Trump expands weapon sales to Saudi Arabia
You're Jewish, you should know.
smash that like button
ME is on track to being a giant thunderdome. I got one welcome the new wave of combat videos we are about to get.
>if i shot my supporters on 5th avenue they would vote for me
If he supports Saudis they'll feel more safe about Iran, therefore they won't need the buffer Islamic State anymore. Effects - ISIS without support falls on their own(no money spent, no Americans killed), US gets money form Saudis, Iran gets weaker relative to Saudis. He literally solves multiple problems by accepting other people's money 11D chess!!!
These deals are not made overnight, they will be long term contracts in progress. Trump doesn't have the staff yet to control them.
nvm nvm im the retard
To think half of the reason why I voted for him was because he wasn't a war monger.
Boy was I wrong.
Very nice, you've practiced
because money
Tell me, how do you feel about it?
gaspipes jew
Same here. I also didn't like that Clinton took millions from the Saudis, who funded 9/11. Anyone who does business with them is committing an act of treason.
We aren't invading Syria or Iran. That's enough for me.
This was obviously a consession from us, at least in part, forcing the Sauds to mobilize a Suni Arab coalition to take out ISIS.
I might just be high tho
>implying Obama ever blocked weapons sale to Saudi Arabia
NB4 "Yes he did, he would let them buy Minuteman III missiles!"
Because USA supports ISIS to attack countries, why else?
Obama did not block all weapon sales to saudi arabia, but he sold them less weapons than trump did
So is he still draining the swamp or...?
>Obama did it too!
How is that a good thing?
Yup. We got keked.
Stupid burgah, saudi and israel stand together.
Because he is a neocon faggot.
...diving in?
They let us launch a lot of shit from inside their country.
And other reasons.
Hmm I don't know
Money, maybe?
Saudis are good
Canada already in bed with them, calm down
yo ruski shill! dromp is based!
Why do all Muslims outside of Saudi Arabia and Iran hate Saudis and Iranians?
This is true nonetheless insane but would work making it true. 558d age of sigmar conquest campaign backgammon confirmed?
He didn't even ban Saudi Aarbia in the travel list. Despite strong suspicion that they were behind 9/11
Because he's a neocon puppet. What I don't get is why Jews backed Hillary so much and did not want Trump who is clearly a good goy.
seems like they want to form a israelo-saudi-american front against Iran.
aren't you allied with saudi arabia?
We make money and their inevitable civil war is that much worse.
They just want money, religion, if it's Christianity, Judaism or Islam, that's all just excuses. How many more wars where they break every religious law of their religion have to be that people realize those are con artists, as matter of fact their whole religion is. They don't respect a single thing of their religion, but make excuses in its name. ISIS is basically Jews now.
Well after the Ottoman empire collapsed These two are the dominant Forces
Saudi Arabia with ist Wahabi/Sunni Population
Iran being the dominant power for the Shia Muslims
Both hate each other and use Proxy wars (like Syria) to weaken the other faction. They do this for some time now with the aid of Israel and the US in ever shifting alliances
and they are selling out the other muslim countries whenever they see fit
of course the other guys dont like them
this probably. iran is the mother of all prizes for neocons
campaign rhetoric. i would've never predicted he'd do a 180 on basically everything
you have to excuse trumptards, they dont know they voted for change. they voted because feefees, just like hilltards who voted because muh womenz
>Selling weapons to the country which funded the 9/11 Attacks
I...what? Am I feeling buyer's remorse right now?
I'm pretty curious if it's gonna be a wwi hellhole like iran-iraq or they will use solely airforce
>blocked by Obama
>over concerns of (((human rights violations)))
These weapons are (most likely) being used to kill mudslimes in Saudi Arabia. Dead muslims are always a good thing in my book
Can someone post the picture of Ameribear with Israel on one side and Saudi Arabia on the other
You are a despicable person.
Celebrating the death of civilians is evil. Saudi Arabia has been bombing civilians in yemen and they caused famine in that country
He's playing 25D-5y chess
No Muslim is innocent. Sure, 99% of them never hurt anyone, but then again 99% of Nazis never killed anyone either, but yet the majority of the world views all of them as evil because they all believed in the same things and all followed the same leader.
I have no fucking idea what Trump is doing and I love it. Please keep doing your thing, Donald-san.
>implying Obama wasn't selling billions of dollars worth of military hardware to the Saudis throughout his administration
>implying Obama didn't begin bombing Yemen specifically because the Saudis told him
Obama had arab cock buried balls-deep in his ass, politics as usual was to 'deny' the final one to pretend his butt wasn't leaky and let the puddle stain the pants of the next person to sit in the Oval Office. They wouldn't have even bothered trying to disguise it if Clinton had gotten the win, though, they'd just continue ignoring how deeply we're in bed and influenced by King Saud.
>No muslim is innocent
I stopped reading right there. you are a delusional, irrational person who is blinded by hatred towards human beings who are different.
My dad worked with muslims with years in israel, the vast majority of them are good people
same thing works for americans. when I see stupid tourists pillaging my city
and say ignorant stuff and throw trash on the street I get mad as fuck but
I wouldn't kill all americans, they just have to stay in their fucking continent
kikes arent allowed on this website
>the vast majority of them are good people
Then why are you destroying their countries to take their land and move all the muslims to Europe?
>Why are "you"
1. It's not me you idiot
2. Israel isn't moving muslims to europe you moron. there is an illegal occupation of palestine, and im strongly against it.
Please get back to planet earth, if you think israel is behind the refugee crisis you are a special kind of moron
Greatest allies.
>it's not me, I'm a good jew
Sure, sure. Whatever, you are hated so much when shit goes down you'll be nuked pretty fast.
You blame the jews because it's convenient for you to do that, not because it has anything to do with objective reality.
There is no rational reason to think israel is behind the refugee crisis
he said he would. selling weapons ot his allies. $$$.
US+Isael+Saudis+Turkey+Qatar axis of evil
That image is hilarious. Shouldn't have the pepe in there though.
Because we're friendly with them and they hate Iran.
Because that's literally not the same guy who got elected.
Time to go farther down the rabbit hole.
Because Iran is the evil one of the two, right goy?
This will always be hilarious to me. You voted for a difference maker, but instead we get the same thing with red paint. This is good? You're not even saying why it's good or bad for Trump to do it, you're deflecting to why it was bad when Obama did it kek
Isn't that obvious?
Why doesn't ISIS bomb Israel?
He's getting a good taste of the swamp
His campaign speeches were very war mongerish towards middle east dictatorships and IS.
>your thing
SA has been an ally for way longer than meme has been in office.
lol, it is not "allied relationship". It's more like master-slave, and you are not the master in this.
>there is an illegal occupation of palestine, and im strongly against it.
Go on the David Duke show and speak out against it. He's on the same page with you on that one, kid
>barely fulfills anything from his "first 100 days" plan
>completely goes back on many campaign promises.
>barely showing up on pol anymore
Damn already regretting this choice huh cucks
to play both sides, duh
But David Duke is also a white supremacist retard who thinks dividing humanity into tribes will lead to more peace despite historical evidence that shows the opposite
>humanity into tribes
institute open borders first, then we'll talk
You live right now in a country that has open borders between 50 different states.
How ironic is that, eh?
Saudi Arabia is based, they're gonna blow the shit out of Israel.
If I was a dumb burger I would unironically think so, luckily I am not.
This could be part of the deal he would've made to get SA to setup safe zones for Syrians
Or it could be that we voted for a literal cuck
I'm giving him another few months to see how these deals turn out
>being this retarded
Lurk moar, you know nothing
> /ourguy
Let's be real here, we both know it's for the $$$$
Trump gets establishment praise for
Bombing Syria and now "ISIS"
Not getting tough on China
Accepting NATO
Trump gets negative Establishment responses for:being tough on:
1. Trade
2. Immigration
3. Islam
4. ACA
Guess what Trump is going to do more of.
drumpfers btfo
So the fact trump supported an healthcare plan that would make millions lose insurance, appointed the CEO of goldman sachs to be the director of the national economic council and cracking down on environmental protection isn't enough to make you realize that trump did not "change and became bad", he was ALWAYS bad
>make millions lose insurance
>no longer forced to buy insurance
>choose to not buy insurance
>get classified as "losing insurance"