Habbening: Moves By CIA Director Mike Pompeo Known In Advance



delete this

What's the QR on this?

i need a quick run down


>committee that communicates over instagram DMs

I bet they even filed for a real LLC!

This larp isn't even coherent.

FESS UP!! Are you chinks or poos?

Pompeo is likely leaking regarding targeting Trump's ppl's Russian Intelligence service connections (e.g., Flynn). He's neocon or deep state or both.

Deep State planted Pompeo to overthrow Trump admin. More evidence that IC is rogue. Mensch has ties to Deep State actor. Pompeo just went after Wikileaks. Deep State is covering both sides of the swamp scaring ppl from investigating Obama admin.

Not happening.

kill all democrats

Wikileaks needs to get eyes on this info -- tweet!

Mensch has ties to no one except the doctor who prescribes her Ritalin.

She has ties to Rover and he has leaked info. Think about it.

Is the intelligence community going rouge a good or bad thing?

Bad, it's working against the people's mandate for change.

Well shit. What else is new I guess.

True, but this is significant evidence. Wikileaks needs to see it.

What are the implications if this info reaches the public? Next level civil unrest?

someone explain for theretard that i am.what are the implications

I'm going to need a basic gestalt on this development

>Neocon tries to impreach Trump and kill WL
>Leaks all over Twitter

>Deep State planted Pompeo to overthrow Trump admin. More evidence that IC is rogue. Mensch has ties to Deep State actor. Pompeo just went after Wikileaks. Deep State is covering both sides of the swamp scaring ppl from investigating Obama admin.

Unknown, but ppl need to know the truth and Wikileaks needs to get the info. If you have twitter, pls share it!

>pedophile spooks try to fuck over Trump for going against their warmongering

When are these fucking rats finally going to be burned alive along with their families?

So no one finds it odd that Pompeo is now suddenly coming to light after three months of being MIA?

So lets see...Syrian missile strikes happen and Pompeo is conveniently missing from the photo op in the room with Trump and his cabinet.

Syrian strikes happen and alt right media, Assad, Putin, etc say its a US created false flag. Who is widely known for false flags now? The CIA.

Oh but wait it gets better! At around this time Pompeo comes out of the CIA tunnels to say that wikileaks are practically criminals and need to go the way of the do do.

So if your observant you would see that the new narrative is that Pompeo is playing along at his post in being the big mean CIA BOSS when in fact he is helping to setup for the CIA's demise.

I'm telling you niggers, WIKILEAKS will be releasing more damning info about the CIA now that Pompeo called them out. This is just t he excuse to have them do it.


Why did she betray us, bros? We were supposed to be voting for her in 2024. Did we change timelines again?

>ever trusting a democrat leaning jew girl
It was shitposting at best in /ptg/