Reminder that Sup Forums is National Socialist

>raised by single mother
>drop out of sixth grade
>mom "home schools" me
>do nothing but play vidya, jerk off
>crippling depression at 16, gain more and more weight. No change for six years
>Decide to finally sit down and read Mein Kampf
>Holy shit
>Hitler was a god among men, understood how society ought to be
>National socialist women were humble, modest, and caring. Good mothers
>National socialist men were hard working, manly, moral warriors
>Realize the international Jewish community is the reason why society exists in its present state
>Jews are behind the corruption and perversion of the west
>They stole the amazing life you would have had, had the allies accepted national socialism
>Get fit, get a job. But nothing will ever make me fill fulfilled

>Inb4 stop sliding the super important Trump threads!!!1!!

Sup Forums itself is corrupt. They unironically believe that Trump is working for us, when in fact he is a pawn of the Jews. If you really want to know why Stacy has unrealistically high standards, or why Chads head is so far up his own ass, you need not look further than the Jewish question. Adolf Hitler fought for common folk like you and me. National Socialism gives my life meaning. I would die for Hitler.

Other urls found in this thread:

The normies hit us hard cause of the election, but we'll recover

Kek. This.

good thread have a bump. fuck reddot faggots and their bullshit. Only holding us and themselves back from the future we all need

Also reminder that hitler was one of us

I like to think that the reincarnate of hilter is out lurking in Sup Forums somewhere

>crippling depression at 16, gain more and more weight. No change for six years

I am pretty much the same. Apart from me being skeletor. How the fuck do you manage to eat yourself fat ? I seriously do not understand.

>tfw I think of our society

A lot of it is genetics. Some people are naturally more fat and more prone to gaining fat. Some can eat all they want and will remain slendermen. Others are naturally buff monsters and never pick up a weight.



Nazis in this thread will get punched.

leaf post worst post, as ususal

get out canuck

>natsoc is the ideology of fat autistic losers

Its not bad to be autistic, you regognize societal patterns much earlier than normies.

Hitler was certainly autistic or at least a sperg.

>>They stole the amazing life you would have had, had the allies accepted national socialism
Nah. Jews are not to blame.



shareblu kys


>raised by a single mother
>gravitate towards dysfunctionally stereotypical hypermasculinity

woah, never seen that before with men or women!

>N/A = non jew
>half jew = non jew

kek get fucked schlomo

i can totally relate to this

>that picture


pick one

Fucking gooks. WW3 should be fought by the rest of the world against the yellow Jew.

>tfw Hitler rejects you

The world is too damn weak nowadays, you can't criticize them because of "muh feelings".

Nationalists have it right way; improve yourself, become stronger, help and protect your people. Now we just have spineless cucks for leaders (Justin Trudeau). of which let other culture's destroy their nation's because it quote "wasn't their fault."

>When Nazi's actually knew how the fuck to lead a country.

Jordan Cuckason is NOT Sup Forums approved, get that reddit tier e-celeb away from this board. Also he's a Leafish (((professor))), biggest red flag of them all

All leafs must burn, Canada was a mistake

>Sup Forums is National Socialist
>Mein Kampf
Was kinda meh. Hitler just wasn't a writer.


It is just not what people expect it to be.
Almost everyone expect an edgy antisemitism blueprint hate fest which it just isnt.
It is more of a political autobiography you should only read when you are seriously interested in the life of the Führer.

This. He is a fucking joke

I have read it, it simply could have been written better, that's all I'm saying.

Did you read it in German?

Maybe its the translation I think the German original is a good read though.

But only if you are really interested because ohterwise every autobiography is a pain in the ass.

I know this feel bro

>muh genetics

As a former /fit/izen turned Sup Forumslack, this triggers me.

No. Latvian. Unlike the English ones, it is unbiased.
every autobiography is a pain in the ass

If you're one of the anons that regularly make NatSoc threads here, you're doing God's work user. Thank you.

Well said. I feel you completely and agree.

Kys you fatass burger

>Sup Forums is x
Shoo shoo shill, Sup Forums is an anonymous political board in Sup Forums. Not more, not less. We don't support just one ideology, we have natsocs, libertarians, even few liberals and socialists/communists.

>pol's not natsoc
>see pic

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post, pic related.
Stormweenies came here in masses from Stormfront and then claimed this is a natsoc board. It really doesn't matter whether you like it or not, Sup Forums is an anonymous politics and current events board in Sup Forums. No more, no less.

>implying analyzing current politics doesnt turn you NatSoc

nice try

fuck off newfag

Thats a nice buzzword you have right there.

A large chunk of Sup Forumsacks are (or were, at this point) ok with NatSoc, even if they themselves did not adhere to it.

>calling a nazi a kike
You're smart, arent you?

I didn't say national socialism isn't welcome here, I said Sup Forums isn't natsoc board.

Only newfags call other newfag

No, you idiot. He smells fishy. We have US government people LARPing here as white nationalists, like Richard Spencer.

His posts read like he is a shill or a bot trying to adopt our language but not being able to use it in the right context

Richard Spencer is a faggot, who the fuck cares about him?

Now that's not nice thing to say about your comrades, say hi to him when you return to FBI headquarters

>Only newfags call other newfag
your logic is impeccably retarded kiddo.

I do, and so so many others here, they are mostly non-Americans though.

>FBI headquarters
Tf are you talking about

I was going to point that out, yeah

no, we're just Sup Forums. we larp as nazis because it's edgy

>Trump is a shill
>da joos are responsible for all problems in the world
kill yourself retard

>Canadian thinks we are LARPing

Get the fuck out. This isn't playing pretend you leaf

sorry if i interpreted your jerking off to Hitler's portrait, but natsoc isn't as popular as you try to make us think. it's not even that great. it doesn't work for all peoples, and it certainly wouldn't work in america, even pre-ww2

We are.
Sup Forums is a discussion board for politics.
There isn't one side that controls anything.
Stormniggers are the loudest but also have the lowest number of members out of the political groups because theyre social rejects.
There's Libertarians,AnCaps,Christians and actual conservatives here and that's what makes Sup Forums actually Sup Forums.

Which translation did you read?

I read the Ford as I was advised it was the others were all propaganda intentionally misrepresenting his words.

Also, you're obviously correct OP. There's a lot more to it, but you're correct.

>Hitler just wasn't a writer.
>Not knowing the whole book was dictated and not meant to sound like anything other than a dictation.

Ha, the fucking leaf thinks it knows more about natsoc than NatSocs

>natsoc isn't as popular as you try to make us think
yes that's because you are one of the normalfags who flooded into the site after many of us exodus. 4/pol/ is corrupted and compromised but its been historically national socialist. The fact that you are so close mined to the ideas proposed by Natsoc is just a reflection of how ignorant Sup Forums has become over the years. The red pill was about being open minded to taboo subjects but you normal fags come here with your liberal prejudice and shit all over everything. Maybe lurk more before you start kvetching about an Ideology you know nothing about.

>If you really want to know why Stacy has unrealistically high standards, or why Chads head is so far up his own ass, you need not look further than the Jewish question

Stop messing that autistic /r9k/ crap with national socialism you faggot

What do Natsocs even believe in?

Give me a quick tl;dr

> but also have the lowest number of members

would you let us know where you got that data from? x)

make him blonde

i've been on pol for years, i'm very much redpilled, but i dont like natsoc. i'm about as right-leaning as you can get without being called a nazi.

> The red pill was about being open minded to taboo subjects

i thought it was the juice?

You realize that NatSoc doesn't lean super far right, right?

>try to argue with a nazi
>they change the definition of words and make up things that didn't happen until you're arguing a meaningless point about nothing
>if you somehow manage to stay on topic they just call you a Jew and stop arguing

Shit, this mostly describes me.

I sometimes felt I had a special mission in life, but probably most of Sup Forums does too.

If you're interested in White Nationalism or American National Socialism, then I encourage you to check out George Lincoln Rockwell and Dr. William Luther Pierce.

American National Socialism

A White World

The Northwest Front

No you don't.

>nazi nazi nazi nazi
when did Israels fag become a read leaf?

some people eat tendies exclusively

red leaf*

>Hitler wasn't a nazi
here we go, way to prove my point

thats literally the gayest word salad i think ive ever seen

you should honestly be ashamed of having downloaded that

>mental leaf gymnastics to convince itself that it actually knows how to make an argument
calling someone a nazi is not an argument btw

it keeps happening

calling someone an nazi isn't an argument
refuting specific points of their ideology is an argument, but it's futile because every time you do they just say that they (or Hitler) didn't actually believe that and it's a Jewish trick

Here is you last (you). Nazi is a derogatory slur that was coined by Jews that bigots use to slander the NSGWP. And when I say bigot I mean someone who is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions. Why not at least read Mein Kampf before you try to "argue"? Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>oy vey! Everything you're saying is wrong because you used a word I don't like
exactly like a fucking kike

There's a high chance I called the next Hitler a fag

the guy truly is a legend

this post is so based

some faggy failed artist that regularly gets beaten up by his dad ? you might just be right m8

>implying natsoc isn't god-tier politics

>shitty parenting makes you a nazi
Really activates my almonds.

What it really said: National Socialism is so powerful it can breathe new life into a failed existence and make it great again

Now back to

this isn't 8/pol/ lad

You sound mighty mad, Ronnie. How does it feel voting NPD while based civic nationalist parties like AfD and FDP take all the votes?

No, what user said is literally true. There are both genetic and hormonal components to body type/metabolism etc.
That said, THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO GET FAT. It is your responsibility to recognize your type, note your problem areas/vulnerabilities, and construct a diet and fitness program which keeps you trim and healthy.


speak for yourself, leaf

>bump with video of Rabbi saying Hitler was telling the truth about the Jews

I'm disappointed that cringeworthy behavior has been chastised in our society and has been appropriated by yours. There's nothing wrong with being prepared even for the trivial things.

Nazis would've banned pol/Sup Forums.

who cares the world would be a better place. We wouldn't need the chans

Same here. I've always heard the Ford translation was the least messed with. I got sick of horribly biased forewords.

i like boys

fuck off fat stormfag

>worship and fellate Hitler in your mind
>be degenerate scum Hitler would eradicate

Fuck of your fat gay boy