Muslim doctor mutilates girls' genitals

>A Michigan doctor was charged Thursday with performing female genital mutilation on minors in the first such case that falls under a U.S. law treating the practice as a felony offense, according to the Department of Justice.

>Dr. Jumana Nagarwala of Northville, Mich., allegedly performed female genital mutilation on girls at a medical office in Livonia, Mich. According to the complaint, some of the victims, who were between the ages of 6 and 8, allegedly crossed state lines to have Nagarwala perform the procedure.

>The procedure is prevalent in some majority Muslim countries and is sometimes called “cleansing” by its practitioners. It involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, often performed without anesthesia. It is designed to ensure females remain virgins until marriage.

>According to the Department of Justice, this is believed to be the first case brought under 18 U.S.C. 116, which criminalizes female genital mutilation, stating that anyone who knowingly circumcises, excises or infibulates the whole or any part of the female labia or clitoris of a person who is under the age of 18 “shall be fined or imprisoned not more than 5 years – or both.”

>“Female genital mutilation constitutes a particularly brutal form of violence against women and girls — it is also a serious federal felony in the United States,” Acting U.S. Attorney Daniel Lemisch said. “The practice has no place in modern society and those who perform FGM on minors will be held accountable under federal law.”

But, it is there minority culture and you white racist need to respect it.

Circumcised penises and vaginas simply look better. That's kind of the end of the debate.

Good. Fuck Islam and it's trash brained followers. Europe cam keep cucking itself if it wants but America is going to purge this degenerate religious trite from our country. Every time a Muslims posts something on the internet about "bringing America down" or their generic "Islamic takeover" comments, a thousand Americans wake up to the reality that Islam is shit and begin to righteously hate it.

Islam is intellectually degenerate and it's only a matter of time before it isn't allowed altogether in this country.

We need to connect this to the hijab since they made that a symbol of feminism.

DEUS VULT Eradicate the Saracens

Looks like the male Muslim version of Laura Ingles Wilder.

Needs braids.

women btfo

Meanwhile, thousands of boys get circumcised daily.

Not even close to a point where violence is necessary yet. A few more years of the Muslims being afraid to debate, acting ignorant in fashion as they do so regularly, and a bit more pushing of their religious agenda will inevitable self destruct their entire MO

Islam is not compatible with modern civilization. Societies (that matter) today are more decent and actually progressive than something as delusional and willfuly ignorant as Islam can coexist within. Muslims have such a high rate of generational inbreeding, it's no wonder why their retarded religion has survived for so long. Shit attracts the flies as they say

By their own choice or under anesthesia as a new born. Not when we are 7 or 8 and never without pain numbing drugs.

1/10 for trying

Males have their penises mutilated every day in America, but doctors performing the act don't face charges because fuck men that's why.

>It's done when they're a newborn, so that makes it better, for some reason


I posted this 30 minutes ago and got no replies, fuck off.

We don't need foreskin to enjoy sex. Cutting off a clit is like cutting off your whole dick head so imagine life without a tip. That's how bad it sucks for girls who have to suffer through gentile mutilation.

But uh here's a thought. It doesn't matter who gets mutilated, the fact that it happens is gross and it needs to stop in any case.


she has to go the FUCK back

>These are the doctors liberals are bitching at us for turning away.

>yes goyim, we need to circumcise for the cosmetic industr- err I mean because the CDC talked about all those medical benefits that are irrelevant when you wash your dong every day. And don't even think about stopping me from sucking on the babies dick, you anti-semite!

Oh yeah, FGM is soooooo bad, but what about the Florida woman who was sobbing as she was forced to sign consent forms to have her son circumcised under penalty of imprisonment? The double standard makes me sick, fuck any religion that damages the genitals of helpless children.

Nice denial

Fuck that, gas her.

Because foreskin is fucking unhealthy and we don't enjoy perma-cheese.
Also, uncut looks like a fucking farm animal's dick.

Fuck you, cunt! I wish I could meet you in person!

Good, circumcision is great for girls, its also very kinky, maybe if they were 17, just shy of being adults..

Why don't you guys go and bomb her clinic LOL!

Try reading through the whole thread before revealing the power level of your ignorance. I know it's reading is a
challenge for you but it's not even a big thread yet.

It's the only way to keep your kid from being a degenerate. Foreskin is removed on males to make masturbation difficult - keep in mind this was developed before readily available lotions. It encourages the male to seek out a female partner.

FGM accomplishes more or less the same thing, sex is for procreation, not shallow pleasure.

Once again Muslims have the right idea.

>t. person who was circumcised at birth
You do lose a ton of nerve endings though, who is anyone to say that a baby doesn't have the right to choose if they want more pleasure?

I'll never understand why cutlets are so bitter about it. More hygienic and it makes you last longer.
Not a good thing when you just want to have a fap though, I guess I'd be mildly annoyed by that.
They cut off their clit with FGM though. I hope you realize there's a big difference.
>inb4 female orgasm is a myth

>Foreskin is removed on males to make masturbation difficult
wtf I hate circumcision now
Amerikeks, how can you tolerate this?

I was circumcised. My dick looks magnificent because of it. I fap pretty much every day so you're wrong. The whole idea about circumcision started because "hurr durr god said so". It's wrong and should never happen to anyone who isn't wilfully and consciously seeking it.

>make masturbation difficult
But it doesn't, at all.

Yeah obviously you evolved to have a foreskin for no purpose whatsoever, just to let it grow cheese when you refuse to be hygienic

Uncut clits look like weird alien shit, and are more likely to give you STDs.

I'm not going to waste time reading when this thread will get gassed at any moment because somebody decided to post that infographic of the baby's dick getting cut. I need to call you out as soon as I see you defending in any way the barbaric practice of circumcision, nice job back tracking from your original statement though.

>implying you haven't evolved with tons of shit that serves no purpose or is even potentially harmful

Too bad you don't feel the real pleasure of fapping with a foreskin, what you feel is a fraction of what normal people feel :^)

>genital mutilation is okay if you can't feel it

Kill yourself you dumb kike. The whole world knows that circumcision is child abuse

>implying everything in our bodies has a significant purpose
Ever heard of the gallbladder?

If your a nigger in africa you dumb fuck, that's where that data comes from.

Equal rights for all genders.
Mutilating boys is legal, and so should be mutilating girls (FGM Type 1a).

Ignoring your subjectivity is ignorance? Ok americlap in denial that said trauma caused on newborns during circumcision is literally nothing

You guys are fucking retarded. Holy shit you've lowered your own reading comprehension in favor of letting yourself be triggered. I'm against circumcision you fucking idiots. What a waste of time responding to you but I feel obligated to help those who are mentally disabled.

>By their own choice
Murrican newborns can talk? Wow.

You don't need your ear lobes either, should we cut all of those off of babies too?

They cut my penis 2 worst part is they did it when i was like 5 because i was an immigrant and in my home country it was not a thing

Until baby boys are left alone and not getting their foreskins chopped off, who fucking cares. I believe that a Man should decide whether to be circumcised or not.










>more hygienic
poor leaves can't wash themselves
>They cut off their clit with FGM though.
FGM Type 1a, shitfuck.
comparable to foreskin-amputation in damage, but illegal.


go away feminist,fgm isnt like female circumcision

Boys and girls*

Fixed that for you
Inb4 more mental gymnastics from those retards from earlier

That was a pretty bad example, unless your argument 'you wont die without it' which can be applied to many things

Educate yourself on what FGM Type 1a is.

SPOILER: It doesn't involve cutting off the clitoris.

Go eat a snickers. You get a little stupid when you're hungry.

what potential negative effects come from having ear lobes

You know what? I am fucking triggered, I'm mad as fuck that some goddamned kikes are to blame for this shit remaining legal in the first place, and I am going to spread my anger far and wide until every backwards piece of shit sand religion motherfucker feels the fiery retribution of what they have done. I am done being civil about this subject, I am unhinged as fuck, and I will straight up kill a mutilator at this point. So pick a side and speak clearly next time.

Fuck not the gallbladder, my bad. I meant the appendix. It's been quite a while since I've familiarize myself with body parts

The reason I didn't include girls is because that was implied. I do care about female mutilation, however the double standard of being ok with males getting it done everyday pisses me off

When I was younger and didn't clean my headset one of mine got infected and filled with pus and had to be drained, basically a better argument then having some dick cheese if you don't wash like a normal person.

>im triggered
Stop reading there. Calm your autistic rage. Don't be so mad in the first place and maybe you can comprehend what people are saying easier.

>FGM Type 1a
Is that the type this doctor was doing?

>Type Ia (circumcision) involves removal of the clitoral hood only and is rarely performed alone. The more common procedure is Type Ib (clitoridectomy), the complete or partial removal of the clitoral glans (the visible tip of the clitoris) and clitoral hood.



Intellectual diversity is their weakness

welcome to multiculturalism

I was using your word you little nigger!

Laugh and relax friend. We both want the same thing right now - end of intellectual degeneracy aka the removal of Islam and the regressive left from modern civilization

Usually the things you have used to serve some purpose. Wisdom teeth are a special example of potentially harmful. Foreskin had the same purpose since they started existing, which is mostly a protective function. Aside from minor cases like phimosis they are harmless. Circumcision for specific cases are ok, not en masse, made on unexpecting infants because they will 'cry for a little and then be ok'

Laugh and relax though? Can you imagine what would happen if I could infect all cutlets with my rage? I am borderline militant about this issue, why aren't you? Stop repressing the rage, you were wronged by your parents, your doctor, your government, maybe even your religion. They took something from you that you can never get back, something personal, they didn't even bother to ask you how you felt about it, and you aren't fucking pissed off about it? It's time to ratchet up the pressure, because we are just swept under the rug with they way we were going about it before.

Uh..what? I know plenty of doctors who believe
circumcision is best done WITHOUT local anesthetic. Because is supposed to benefit the infant somehow.

Mostly it's female doctors who believe this.

>that pic

that's a fucking tranny

What in the hell are you talking about? If this is the case, then why is it not mandatory to remove the appendix of every single person at birth?

Because you fuckwit, unnecessary surgery is a bad freaking thing.

Comedy gold

If you are against it as you claim then stop giving later such dumb arguments FOR it and then acting defensive about it, because you make yourself look very confused.

I mean my conception itself was an accident, so really everything life has to offer is a bonus for me. Getting mad about losing something I've never known isn't as productive as figuring out a way to prevent it from happening to more people. It's okay to be angry but acting with balance is utmost important. When anger is real then it gives us the opportunity to reach out to others with that very same anger, or at least those who have known and understand it. Through communicating with empathy like this (not exclusively with things that anger us ofc) we can build a literal community of discussion and evolve some progress towards a common goal with each other.

Militant? That's not how Hitler started.

>female doctors mutilating male baby genitals

There is nothing right about that

Kellogg was a major proponent of doing it without anesthesia, that way you associate your dick with pain and punishment. Pretty sick fucker, wish he was still alive so I could slice off pieces of his body one by one, cauterizing as I go so he doesn't bleed out, until there is nothing left but a quivering mass of pain.

Yeah my genitals were mutilated as a newborn so I don't give a fuck. In fact I'm happy it's happening to roasties now. I hope as the west becomes more islamic, more women get their clits sliced off. Roasties deserve it.

just mental gymnastics of cutfags. nothing to see here. enjoy your less sensitive penises

Do you think you will hide from jihad in your neet HQ?

trump is heretic

Jihad is a European problem. I've literally only seen about 10-20 muslims in my entire life and they act just like everyone else.

He'll be one of the regressive supporters who get the same consequences as what's coming to those he enables with his wilful ignorance.

Really infibulates my labia

>I hope as the west becomes more islamic
Yeah, because I hate freedom too

I believe that this attitude is exactly why circumcision is still carried out. "I had to go through it, so should he". Maybe women having to face this horror will help stop it from having it happen to anyone, but you should consider redirecting and refocusing your anger at the perpetrators of this crime. I am mad as hell, but speaking out against this barbaric act helps me cope with it, and it may just help stop it from happening in the future. Pretty much my only hope is that reincarnation is real, and if I can stop this bullshit in this life, maybe I can get to keep my whole dick in the next life.

t. flyover bumpkin

Muslims act nice until they reach a critical mass, then boom, Sharia law for everybody! Don't be fooled, look at how bad London has gotten for reference.

So you dont care about the state of the world as long as it doesnt affect you at the moment. Pretty much answered my question. And duh, muslims dont act on their beliefs if they are not in larger groups, that is a basic survival strategy.

Except I would never have my son circumcised if I had kids. I want it to be banned, but society in general doesn't give a fuck about men, so only when it starts happening to women will people start caring. For this same reason I supported when women were going to start having to register for the draft. I don't think anyone should be conscripted, but if men have to then women should too.

Hey you guys wanted muslims so bad
This is probably happening underground on a large scale

Wait till you guys find your first underground Shariacourt

She's muslim, though. It would be racist to punish her.

Yes, I'm aware of this.
I do care about the state of the world, I just don't care about what happens to western women, just as women don't care about what happens to me. A lot of them will say they prefer the way a circumcised (mutilated) dick looks. They are ok with genital mutilation because they like the aesthetics. So I'm okay with it happening to them, once the muslims that they voted to let into their countries and the rapefugees that they demonstrated in the streets lobbying their government to take in become a majority.

Don't just spread the misery around, otherwise you are just trolling IRL instead of seriously trying to fix the issue. Look at what feminists have gotten, simply by making enough noise. They don't even make sense half the time, imagine what millions of people speaking in one logical yet pissed off voice against circumcision OR conscription could do?

tastey baby dick inbound


believe me, masturbation as a cut fag is not difficult. even with no lotion as lube or porn to watch. just imagine whoever it is who turns you on doing whatever it is that turns you on and beat it

Aw fuck, don't post any more pictures like that! Last thing we need is a baby dick pic shutting down yet another serious thread. You're not a Crypto-Kike, are you?

Thanks for the informative how-to, and nice job minimizing the crime that was carried out on your dick.