>USA cares more about a bunch of sheepherders in a desert an entire ocean away than the drug cartels right next to their borders
USA cares more about a bunch of sheepherders in a desert an entire ocean away than the drug cartels right next to their...
Pretty sure we care about that shit too hombre.
They work for the cia
Come on Ahmed, they do more than herd those poor sheep.
sauce on op.
>killing your customers
USA cares more about it's neighbor's sovereignty than some random shithole in the middle east. We are not going to invade Mexico. If they want to be retarded we will punish them through conventional means.
Been looking for it as well, must be fairly recent because I saw it posted a few times over on Sup Forums including the webm.
We export war to make money far away.
We trade drugs across the border to make money close to home. If a few beans get refried...
Cartels keep Mexico weak and non-competitive.
It's quite brutal and the thread about it got deleted before.
They basically use a dull unsharpened machete and dismember his limbs by hacking them one by one before trying to beheading him throat first, the machete was so dull they had to hack the spine off.
holy shit somebody send this shit to trump
alluah akbar kill yourself
suicide is haram, you gotta drone me off the planet.
I think I actually support the wall now, wtf was this bullshit
>that fucking reaching for his throat without hands
thanks to your country, which i sincerely hopes collapses into a hellhole soon
Who cares? They aren't killing Americans.
fuck you and fuck your faggot pedophile prophet muhammad(dog shit be upon him) amen
Honestly if they announced the military had the green light to go into Mexico and take out the cartels one by one in a full scale operation I would happily sign up to go.
I don't even like Mexico but those cartels are fucking evil and need to be exterminated.
death to islam
These guys have been doing shit like this for a long time. Like, could they not spend a few extra bucks on a machete that is sharp?
Who the fuck would sell them cheap drugs now??
They need us.
what is she saying? i always ee these videos and they always film their victim before they slash them up
That's part of the execution tbḧ
>getting your limbs cut off with a rusted machete
Like poetry
>They need us.
Nope, just need better drug laws.
Saudis please, shop being mad because USA bombed your allies aka ISIS, the drug cartels usually kill mexicans, so less spics here.
can someone tell me what she was saying before they killed her?
You don't have to let cartels kill the mexicans to get less spics here though.
Just an interrogation
>What group did you belong to?
CDN [North East Cartel]
>Where did you come from?
>Who send you?
"Chon" commander
And stuff like this
When will Mexico be geopolitically relevant?
I guess so. I didn't seem like the guy getting hacked to death fought back much once they got to his hands. Shock?
>isis in Afghanistan
>not Taliban or al-qaida
doesn't make sense man.
Agreed. might as well use the orange fucker to do some actual good in the world rather than this greater israel bullcrap.
Agreed. Might as well use the orange fucker to do some good in the world that's less suspect than his flirtation with neocon policies.
It will NEVER happen though
Which is bad for everyone but meh
That's a boy though
At the moment?
>No wait
>No please no I beg you
>no no stop
When they illegally cross the U.S. border.
I've been recently red pilled about the drug war. This is some fucked up shit, but of course America won't do shit. They're profiteering and drugs aren't profitable when they're legal. Corruption here is so deep every department related to it has at least one person making money from it. They should be burned alive along with every bank note they made.
This is probably the second deepest red pill I've got outside of the fact the west has been at war with Saudi Arabia since 2001. America is literally selling arms to an enemy to pretend they don't have it as an enemy, literally 5D politics. There is one source of Islamic terrorism, and it's middle eastern royal families.
The drug war is the same. Lots of money. Fake wars. We need to overthrow everything and replace the entire capitalist system with small businesses and syndicates. This isn't sustainable, this is everything wrong with the world and your retarded shit blames middle class white people purely because they live in a democratic system and don't know the reality
Fuck you Saudi Arabia, you're worse than the cartels. Just fuck everyone who makes money via corruption. You all need the ropes and helicopter rides.
>USA doesn't cares about CIA
>USA doesn't cares about drug cartels run by CIA
Well, that's expected.
>muh KGB
chainsaw beheading is part of their culture
I'm with you on that one. But I don't think the Wehrmacht were exactly champions of human rights, either.
I guess is more about "resignation".
No matter how you try, they will kill you any ways.
>implying one of the first things Trump did wasn't ordering construction on the wall to begin
can't you fucking faggots tell that this sandnigger wants us to focus on the cartels because they know that isis would get btfo by cartels for interfering with their business? you fucking shill, fuck off back to your camel
>This is probably the second deepest red pill I've got outside of the fact the west has been at war with Saudi Arabia since 2001. America is literally selling arms to an enemy to pretend they don't have it as an enemy, literally 5D politics. There is one source of Islamic terrorism, and it's middle eastern royal families.
In which case, you're not at war.
But America does have an active military involvement in the war on drugs?
Nigger, the guy killed in the video is an assassin himself. other cartel caught him.
so he deserved death, he was a shitskin anyway
who cares
Cartels don't kill babies like rebels do. So ivanka can't use "pls daddy :'((" with them.
So it is one cartel killing a member of another cartel?
>literally hiding behind walls instead of fixing the problem
It's always like this
lol you ship weapon to turkey that gets across the border to them. so by shipping them weapons, you support them. Well, the strike in Afghanistan was toward ISIS, so even if they aren't ISIS in Syria, that get weapon from you, they are still members of ISIS.
Are these sorts of things just happening in the middle of no where or can you see this shit in the street?
maybe deserved death, but no one deserves being brutalized and gored before their slow butter-knife tier beheading.
our government is retarded so it's quite hard to explain.
>Mexicans will defend this
>As the saudi flogs a person in the street for all to see like its 1200AD
Agreed, Mohammed.
Something needs to be done about them as well. I'm getting sick of seeing them torture and execute children.
without the cartels who will law enforcement get their bribes from?
In the middle of no-where or in small towns
Nothing like public executions ISIS-style
imagine this shit happening to your isis buddies, op
Why hasn't our military started using drones on cartels
This. As fucked as cartel are they are usually the ones that clean the fucking filth. I've been reading up on them. What I've found is that they follow two main codes, the most prominent being that innocents are to be left alone. The second of those is to end those that fuck with them or those under their protection. Most of the beheadings we see are of rivals or really shitty scum.
Definitely agreed. This kind of brutality is not just an offense to man; it is an offense to God.
>april 10
Oh nice, it's nice to see the CDG active again.
They literally just kill Zetas, the lowest class of the scum.
So they don't stir another hornets nest that has no possibility of ending well. All the while avoiding the complete destruction of U.S-MX relations.
y u mad tho?
>90% civilian deaths
Don't drone me please
explain this
Good fucking god. Some of you are actually surprised that a bunch of people who descended from savages have formed a cartel and are doing what savages do.
Now, cue the spics who are going to claim they are white spainiards, while they look like Consuela's brown in bred son.
If only americans in the past would have just swept through mexico and eradicated all those savages, we probably wouldn't be in this mess.
Well, innocents not related to the second category.
nha only shittowns also most of the ejecutions are narco on narco avery 2-3 years a new group of narcos emerg so the veterans narcos kill and ejecute them because fuck competiton and make those vids to warn the next generation
What wall though?
it would be extremely painful.
Lol far worse things were done in the name of god.
learn to reverse image search
Both equally need to get bombed out of existence
Do you know why the media is placating Islam? Do you know why you'll never even heard the word "Pakistan" on western media? Do you know why the useful idiots on the left will simultaneously talk about senseless third wave feminism and completely ignore female genital mutilation and the kidnapping, beating and even rape of runaway Islamic women?
To prevent actual attacks. These people have weapons of mass destruction. They sell them for big money, are least coke is honest; pay millions, put in nose, receive a douchebag personality. Weapons of mass destruction are owned for the sake of owning it, but it's still a similar problem. Big money, dangerous shit.
We are in a cold war. I'm worried someone actually autistic enough not to understand the strategy, someone like Kraut and Tea, will actually get enough exposure to provoke a nuclear attack. You want my salt Kraut? Here you go, you childish cunt. No one but Sup Forums and the other end state red pills are allowed to know the real threats.
The drug war is nothing against the Islamic holy cold war. I might have even provoked an attack with this post. Drugs are nothing. Weapons of mass destruction are the drugs of the powerful.
Because Israel would ask to see the US's text messages and ask why we're not killing more "terrorists" in the Middle East.
Israel is the easily jilted, bipolar GF who will plant bombs in our cities if you don't pet her.
dumb fucking spic. you thinks these go up magically in a day? It's called construction and time.
Call me when finished, k?
What kind of animal does this.
You just knoe he begged and pleaded beforehand. He has a family and loved ones just like those doing the killing. So brutal.
Why does all anti-Islam imagery look like it comes from a little kid rebelling against his parents or school or something?
>Fuck you Islam! Nobody is going to tell me what to do! I'm going to be degenerate and nobody can stop me!
Sure thing, but i highly doubt you will survive Mexico by the time it's done.
This Video Made my whole week, It was so sweet, The guy keeps whining "por Favor No!" over and over even when dude trying lo lobb his hands off behind his back. then by the time it was to decapitate him he was probably like Okay yes please por favor. first time I watched it all I could feel was the urge to yell, Take it you Cunt. Wish they would have told him they would spare his life and left him there but they probably had to go eat lunch and get some teenage metisto pussy. IDK
nah that is just mestizo genetics
Alright, I think I understand. I mean if these guys don't want to get brutalized they shouldn't enter organized crime.
However I'm still skeptical that they leave innocent people alone.
I pray every day that mexico gets hit by another meteor.
>what is israel
>implying cartels arent in control of CIA
Cartels make most of your blackbudget ffs
And drop the terrorism meme already. I get it, you are being spoon fed cointel by kike bankers regime but come on now. How can you not connect the dots ffs.
Its not always like this you cunt
i hate spaniards so much for breeding with natives. literally why. short, hairy oompa loompas. i maybe be tall now but when i get older i know ill look like the guy in this pic. also cant marry a nexican woman because she most definitely will look like that at 35
>I'm still skeptical that they leave innocent people alone.
It depends on the cartel
Zetas and Templarios do really kill civilians to send a message to the government and the society in general. I have seen it, 2 years ago Los Zetas controlled my town and was a literally hell.
But they don't have a huge territorial control anymore so that's good.
And dipshits like Obama and EU criticize us for going ham on drug degenerates and cartels. Nothing of value was ever lost. Communities got better, drug dealers are spooked, I go RWDS in their asses, win-win.
Is there like a cartel union you can speak to about this? Get those cartels that target civilians in hot water.
Send us your coordinates.
It's extremely different here.
They are literal armies, not like your local gangsters.
We did try to go full Blitzkrieg on them, It didn't work so good.
It actually only helped them to take more control and power.
Cartels are part of CIA and FBI.
ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Taleban are parts of US MIC.
It is a complex situation when you have to make a war against yourself without screwing the status quo or future plans up.