Melbourne is full of poofs and cuc-- oh

>melbourne is full of poofs and cuc-- oh...

Other urls found in this thread:

watch all this celebrities and politicians jump on this like flies on shit

With that grammar almost certain the shop is owned by based Han Chinese and not you native faggots.

Most of us are functionally illiterate.

I love Melbourne
Truly red pilled.
The rest of the states are too PC
The back lash against SJWism will begin here.

What doggo lasts 14-18 years?

What the fuck have dogs ever done?

milk bar?
thats fairly poofty desu

>milk bar
Dindus are usually lactose intolerant so they wouldn't be going there anyways

Thank you for bringing the light of laughter into my life

What about dogs younger than 14?

Oh my GOD. This is soo horrible. We need to stop this. Lets get this going VIRAL


Clockwork orange tit dispenser

Poodles, man.
Those fuckers live up to 20


exact thought

it would be hilarious if the owner was black himself

If this sign were in Dearborn we wouldn't even know about it.

probably a chink shop. possibly indian

they would probably get tempted to eat it. The sign is probably from some Chinese

Someone get her on the case but tell her the owner is white

It'd be of funnier if dogs were allowed.

we are talking about Melbourne here.

I had a 22 y.o pug.

The shop is probably owned by an Indian or Chinese dude. Whitey wouldn't dream of putting that sign up, sadly.

Almost 100% chance it's a small shop owned by Asians.

only to steal

what is it with hordes of niglets hanging out at gas stations?


Is it normal for Asians to own "milk bars"? What the hell even is a milk bar?

Because convicts cant read

getting high off gas fumes mate.

Yea and Australia compared to other places like America, Canada and Europe we are the least cucked white country besides Iceland and other than that Israel & Australian relations are stronger than ever with (((Turnbull))) in PM

Future is looking bright for Israel's second home

Dont worry, we'll still get blamed for it.

where's robert to stop them?

>always steal

wtf kind of racist shit. I'm sure their non-steal rate is at least 25%

Like a really small grocery store that also has fridges for milk.

Turnbull needs to fucking go and then we can be the most based white country in the world.

For all Americans doubting, Australians are VERY racist. It would be hard to find a Queenslander who doesn't hate slimes

That's because Queensland is ON's fucking home turf. Of course they're racist

Outside of there, Straya is certainly no Switzerland.

>It would be hard to find a Queenslander who doesn't hate slimes
Can confirm.

Aunty is one of the most left-wing people I know and she still hates muslims.

Ex-gfs Mum was an academic at one of the big universities here, hated muslims.

Can't really think of one person who doesn't at least feel uneasy around Muslims.


My golden retriever died a few months ago and she would have turned 17 in a few weeks

My sister is the only leftist dickhead in my famiy

>nan hates muslims
>dad just says anything mum says
>mum is redpilled beyond belief, hates abos, muslims

>all of my friends hate blacks and muslims

So you're saying the storeowner isn't an abbo?

If only these kinds of rules were legal. Niggers ran the only grocery store in my neighborhood out of town. They talk about food deserts, but when a grocery store opens anywhere near them, they will ruin it within a few days.

The store was a virtual fortress. There was only one way in, and you were greeted by a security guard. And only one way out, and you couldn't go out through the in door.

The only way out was through the registers. And they put up a rope through any unmanned register, so there was no way you could just easily walk out with stolen stuff. But did that stop niggers from trying? NOPE.

They'd still just walk through all cool like they just came looking for a product that wasn't there. Then they'd fight the security guard if he detained them. "Mayne, I'm jus goin to my car to get my wallet, sheeeit. Callin me a theif?"

They'd wreck the store too. It got to the point where the store just opened up the shipping containers and left them on the floor. They didn't stock shelves because the niggers would ruin the product placement... just grabbing stuff and tossing it down instead of putting it back.

A total of 4 security guards were working at any time. And they surely had loss-prevention people there too. If you drive 3 miles to the nearest white grocery store of the same franchise, it was beautiful. Everyone was nice, and no niggers were there to steal anything.

Even our local Rite-Aid has 2 loss prevention guys on duty. Almost every time I'm there, they say "this is the loss prevention department letting you know that, for your security, all of your movements are being watched on camera." They only say it because they saw someone try to steal.

One day I should write a book about living here.

Was talking to my little sister today and she completely nonchalantly just says to everyone in the room

>Hitler was a pretty alright guy

Everyone kind of agreed
>You can't blame the Germans for what happened
>Hitler was just a symptom

As a conservative libertarian, I believe this man has the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. It is his business. That is his prerogative.

Do you live in fucking Harlem or something?


milk bars are dairies lad

tfw some nigger steals that sign

>blacks and dogs


How long do you think a black youth would last in here anyway

Poodles are good doggos that deserve long and happy lives

>and dogs

Just to expand on this: I know the folks at the rite-aid pretty well. They're really nice - white and asian - people there. Always friendly and helpful. They instituted a rule where people have to drop their bags at the door. I just walked in with my bag and they didn't say anything to me at all. I wouldn't leave it up front because it has a computer in it, and niggers might steal it.

They don't give a shit, they'll just tell any nigger to leave their bag at the door. They've pointed me out before "hows come he ain gotta do it?" and they just say they know me, lol.

Any nigger comes up, and these nice people will just turn stone fucking cold. No smiles, no greetings, no niceties of any kind. You can see why, too. The niggers will do dumb shit like tossing their change onto the counter instead of handing it. Or they'll bitch about how the price said .79 and it's ringing up as .85... Then they'll literally just leave whatever they don't want at the counter.

That's the other thing. They'll bring up an armfull of shit, and while 6 people wait in line behind them, they'll fiddle with their cash and ask "how much dis?" "aigh, now bout dis?" And they'll have the cashier remove items that they'd just scanned. "Nah take dis off. I ain't paying that. Hol up, I'm gonna go git another one uh these then."

And when they're done running the poor cashier through all of that, they'll just leave whatever they didn't want at the register! They don't take it back to where they got it!

Niggers fucking looove bossing whitey around too. Acting like, for just one moment, they're the boss and whitey has to do what they want. Their pettiness is unbelievable sometimes.

Nah, I just live in the fucking ghetto of a large city on the west coast. Tons of nogs have gathered into this area, despite being a majority white city.

They bark like crazy tho. My moms poodles memoirs was titled Waiting to Bark.

My mom shouldn't own dogs, her shitty poddle has some sort of dog std from humping a filthy mangey mutt when it was a puppy, and it shits in the house all the time becaus emy mom is lazy as fuck. It's hard to visit.

Based chink store owners

do americans actually let dogs and monkeys on the floor of any place which serves food?

I fuckin love Oz.. One of my best friends lives in Rockhampton. There is not filter when it comes to you guys. Straight up. As for Canada they always seem pasty and pent up. Never liked em when I ran into them traveling. One interesting fact is my best man has a high kill ratio on bangin Canadian chicks by coincidence. Said the fuck like champs but something in the head is not right. Puts in a couple weeks work and bails.

Service animals for the blind and disabled are always allowed. Federal law. Otherwise it is up to municipalities to decide what is allowed in.

I hate to continue your Australian circlejerk.. but, in Europe, all of the Australians I met were the most racist/pro-white people I've ever met IRL

What has been the backlash?

Not much. It's more difficult for liberals when the perpetrators aren't white.

It's just more culturally acceptable here to be racist. Not many people would bat an eye if you said you really didn't like abos.

I think even in Sydney it's still somewhat acceptable. Melbourne perhaps not.

>no blacks
>no dogs
>no backlash

Everything points to a muzzie putting that shit up.

Dairies, I think Americans call them corner stores or something

>So you're saying the storeowner isn't an abbo?

I'd wager there are less than 100 abbos that own and operate stores in Australia. Few Aborigines have the work ethic to own a small business, let alone the self restraint and financial acumen to keep the business afloat.

That's because they're the only cunts who'd get away with it
Oi anyone know the name of the shop? Might Hop in for a spell

What are you on about? Some puppers can make it to 25. But 20 isn't at all unusual.

The fuck is a milk bar?
The fuck would you steal from a place that sells milk?

Fuck niggers.

I know right, why wouldn't they steal from a burgers and coke bar instead


probably milk m8

>drinking milk
Milk and job applications are their fucking kryptonite. Pretty sure they melt if they touch it.

One thing that everyone needs to know in this thread. In Australia, majority of the milk bars are run by Asians (unless you're out in the country, they're run by whites)

Number 2, the fact that they never posted owner's race confirms that it's most likely an Asian run milk bar. If the owner was white, they would've said it.

Fucking niggers, man.
I'm glad we have basically none

I'd wager less than 100 abbos have jobs

I cannot stress enough how degenerate aboriginals are here. I imagine they're a lot like american niggers, I haven't seen one full blood with any sort of job and the half castes barely struggle to work low paid trade jobs.


My JRT died a year ago in May just before he wouldve turned 17