>implying I'm going to let a rich jew with no military experience to force me to go to war
Implying I'm going to let a rich jew with no military experience to force me to go to war
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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Millennials and Gen Z BTFO!
>mccain arms
Is ending the draft why men are soft?
Implying I care about Trump's war..
>>show up to bootcamp
>>show them I have meds for ADD
>>wooops right the fuck back home
Get a prescription for ADD pills and you will never get drafted.
>using the art of the deal to get you to die for israel
will this be his greatest deal?
no, it's just why soft men are alive
Yeah man, it's so great to be forced into meat grinders
>Being drafted is involuntary
>Being forced onto the battlefield is involuntary
>Being ordered to charge into enemy machine gun fire is involuntary
It's so great
>when the draft scares away all liberals and other vermin into fleeing the country.
You think they are gonna stick around with that being a threat? The fags will run to Leafcuckistan
If enough people just refused to fight, even risking going to prison for it, they'd eventually run out of prison space, it would collapse the whole military industrial complex as NO ONE would fight for the wicked, cowardly elite.
we have had a person in that position since 1940.
>mfw crippled neet
get fucked normies
If Trump outed the kikes, and said the conscription was for a global purge, how would you feel? In a serious, non meme edge way.
>implying choice
You know what's really going to happen? You'll get your shit slapped until you act right.
No. They will literally send you back home. It happened to a buddy of mine who was a Hunter growing up, so a natural accurate sniper. During military training (despite being accurate as fuck and a natural with guns) they said he had too difficult of a time paying attention and sent him out
>putting anyone anyone at the head of the draft
this is not good...
Civil war.
no joke.
come get me alphabets. I already served my time.
>comparing volunteer army to draft army
You're pretty stupid user. Being a hunter has fuck all to do with being a sniper anyways, Army prefers people who have no experience with firearms so they don't have any bad habits and are easier to teach how to shoot how the Army wants you to shoot any case.
Your friends probably full of shit, or you're just an idiot assuming things. Or both.
ive been watching this vid periodically for years
Can't we just tell them we're homophobes? That's supposed to be enough these days
There's a reason shit posting idiots don't post links to their articles
They don't want you to read them
The draft isn't coming back. This guy is just going to run the office of selective service. Mentioning the draft was just click bait.
Idiots. All of you.
What about asthma? Triggers during strenuous activity. Pump saves me and i can continue but without it I'm dead
Fuck off drumpfster you don't own pol anymore
bitch please
America is too fat and our weapons are too ridiculous to make boots on the ground a viable strategy ever again. only people whose life mission is to commit suicide by government are going to see combat
Remember during the campaign when you autistic fucks made those God awful memes saying Hillary was going to draft women into a war with Russia. This is literally the same tactic the other side is using on you
Jesus fucking Christ.
Liberals won't run away, they'll just come up with whatever flavour of the month illness they currently have, avoiding the draft.
Meanwhile all the white rural rednecks are going to sign up willingly because
>"Fuck yeah murica"
>"Time to kill moslims"
>"I have to support Israel as a good christian"
and when they get killed in the jewish wars the liberals will inherit the country, who will open the doors to all the poor refugees from those wars.
The Army will fix your fat dumpy ass problem with great haste, all you need to do is sign on the dotted line and Uncle Sam will take care of the rest.
Raw talent sure. But the military will always take someone who has experience shooting scoped rifles over some fucking idiot who doesnt know the basics. Sure they can teach the basics, but someone who already knows them will excell quicker.
>yeah cool you edgy fuck, move aside so the million of us can go by
lmao you morons are so fucked
Why is it when we do it, it's called "draft," but when anyone else in the world does it, it's called "conscription?"
it's just a cushy job that has no purpose who cares
No wonder all Americans are just lazy and unpatriotic men who are unwilling to fight for their families and children
>There are people who unironically want to be drafted and thinks that you're going to fight for US and not Israel
Useful idiots, when will they learn
>that stupid ass YT comment.
They should only draft Californians
>These people with PTSD who can' even walk straight and keep shaking
I actually never undestood how the fuck this happened. How soft do you have to be?
Millions went to ww1 and came out just fine. Some few examples like in that vid were in some really bad shit, were already kinda fucked up before the war, or both.
Why don't you just give up against DPRK then, might as well make US their colony
Dude, WWI was tough.
I could understand more modern warfare but that shit was nasty. I could see shell shock from random artillery/gas/invasion/air raids/ etc.
I would have been funding awful. probably the most inhuman war in history.at least in WWII gas was frowned upon.
Lol, you don't have a choice queer. Join and choose your MOS now.
People have to remember WW1 was first of its kind, it wasn't a war like before. Also mustard gas etc.
so now I will be fucked and can't go to college now
trump better not, I voted for him
wtf im /withher/ now
The minuite donnie tries a draft he is going to get JFKed by the people who once supported him. Nobody, not even good goyim christians, would support another vietnam war.
>implying I'm going to let anyone force me to murder or do anything else against my will
Please make me a martyr. Please. I can think of fewer better ways to die.
Im very drunk, but thats what I mean, people sent with hopes of glory of killing the enemy and getting to years of trench warfare would drive me insane. I went fucking crazy on a modern sub, trench war would send me over the fucking edge.
People who dont understand PTDS and shell shock havnet been to any kind of action at all and just soaked up a paycheck. it really pisses me off.
But are you not soft too? What makes you different from those men exactly?
It's not like we'll have a choice anyways, it's either that or prison time.
Not a week goes by that Trump loses a little more respect from me.
He was a mistake.
Oh God please, please, please let this happen.
The thought of sending Millennials and Gen Z into a meat grinder is making me hard.
Get the fuck in there and die motherfuckers!
boomer cuck
Isn't Trump offering illegals a draft if they want citizenship?
I'm not in favor of any whites being drafted for Israel's evil, but mandatory national service for a year is a must. Even Jon Leibowitz/Stewart endorses that. Kikes need to wear a 'Mercian flag pin and wash veterans' feet, stat.
Hahaha, that's my former state senator! I shook his hand at the Clark County Fair 3 or 4 years ago. I think he may even have bought my nephew's hog that year!
>wanting to send generation zyklon to their deaths
Why would you do this to me?
I needed a job anyways lol
>But the military will always take someone who has experience shooting scoped rifles over some fucking idiot who doesnt know the basics.
You're a fucking retard. When I was at boot camp the marksmanship coaches kept complaining about all the people who kept using old gun habits on the range. Besides, hunting with a .308 is different than engaging with a 5.56.
They were all french most likely.
On a serious note, they were surrounded by poisonous chemicals and fetid corpses at all times so they probably have legit nerve damage that was hard to diagnose at the time.
Uh there's revolution. That's what happened to Russia. They tried to draft people were spiritually incompatible with fighting for somebody else.
>all other presidents have been seasoned military veterans
>Trump's orders are less valid despite being supported by the same intelligence and no less than one full room of military and strategy advisors
B-b-but Trump said he only hired the best!!!!
>they'll just come up with whatever flavour of the month illness they currently have, avoiding the draft.
Oh, you mean like Trump and his five (5) deferments during Vietnam?
>m-muh knee hurts!!!
have fun sending your last white men to die for the kikes while niggers are fucking your women back home
You know trump technically does have military background. He went to military academy for school