Did God walk among us in the flesh?

Did God walk among us in the flesh?


And then he died and rose again.


I think he did, but I have no proof.

jesus is God's son



He sure did

>/threading your own post

I'm actually okay with this in this instance.


Virgin Mary: hey Joe, I'z preggers m8
Joe of Jerusalem: bish... who you been fuggin?
Mary: I ain Fugg noone boo, but I dreamed some Holy Ghost goosed me and said babee will be a kang n schhhheeeiitttttt !!!!
Joe: ah aiiiight, cool... We be minted with gibs after this

Inn/stable keeper: yo joe(ya gullible cunt), me an the boys gunna have a game o poker, fancy it?

Yashua is the son of the Demiurge.

Yahsua means Yah is Savior.

Yah is one of the Archons and he is the Hebrew Messiah.

but not as Jesus Christ, he came as a bloodthirsty serpent god who appeared to my people 3500 years BC

I don't think so, at least not as a messiah. The Messianic Age certainly isn't here.

I don't even understand the point of the jesus story, why would god sacraficing HIMSELF for humanities sins count for anything?

what does that even mean, since god still sends sinners to hell?

is it that literally everyone went to hell before jesus came to earth because they... couldnt be christians yet from christ not being on earth yet?

he still is among us

>I don't even understand the point of the jesus story, why would god sacraficing HIMSELF for humanities sins count for anything?

God cannot allow sin into heaven. But all humans are sinners, and all fall short of the glory of God. As God loved the world, he wanted people to be saved and walked among us in the flesh. He walked among us and taught us the straight and narrow, the paths that lead to life, and that whosoever believes in Jesus as their lord and savior will not perish but have eternal life. When you die you will stand in judgement before God and every single sin you've ever committed will be laid on the table. The wages of sin are death, and you will deserve to burn in hell for all eternity. But if you believe in Jesus he will put his hands over every single last sin you've ever committed and will substitute his own sinless life that he lived for your own, which will allow you to enter into heaven and have your soul cleansed of all impurities.

The entire point of Jesus existing a sinless life and dying was to die for OUR sins, so that we might be saved.

Of course. Now he watches over us from the warp.


That's fucking silly lol

Smart for making the masses feel better about them selves and their sins but silly

Jesus was a narcissist that thought he could play god to help people. He did but to actually believe him is something only a weak individual would do. Listening to the lessons he had is valuable but to actually believe he was the "son of god" is some insane shit he probably didn't even believe himself

The God Emperor is the only true lord of humanity, heretic.

jesus is a warning abou shekel loving deceivers, liers and murderers of all nations.

but especially the subversive jews - that is why they, and anyone connected to them,hate him to this day.

who cares though
was just 1 guy
and the bible is fiction

I don't understand why religion exists

I feel like we're so separated from the conditions that originally produced it that I'm incapable of seeing what made people believe it

But if that's the case then why is Islam so popular? They're not all inbred morons. Some of them must be intelligent and actually believe in it.

A lot of intelligent people believe in religion, half of the philosophers believed in a God.

It's much easier to live a life believing that the universe has a purpose for you than to accept that it doesn't and we are just a bunch of bacteria on a rock with no significance.

It honestly tends to lead to a more fruitful and fulfilled life, believing in a God.

But there's no reason to

Eh, I've heard both sides on the God debate, I don't think you can accuse either side of being irrational (or more irrational than your own side). Just seems like a choice that people make to believe, or not.

Now, as far as revealed religions go, I'm pretty skeptical. If the holohoax could be fabricated within 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 years of it happening, how the hell am I supposed to believe that what we "know" about Jesus is accurate?

The Gospels testify of miracles, if Jesus was just some random dude who was trying to help people with beneficial messages then the miracles from multiple accounts wouldn't make sense.

Read Kierkegaard vs Nietzsche and you'll find many reasons in favor and against of both. Very fascinating

My conclusion was that both are reasonable (faith vs. existentialism/atheism) but more of a matter of preference rather than objectivity.

>Did God walk among us in the flesh?


The Jews say no, but that isn't surprising because the Jews killed Christ.

The Bible and history that are based on thing more than personal testimony are as about as accurate as what Tammy said John did to Susie last night

(((Sarah Silverman)))

I'm trying to say (phone posting) there's no real proof of miracles performed by Jesus. I believe that he existed and that he led men. I do not believe he turned water into wine or that Moses actually split the Red Sea

You are the creator you mong, you just forgot. Its prob more accurate to say very enlightened souls have walled amoung our peoples.

Agreed and thanks to the Love he gave the world we can cure blindness paralysis and more diseases through his sacrifice that kept the world from collapsing into a paganistic pissbowl filled with more muslims.

Sure thing, shlomo.


He never left.

The West has rejected Christ, and you are surprised paganism and Islam is on the rise?

God tried being an asshole the first time around and it didn't work so he sent a numale to cuck us into obedience.

Probably. I don't believe in Christianity because I think it is good for society, or because I think it makes sense, or supports my conservative political views and economic stances. I believe in Christianity because I believe it's true.

There are only two religions on earth suitable for the adult mind: Christianity and Confucianism. Christianity has obviously been distorted to such a great extent that it has become unbelievable to most people: I understand this. The true Christian churches are probably the Orthodox Churches (Armenian, Greek orthodox, etc).

If you have the time I would read the Analects by Confucianism. or "sayings of Confucious". PDF's of both can be found on Google.

I also think there is obvious proof in God's existance. Objective morality for one. If anyone takes the time to study history and religion seriously, and by seriously I mean go into a Library and pull out encycolpedias that are 1,000+ pages long on the history of religion and ethics, he will discover quite quickly the unanimous belief in object morality across all races and cultures spanning thousands of years. How could they all of come to the same conclusion on morality and virtue if they had never met each other?

The fact of the matter is God has implanted His consciousness inside you. We are surrounded by God. We are inside of God. Of course God is not a person like you or me but a spirit beyond our comprehension. God means creator, afterall.

God cannot make himself any more present in this world than Shakespeare can in a production of Henry V playing at the rep this weekend. However, in a way, Shakespeare is present in the entire play. He wrote it. It was and is his creation. The actors are inside Shakespeare. Now I know this is not a perfect example. None can be perfect when attempting to describe the indescribable. But I take for certain, as did Confucius, Christians, and the great Philosophers (Epictetus, Seneca, Aristotle, etc) that God is a lot like this.

God is dead, we chilled him

he probably healed a few sick people. One of the easiest miracles to pull off.

God is a huge faggot for creating susceptible creatures. What's the point? It's just a shitty game then. Why would God exist anyway. Who created him and why does he look so weird? why isn't it just a ball or something.

So the proof of God will never be solid proof, physical proof like what you find in Chemistry or math. But then if the "science" types who denounce an existance in God because they can't see him (even though, as we've said, God is not a human like you or me but something completely beyond our comprehension), then how can they believe in Gravity? I don't see Gravity but I know it works. I don't see God but I know I am in his creation and I must do his will, and just like gravity, his good is object and ever constant, never changing.

So whenever someone says there is no proof of God they are either so withered with sin that they have lost touch with this objective good and fail to recognize it any longer, have a bizzare definition of God, or have mistaken it for something else. Both are perversions of thought, and the statement "there is no proof in Gods existence" should be contradicted in season and out of season whenever it is met. If God made himself truly present in his real form then it would destroy free will and what you would have would essentially be a bunch of computers free of personality and free of happiness.

Jews want Christcucks to think Jesus was real
Fuck me why do I post

That is why (((they))) do everything to undermine Christianity in the West, because (((they))) want us to think Jesus was real? Try harder, shekelcuck.

>Did God walk among us in the flesh?



The Bible even says that God will not be "proven" in the sense of "Will it satisfy Richard Dawkins and people with greasy ponytails and fedoras".

The point of faith is it serves as a testing of one's soul. Any asshole can be outwardly good and do works when they think someone (God or otherwise) is watching them. No one steals when the shopkeeper is staring at them. No one commits adultery with their wife standing in front of them. No one would commit blasphemy if you had God literally perched on a cloud glaring down at you and twitching at the finger to melt you like a slug if you fuck up badly.

Hebrews 11:1
>Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Romans 8:24
>For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

1 Corinthians 15:29-33
>Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? And why stand we in jeopardy every hour? I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die. Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Check fucking m8 atheists

if god is everywhere, does that mean he is in my ass?