
Europeans got AHMED'D by various dolichocephalic populations, including the Aryans.
dolichocephalic niggers have better independence of thought and creativity, and verbal capabilities.
brachycephalic cold climate people have better persistence and spatial ability
This is basically why Anglos/Arabs/Hindus only ever made "fundamental" and verbal/logical/analytical type innovations, and why the more brachy Japan and Germany do great in engineering.
probably has something to do with the fertile crescent and then it eventually turning into a desert
no i think you're wrong on that