well Sup Forums?
Worst Sup Forums shitposters
They're both losers so what's the point in competing
No contest. Canada stomps hard 8/10 times.
Australia 2/10 with a high difficulty.
Pull out the rake boys we got some leafs of out line.
shut up white boy
At least in Canada we have some people of influence like Jordan Peterson and Stefan Molyneux who are providing some kind of interesting dialog. Maybe Australia has some people like that but I don't know of any. I would love to hear from one since I love the accent.
the simple fact is that nobody likes leafposters. they're below even poos
Australians don't compete with Canadians.
We win by default.
americas hat > britains human waste
America would set them both straight
streuth m8
Canada. Australians can be funny sometimes but leafs never are.
I like Australians.
Canadians are nothing buy queers.
Go fuck yourself AusFAILIA. Go fuck an abo and then eat some vegemite and cry yourself to sleep u rite bogan trash.
I hate you and your country and all AusFAILIANS. Everything you are and everything you stand for. A lot of you even come here to take our jobs and cause issues with your constant insults you call """BANTER""".
You suck. You're pathetic. You're trash. You're garbage.
You're an AusFAILIAN.
Theres little ammo against them since nobody pays any attention to their politics
I don't give a fuck about trashing Aussies online. The eternal enemy to everyone is the Yank. You faggots are destroying Europe.
canada only wins in autism posting
Apples to oranges.
Aussies bring some amazing bantz that will put your sides into orbit. Leafs are like a dog that smells bad, yelps a lot, and pisses on the floor. You'd like the dog to fuck off, but you know you'd only miss him once he's gone.
>if you kill your enemies they win
>*breath in*
>lean back
>laugh at leaf flag
Seriously, we couldn't not win.
What you see here is merely recreational shit posting, you guys have no idea the true extent of our military grade shitposting. It's fucking frightening.
I like you aussie cunts
Australians, because they're still so racist and conservative in so many places. Canada is much more progressive which = much more inclusive. Canadians thankfully elected Trudeau and they've been liberalising their nation quite rapidly. With the recent ban on hate speech against Muslims hopefully the last bit of race/class/gender discrimination stomped out of Canada and it can become the next "Rainbow Nation"
You misspelt muslim niggers.
Nah, we've seen it. It's bretty gud.
we like you too.
Straya is almost always funny as fuck...
The Leaf is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Leaf and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
If America wasn't in the middle east the whole thing wouldn't be happening.
And why do Yanktards suck Aussie dick so hard?
umm sweetie it's no contest
triggering americucks was so much easier before flags
Australia are at least entertaining, leaf posters are 99% trash
That was a good day.
Why do the Americans always have to drag us Australians & Canadians to entertain you with some shitposting meme that you created
Sage & Reported
That's like saying your neighbours dog wouldn't have bit the kid across the road, because you were blowing your uncle for maple syrup.
It just doesn't make sense.
most of us don't care about geo-politics because none of it affects us. Australians only talk about Australia because the rest of the world is somehow even more fucked
Leafs would come in third in a competition between 2 teams. Figure that out and you'll have your answer.
I wish it wasn't Canada, but here we are
>Annex and nuke us plz
It's a product of intervention. The source of it comes from Americans blowing people's homes up for muh freedom. But sure, for the sake of it, it makes no sense.
Literally who?
Aussies can be funny with the banter they throw out
leafposters are just taking out the frustrations they have with their country being irredeemable degenerate trash in trying to emulate the technique and failing miserably, only funny in that you laugh at them
As a leaf, when I want to Australia and made the same shitposts for a few weeks I was lauded and deemed hilarious. Now that I'm back in Canada all I get is
>a fucking leaf!!!!!
sucks man. having a leaf is worse than being indian
the aussies are overrated and the canuks are try hards
proxies are the best shitposters
Reminder that being a good shitposter doesn't entail being funny to anyone other than the shitposter. Judging based on the amount of "A FUCKING LEAF" posting on Sup Forums, Canada produces the most butthurt by far compared to the typical "Ebin bantz Australia" the second any aussie types "fuck off ya cunt". Not that I care what a bunch of fags on a burmese light show database think.
At least everyone knows our guy's name
Silky smooth, bare bottom Baron Trump
no we dont cunt
Well we can say that about Canada too. Our only neighbour is the US of my God A. We have close ties with them and they will basically protect us from anything. We have face no real danger geopolitically so we can take the same stance as Australia.
But why would you be blowing your uncle for maple syrup, doesn't that shit literally grow on trees?
You know what? Fuck you. I've had it. I've tried to play nice. I've tried to laugh it off. But enough is enough. The Canada-hate thing is getting old. I know we have a reputation for being kind and polite, but that ends now.
The Canada-hate has to stop. First of all, it's based off a lie - that we're cucked because our Prime Minister is a “cuck”, as you call it. That isn't even true. Justin Trudeau is a former boxer, snowboarder, and environmentalist. Name me one "real" man who can claim even two of those things! Secondly, Canadians aren't shitposters. We speak our feelings. We tell you the truth. We share our opinions. If that's what counts as shitposting these days, then call me an Aussie. I don't know why Americans are so intimidated by hearing genuine, thoughtful criticism of their country and their politics, but you obviously are. All I can say to that is: deal with it. It's the 21st century. This is the information age. If information scares you, then go back to your bumfuck trailer somewhere and hang on to your delusions. So what if we welcome refugees and are legalizing weed? Me? I'm a freethinker. I'm an idea man. I thrive off of enthusiasm. And I fucking love science. So when a Canadian is nice enough to offer you constructive criticism, take it as a compliment. Because we want to see you thrive as a country. We want to see you progress and follow us into the future.
End Canada-hate NOW.
try current year sweetie
>try hards
>just say something a leftist would and spam 'rural and suburban retard'
if only people stopped feeding them
pffft! prove it, post something
Reminder that the following are the three kinds of Sup Forums
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You cant
Fuck me, a little defensive aren't we?
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
I seriously can't get over how much April Fools revealed that the FUCKING LEAFs are the problem on almost every board on this site. /vint/ and /spa/ were real eye-openers, even though I already knew that Canadians always make absolutely abhorrent posts.
kings at bashing Swedes for sure
how does your post help the reputation of canada at all?
you just cried for 8 lines, shitcunt leafposter.
Also, the only Australians I know are fucking hippie outdoor-sports types who come here to become snowboarding and rock-climbing instructors but end up working some shitty job until they build up enough money to leave. Based on my impressions aussies are fags.
I'm talking about off the cuff comments...I can't just come up with a random joke for you like I'm some nigger doing a jig
i prefer the dingos
>fucking hippie outdoor-sports types
dingo stole your girl?
-belgians and dutch are horrible but minimal
-leafs have a disproportionate number of genuinely malformed posters with zero identity and capacity for independent thought. The disadvantage of an easy going laid back culture; they've ground to a halt and are unable to discern the warp and weft of the national thingamujig because of it's very low profile.
-aussies are often pretty funny
Yanks have the largest volume of truly shit posters. Real simpletons. America's position of dominance has allowed them to defer the development of a brain as well as remaining quite unaware of that fact. And by osmosis they're plagued with all manner of truly stupid notions that are almost hard wired into their personas. Allowing them to unironically make comments such as, "oh, we should take that country out hur dur". Not all, of course, many are quite astute, but the bad ones are baaaad.
Stop being Canadian
If you kill us we win.
Canada during the winter. In the spring/summer/fall we are pretty chill
Incredible. Didn't know Canada was capable of this much anger.
a pasta was born-
Wow, a lot of people sure took this bait pasta
leaf stop being a faggot with feelings
You shouldn't be embarrassed. Straya earned that title fair and square.
Yes this. If America wasn't in the Mid East it would be a virtual paradise, not just its great natural beauty, like the ever present smell of burning oil and feces, but in its warm, kind, and enlightened people. No place can compete with the Mideast before American involvement. Millions of families from around the world flocked to Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and others, not just for safe and fun vacations, but to move their families there to live under the shining light of the Mideastern world. Under every burka is a perfect 10, and the way they arrange their trash in piles on the side of the road is quite frankly, a work of art. Every day is a party in the Mideast before we came and ruined it all.
Also, we are not majorly involved in sub Saharan Africa, why are they feeing to Europe too. And Europe, you didn't have to let them in.
So my vote goes to Canada. May you all choke on a French Fry covered in that disgusting semen looking stuff.
It's a copypasta
Our guy cucked your first daughter's hubby.
Post pics of feet, please.
Exhibit a
Meant for
lel it's gravy ya silly booger
Indonesia is a major threat. If our government one day went stupid and started letting in everyone like Canada does then we'll be fucked.
Trudeau is pretty bad. You must be from Ottawa... or Vancouver. Those are the only two places that love Trudeau in 2017
leafs really are the worst
we draw from a very diverse pool of shitposters not just whites = more butthurt
ooo, a google search has prooved that it is.
Thanks user
As evident from the "Who would win in a war between Indonesia and Australia" threads that get made occasionally, Aussies have a very apparent weak spot. Never have I witnessed more butthurt Aussies than in those threads.
When Canadians get butthurt they just double down on the autism so they're literally unbeatable
You see. Us Australians participate in quality posting and bantz posting.
Leafs simply shit up threads with lel xd and various other reddit tier memes.
Ahahahahaha. KEKED.
thats classic
Frog canadian here. Can I be on the cuckoalas side?
australia has quality good fun shitpost, canada is just pure shit, like straight up fucking garbage,australia has the best shitpost