Post based /pol movies
I love it when they mow down that heard of socialists at the end.
*national socialists
Two totally different creatures m8
Good film.
>Dr Strangelove
>Wag the Dog
>God Bless America
jew porn isn't based.
Otherwise it would just be Jews mowing down other Jews.
>Captain Fantastic
A little movie released last year (saw it on Amazon Prime recently). It's about an innawoods White Family led by a strong Father role model who's against modern degeneracy and teaches morals, self-education, survivalism, and intense physical exercize. Plot and comedy ensues when they discover that their grandfather is going to bury their dead mother against her wishes to be lit on a pagan funeral pyre, so the family has to travel into the "real (degenerate) world" to grandfather's place, using their training and cohesion as a team to steal mother's body. At first glance, it may seem to be not Sup Forums, but if you give it a chance you realize it's brilliantly subversive. And fucking funny in parts.
I really thought your little thread had more life going for it. Guess Sup Forumsacks are too busy discussing niggers and happenings to help you out on movies bruv.
Thanks will watch these.
An user earlier today recommended "The Invitation"
I just watched it, and recommend it. Go into it blind. It's a psychological thriller. Don't read the synopsis or anything. Watch it tonight if u have time. Enjoy
"Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind". This movie is a romance that will fuck u up emotionally, I guarantee you.
How the fuck has nobody posted this yet
That movie was actually such a bore to watch desu
>Giving it any attention
you are why user.
They steal from a local grocery store while saying to themselves that they're sticking it to the man. The son is a commie also. Not based at all.
This is my favorite fuckin movie
This is the best action movie.
If any of you haven't seen it, you are doing yourself a disservice.
>jew power fantasy, they kill Hitler and Goebbels
>not even a single mention of Himmler aka the supposed architect of the Holohoax
-Brat / Brat 2 (Russian; sequel is epic)
- Risky Business (kike admissions guy at very end gives him Princeton referral)
-Stoked: Rise & Fall of Gator ( 80s skateboarder goes ERogers, kills GF)
-Blind Fury (Rutger Hauer kills people w sword)
-Secret Honor (Richard Nixon gets drunk, loads a gun and rants about Bohemian Grove, kikes, and his mom; Sup Forums the movie; best ending)
Village of the Damned (John Carpenter; yes, They Live is redpill 101 but this gd movie is practically anudduh Shoah; Carpenter made sure the kids had blue and blonde hair, then made the craziest allegory about Jews subverting America; I put this film off for years due to reviews; now I'm convinced Christopher Reeve's horse was a Jew and paralyzed him as revenge; It's amazing Carpenter wasn't murked; he recently had to tweet They Live isn't about (((them)))) lol)