Should we ban meat consumption?

Should we ban meat consumption?


no and maybe we should go back to the one on the left

The biggest contributor to green house gasses is methane.

The largest producer of methane are cows.

I'm eating the problem.

What is it that you are doing again?

when the fuck did all these liberal threads start appearing every day. fuck off with your disruption of the foodchain bullshit

as a vegetarian for over 12 years I would say no, this is a personal choice and to impose my beliefs upon another by force
is tantamount to fascism

If any vegan hippies are willing to go into my burger in order to save a cow, I'll gladly oblige.

we should hang vegans desu

No, but we should lynch pigs

Both science and Christianity ecurage eating meat, it is perfectly ok. You should cut factory farmed meat however as it is immoral.

We should ban you from existing you nigger faggot.

What are you, a pussy?

>as it is immoral.

as much as i hate factory farming i don't want the rest of the world to look like nippons. There's just too many of us to farm sustainably and i don't think we should sacrifice our health for a bunch of animals. We've already got niggers to take care of

make animal flesh a schedule 1 drug

Nice proxy, leaf.

>Veggie-Libertarian here. The government should not make this decision. The consumer should.


>Should we ban meat consumption?
99% of the gays i know dont eat animals. So are you gay user?

That's what lab-grown meat is for. It sucks right now since it's only muscle tissue, but once they can figure out how to make properly marbled parts, it's going to be fucking amazing.

OP better stop driving a car then.
And stop using any kind of sanitation product that kills bacteria.
Wait, plaints are a different species too. Better stop eating, OP.

Hitler and a lot of the Nazis were against it. Vegans are just Nazis evidently.

But I remember a girl who is the most preachy piece of shit in existence. She actually posted a private conversation of her friend on Instagram in which her friend said she was going to keep eating meat. And the post was just a mile long rant about how she'll never be friends with a meat eater and chewing out her 'friend'.

I also remember I got into an argument with the same girl at uni.
>So you own 3 dogs?
>But you're vegan?
>>Yes. So?
>So you don't feed your dogs meat despite that being animal cruelty?
>No, that's a misconception. Dogs were designed to eat meat, they can't live a healthy and happy life without it. So I do feed them meat.
>>But that's even more cruel. Your dogs are 100% going to eat at least more than one animals worth of meat in their lifetime. You're killing more animals to keep your dogs alive, so why don't you euthanise your dogs?
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
>>Your dogs kill more animals being alive because they're carnivorous and you refuse to feed them vegan because that's cruel. So you have to kill them to stop the suffering of animals one way or another
>Fuck you

Seriously, I have never had a conversation with a vegan pet owner who can reconcile this.


i wonder how bad she feels about all the animals she's killing to get the fertiliser and blood and bone to grow her food. you should recommend her a book called 'A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism'. It will make her head spin and maybe she will euthanize herself.

No, we should make it legal to kill niggers again.

Mmm I like this flavor

Is there supposed to be something bad about the picture on the left? I don't understand.

Absolutely no,and I'm a vegetaryan fag

>1820: make it illegal to kill niggers
>1920: make it illegal to kill endangered species like buffalo
>2020: make it illegal to kill any animals
>2120: make it illegal to kill bugs
>2220: make it illegal to kill bacteria and sperm (even by masturbating)
>2320: release a man-made virus that kills all humans because it's the only way to stop us from accidentally killing bugs, bacteria, and sperm

slippery slope






We should eat bacon, and niggers should eat niggers, that's the way it's supposed to be.


If you see nothing wrong with eating a cow, but get outraged at the thought of eating a dog, you're a biased hypocrite with no rigor and moral. So I think it should be one way or another, either you can eat animals or you can't, not arbitrarily chosen on emotional response.

>tfw you'll never burn a torch in a lynchmob

but what about all the parasites that we host that will die you fucking speciest


Stop the ride. I want to get off the ride.

All humans are put on indefinite, vegan life support

I eat cows I don't eat dogs
I eat lettuce I don't eat dandelions
Fuck you

Methane is only an issue because the industry needs to fit your consumption.

dandelion salad is the ultimate red pill senpai

why do conservashits and women want to ban everything

Stop discriminating against plants

Species are social constructs

>2120: make it illegal to not be muslim

Animals aren’t people. They will never be equal to a human life. So no, we will never stop killing them.

Never ban anything.

The free market determines things.


Keep eating your dandelion dog salad you sick kangaroo plugging fuck.

no, but change it so that instead of eating based animals we eat overpopulated humans

I'm guessing no one's consuming your meat OP.......

Vegan fagget.

Martha Stewart says it's good though desu

and good for you :)

pick one

i have a recipe for you: you, flash-fried, served with orange in mouth and carrot in anus, perhaps with ornamental crêpe paper in ears.

Dude that books is like 170 pages and 80 bucks. wtf

>dogs been purposely bred to be a companion for humans for eons.
>cows been purposely bred to be food for humans for eons.

Wow, they are the exact fucking same!

We should keep both

I feel u

Aggressive vegetarians are immature, narcissistic, hypocritical, and moral cowards.

Life is struggle, says the Buddha. Every tree that towers in the forest smothers dozens of its brethren in its success, their mulched bones feeding its roots. When you die, your body should enrich the earth in a similar fashion. It's all part of the great cosmic round.

In which you have arrogantly decided not to participate. You delude yourself that, because you don't eat flesh, you are innocent among men. You think that subsisting off of plants is somehow nobler than satisfying the animal body your self-centered consciousness rides. Know that every day thousands of field animals are killed by harvesting equipment.

In addition, vegetarianism is saturated with misandry. It's an attempt to drive into further obsolescence the Platonic male form, who is foremost a hunter. Watch your football, where enormous men clash and then stop when they're told, and let your body grow weaker.

No, we should just go back to our roots and hang niggers again instead of pigs.

what would dark meat taste like

If it's a nigger from the USA? Probably like cocoa-butter and grease.

>felt nauseous just thinking about it

No, we should embrace Racism back.


Vegetaryanism is the ultimate redpill.

>Compares niggers to animals
Are vegetarians /ourguys/?


We literally evolved to need the protein. Go ahead, spend all day eating ten times as much in assorted plant matter you could never grow in the same biosphere, and therefore have to import from whereverthefuck USA and somewhere in brazil. Or you could east a fist-sized chunk of chicken and then go back to munching on fruits and roots like a normal human being.

No leaves, leaves are for fags, unless you grind them up and put them on meat or boil them. Also with meat.

That's what bugs are for. You can cultivate them using literal garbage and sewage.

>but muh third worlder slave food

Ergo you feed it to the slave class and enjoy your grass fed free range angus beef

Eating a dog is a lot of lost utility for little gain AND a waste of feedstock. It's similar for cows in third world countries where a healthy cow is a valuable tool.

Ever wonder why pigs, despite being dog-tier work animals, are fair game come dinnertime? Because dogs are lean animals and don't fatten up nearly as fast or as easily compared to pigs that have been bred to eat our rotten scraps and turn it into delicious fatty meat. For the amount of time and biomass you have to spend on making a dog into dinner, you could make three times the dinner using a pig and the same amount of feed, and then give the dog a minimal amount of leftover scraps so it stays alive long enough to scare coyotes away from your pigs.

Are you stupid?

As I've seen it put once, those who see parallels between slavery and the treatment of animals should go all the way with it and allow calves in their kids' school.


after commercial lab-meat is available

no, but we should reduce it and make the farms and production of meat more... humane or something
I don't buy meat that often and wouldn't mind paying a little more when I do if that meant the animals are treated better
most people consume more meat than is good for them anyway, would probably mean less fat whites