>Why Women Need To Start Asking Men Out…Because Men Have No Balls
>Why Women Need To Start Asking Men Out…Because Men Have No Balls
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From the article.
>If you're a single woman, you probably envisioned your twenties as a roaring social scene full of expensive dinners and lavish nights out.
I think we found the cause.
Archive fgt
Lol, stupid roastie whore. By writing this she just revealed how much power men still maintain over her. What a cunt.
yikes. It only gets worse from there.
it amazes me that women always fail to recognize that their "strong womyn" feminism has kinda flipped the social world, and lots of guys don't know how to react to that.
but taking responsibility is foreign to the left, so I really shouldn't be surprised.
Why wont you marry her Sup Forums?!!!!!!!!
>Feminazi 'mothers' raise feminized men
>Feminazi complains about feminized men.
Why is it that women complain that men don't ask them out anymore? Because they're used goods. No man wants used goods unless your Chad
>Because Men Have No Balls
I'm sure that has nothing to do with all the fake rape charges, right?
I'm sure it has nothing to do with consent being a thing that can be withdrawn up to 2 years after the act itself?
none at all because now she doesn't even have to wait for men to ask her out and will be selecting directing?
After reading the article, it's just textbook projection.
Nothing to see here folks, next thread
Blackpilled people are faggots. Listen to based Pierce.
isn't the black pill about nihilism though?
Other than feminism, internet porn also has something to do with it. Why put in effort to get a girl naked yourself for pleasure when you can easily go on the internet and find all the lewd shit you can jerk off to? Watching porn is also cuck tier. You're basically watching someone fuck the girl you're turned on by.
Porn is literally cancer for society.
Just means women have to offer more value than looks and a wet hole.
Porn will be the better option for many more years, unfortunately.
>women have to offer more value than looks and a wet hole.
HAHAHAHA that's impossible.
>tfw socially inept
I'm not putting in the effort to try seeking a woman out, only to be made a fool of. It's easier just to fap to shit online. I'll drop some hints of interest, but if she doesn't show interest back, I'm not playing a fucking game of "gauge the interest via hidden cues".
thank you for swallowing your daily black pill dose... here's another one....
the reason these stupid bitches are complaining is that they want to be
>strong and independent
this throwing away their feminine expectations but want to be pampered and appeased because they won't let men drop the
>paying for everything and asking us out
expectation they have for men.
they want to have everything and give up nothing, ironically enough making them the most privileged of all
basically these and fuck feminism and all the cancer it causes our shitty society
>pic femtard related
I blame baby boomers. They created this mess
Blame those who came slightly later, the 69ers. The ones that graduated around 1969 or thereabouts.
What the fuck is the black pill even supposed to represent?
The red and blue dichotomy stand for harsh truth vs pleasant lie. Everything else just sounds like some kid slapping an arbitrary color to his opinions and calling it superior.
when you OD on red pills you might get " black pilled "
if red is facing harsh truths black is facing awful / hopeless realities
roastie bitch detected. porn is bad but not cause they aren't out chasing roasties. cause it wrecks their drive to reach the stars. roasties are in the gutter not the stars.
tfw chad looks but socially tarded so what this *guy***** said
oh the depths of these feels anons, if only you knew
Honestly I can read women really quickly. I'm very attractive and pretty charming/funny so most want to get with me. For example this slut running the register at Walgreens wanted my number so bad she looked at the key pad while I was typing it in for my walgreens rewards...
But any girl who wants your number like that or who you meet from random happen stance is not worth your time. yeah I've fucked around with girls like that but it always gets nowhere serious, and as a man you should not want to fuck around with random people and should only want to be dating and being in serious committed relationships (ideally marriage).
You WILL meet that special person if you follow your passions with abandon and let no one get in your way. Many girls will flock to you because of your confidence and vigor. But you will be so strong that you will know exactly what you want. Never masturbate. You will know your sexual preference better than anyone. Be strong.
Resist the whores, resist the temptation. The legend of the sirens is true. It seems pleasing and will burrow into your mind, the thoughts will come strong: "She's hot, she wants me, I could fuck the shit out of her". Remind yourself you're entering the state called lust. Remind yourself that it will lead to nothing but trouble, pain, ruin, and regret. Remind yourself that it is the dream of the harlot and of the prostitute, and move on to something else that is better worth your time.
Black pills are for three people:
Neckbeard faggots who will never get laid
Youngfags who are so fucking ugly they will never get laid
Defeatist faggots whos wife's fuck other men behind their back
wtf do women really try to find men to marry in bars
lmao thats fucked
hey pls answer one question: would you marry non virgin woman?
All those sound like red pills to me faggot
The black pill is Islam
The only men that dont ask women out are socially awkward NEET's and guys that simply don't want a fucking sexual harassment lawsuit from suzy and her feminist buddies ffs
That's the suicide pill.
Go get yourself killed in Syria doing "humanitarian work" please.
We're trained by society that approaching women is wrong,m what do they expect?
t. neocon
>attack men for being men
>why arent men being men
I cant society anymore.
Feminism is cancer that is destroying western civilization from within.
There was a reason why bible warned:"Don't let woman have authority over man. Don't let woman be a teacher."
>spend years creating the idea that any man who isn't 10/10 even so much as looks at a woman, they're a drooling pervert
>wonder why guys don't ask women out any more
There's a very handsome guy at my workplace. He's nice enough but quite shy and doesnt start conversation. Nevertheless an attractive new girl asked him out right there at work, before they had even spoke to each other that much. Not on like a romantic date or anything like that, just a meetup on the weekend.
I was like "Damn! It's THAT easy to get female attention when you're hot?"
Red pill vs blue pill goes something along the lines of
Red Pill
>The system is broken
>We should do something to fix it
Blue Pill
>The system works
>There's nothing we should do to fix it
Black pill is what occurs when you OD on Red Pills and it's a nihilist/nihilist outcome and giving in to utter disparity
>The system is broken
>There is nothing we can do to fix it
Am I red or black if I recognize the problem but think bloodshed is the only way forward?
Women were a mistake
>we should do something to fix it
>bloodshed can fix it
>start to regain some male sense through sports, clean food and healthy habits
>test goes up
>confidence goes up as well
>am now social
>imagine if one of these women walks up to me to ask me out, really fat, smoker or something else
do you know what I would say then? Thats rite. Still a nope.
Though if a woman is somewhat 6/10 and above I would not say nope, though I am not entirely out of the thick of the woods yet, just this one area perhaps.
I guess I didn't know if thinking violence was the only solution fell into nihilism ...
my bad.
all g leafbro
But I've been saying this for a while now.
Everyone, including Sup Forums, thinks women are oppressed in western society if men don't ask them out on dates.
Yes, it sounds weird, but people think that way.
fuck off with your blacked pill you freak
Much obliged.
Ironic that she was murdered by a nignog
click on the youtube vid and then look what happens to your recommended videos.
This is actually quite true, and I have first hand experience of witnessing this over the last 5 years.
Around 2012, I started going out with friends into the city, enjoying the nice night life, if you are a good looking guy, you could pull most girls. Girls that weren't attractive or that were average would come up to you, and they were really friendly. Hell, even the hot girls were approachable, and were fun to be with.
However, that all changed once Instagram, Snapchat and the Kardashians became popular as fuck. Instagram turned a LOT of women into attention craving whores, and yes, even the girls that are 3/10, 4/10. These women act as if they're now models. When celebrities take photos of themselves in front of walls and post it on instagram (that have logos on it, like they do on the red carpet), it gives these average women the idea that if they do the same, they're suddenly celebrities, and any guy that is not a millionaire, or a 10/10 is a dirty pervert.
I'm not saying all of them are like this, women are still very approachable, but the number has increased to levels that shouldn't even be possible, and has now created this situation.
can't believe someone made a 25 minute video ranting about this autism.
>Remind yourself that it is the dream of the harlot and of the prostitute, and move on to something else that is better worth your time.
Guess that means there's nothing more to move onto, given they're all that way. That's the real essence of the black pill.
So where are the posters who start yelling at guys to "man up" and all that?
Come on, it's time to follow the script. Lets get this over with.
Because of walking turds like you, this step is necessary:
You're a faggot, OP.
yet you are here to swallow red pills
>EVER taking a woman out to an expensive restaurant unless you're 100% sure you're in a solid relationship and not just casually dating
Even when you're in a good relationship, I see absolutely no reason why I'm expected to pay for the whole fucking date
>I'm a strong independent woman, I want equal pay, treatment, and rights!
>Umm wow, you expect me to pay for my food? You're a jerk
>There are no flowers, no tables by candlelight. But, most importantly, there are no dates.
>career has literal groupies
>disgusted by level of roastieness and entitlement
>utterly social successful and attractive except so much social tism you just can't
I these feels, I know them all too well
*i know these feels
>I see absolutely no reason why I'm expected to pay for the whole fucking date
Noblese Obliges.
Women are pretty much big children, and probably, by only means that you decided to study a better career than her, you should be able to pay her way up onto your socio-economical level. It's not as much as "the powers that be" force you to pay for her, it's more of an act of grace were you feel better, like picking up a dog from the street, and she can taste what the better life feels for the while she's with you. A win-win situation if you have the right mentality, and the only thing you spend is some money you would have wasted on something useless as any material consumable or service can be for the bigger purpose.
>criminalize every aspect of normal male behavior
>create social situation where a man can have his life ruined instantly and permanently by any woman, at any time, if he says anything to her or is seen with her in public
>act surprised when men start ignoring 8 and below women completely, because it is not worth the potential hassle
Stupid dumb roastie scum
>The system is broken
>There is nothing we can do to fix it
>The system is broken
>Nothing we do will fix it to the point of making any substantial progress
Fixed....there are definitely certain things we can fix, it's just whatever we fix will never affect the entire system in such a fashion that keeps it from utterly failing at some point in the near future.
It's like fixing the MAF sensor on a car with electrical problems. And you can't tell if it's the battery, the alternator or something else.
>Because Men Have No Balls
Its because men have experiences of dating women. Theres literally nothing enjoyable about it. Men who think they are having a good time are pretending - to get in the womans pants. Thats it. If you could get into womans pants without dating, men would prefer that. Women have terrible attitudes from experiencing constant attention from betas and womans terrible behaviour has never been corrected.
So men get to 28-30 age range and start giving up asking women out.
>28, stopped dating recently
Your theory holds weight
I've never asked women out. Only been asked out once and was setup two other times by other people we knew.
>Watching porn is also cuck tier. You're basically watching someone fuck the girl you're turned on by.
I don't watch porn of men fucking women.
I watch porn of men caning or whipping women. It's different.
This and the fact that there are very few attractive women over 25. And it only does get worse, the older they get. When was the last time you saw a really, really attractive women over 30 ... I can´t even remember.
>Blame those who came slightly later, the 69ers. The ones that graduated around 1969 or thereabouts.
That would be the Boomers. Generations are specific to regions though, maybe it's different in Norway.
I'm 25 myself and women around my age are gross. I don't fucking care anymore how bad it makes me look to say this. Women age so terribly.
>When was the last time you saw a really, really attractive women over 30
Im 34 and I have never been more sucessful in work and happier at home.
I've been asked out but I tend not to call them because I'm too busy and don't have time for the flap-o-rama drama that comes with dating and women generally.
True, unfortunately. Also they have bad hygiene as they get older.
Maybe its sad, but its true.
Another problem I have is that I don't really like people and I have a hard time being on time for appointments and dates because I don't like answering to anybody. Call it whatever you want and it's horrible but it's getting worse for me over time.
you don't have to say
>from the article
just green text we can put 2 and 2 together fuckwit
>black pill
>in 4cuck Sup Forums
Are you actually unironically think that there would be any actual black pilled anons here. Just the PPH is too high for any serious discussion by itself.
Also don't open images in Sup Forums. They might contain malware.
Bitch is an olympian swimmer yet she looks like a 45 year old smoker.
Go back to 8ch then where you get banned for any dissent against le emperor Trump. Get out.
>le honey pot cripple chan talking high
Fucking lmao
haven't seen that pic in ages
thank you for the nostalgia
Only a idiot would use that place. As expected, not other chans are mentioned.
lainchan, 7chan or endchan?
Lainchan is dead. Don't go there.
it's not the end yet :^)
Please use i2p for true anonymity. Also I wouldn't recommend talking about other chans because you can banned that way.
fuck that image makes me so mad. i wasn't even combat arms.