Memes aside, could this work?
Memes aside, could this work?
memes aside they let trannies serve now.
i'm pretty sure if push comes to shove it won't matter.
No bitch stop being a pussy
No, all genders can serve now. Military doesn't discriminate.
What about having ADD/ADHD, being 30, or being a CIS White Male? Are any of these causes for exemption?
What if I say I'm a homosexual?
Haven't you heard? They're going to include women in the draft because muh equalititties.
male is also a sex. trannies will be getting drafted too
Same. Sexual preference doesn't matter either.
memes aside stop being a bitch and die for your country
it might actually work.
Not because they would think you're a female, of course.
It would work because you would be deemed mentally unfit to serve in the military.
Tfw unfit to serve due to mental defect, but a dude that wants to chop his dick off is welcome with open arms.
If a draft comes along and you have weed in your system, can they still enlist you? They make you take over 9000 drug tests to go in.
Isn't drafting now just reserved for the event of 'holy shit the enemy is at the fucking gates, EVERYONE fights or its game over'
I don't even understand this. How is it not considered a mental defect to be willling to DIE for a cause you don't have a direct stake in? I could see if it were a world war scenario or civil war maybe, but who willingly signs up to fight sand niggers for rich jews and isn't defective?
Uncle Sam isn't going to give a shit what you identify yourself as, if you signed up for the draft, you're getting that letter
Guy at Whole-foods today was a trans. It was the closest place to my house and I had to go somewhere to get a paper clip to reset my router. Bought some humus because I really went in there for the paper clip but needed to buy something as well.
It was tough to look him straight in the eye. I'd never actually met and had to converse with a trans before... they're some kind of weird monster honestly. It's amazing we have let people do that. That the USA now celebrates perversions to that extent. How we've let the inmates run the asylum. The guy after me was acting all normal and happy to him but I could tell it was super fake. Deep down he knew it was wrong too, it came out in his voice, very subtly, and in his eyes.
God has implanted his consciousness within you and around you. There's no escaping it. That's why it made my skin crawl. It was a pretty uncomfortable experience. This idea that humans can create values and that morality is not objective is one of the many tricks of the devil. It must be recognized at all times and contradicted in season and out of season wherever it is met.
I know that feel. Drs put me on antidepressants and Xanax after my mom died, took them for less than a year because I did not want them in the first place. When I turned 18 I got rejected by the military for that. But trannies are welcome. Fuck this gay Earth.
Don't you guys have birth certificates with all your birth info? Like gender
For a time, until feminists pass a special law to fix that.
Luckily they don't let mentally ill people in the military.
Ww3 will finally end the drug war. But at what cost ?
Not for the draft,
Still only males
It didn't work for Klinger, it won't work for the snowflakes.
I'm assuming they loosen up on the enlistment requirements for a draft right, but how much? I don't mind being drafted or not but, I'm curious if they'd ignore a high school drop out, narcoleptic that has "linear/deep" scars.
Would there be a draft? We don't need to send millions of men into the meat grinder now that we have guided weapons. Plus it would probably turn nuclear quite quickly.
Yeah but you still went to whole foods to buy a paper clip, you're pretty fucked too dude.
>fighting sandniggers for rich jews
Its not about that. Its about conditioning mind and body to overcome and adapt to any challenge. Its about being better than you ever imagined you could be. But most importantly, its about standing for the principles of liberty and freedom, regardless of leadership or politics, race or creed, and being willing and ready to lay your life down for those principles. I don't really care about living if I'm not willing to die for something greater than myself. If its dying to protect Jewish interests in a wasteland inhabited by sand people, fuck it, that's what my countrymen decided to do with their freedom and liberty. Plus, it beats shitposting on a Cambodian cannoli making website, or jerking off to ponies.
if there is a war, good luck finding males that are willing to sacrifice themselves for their non-existant family/wives.
feminism completely disincentivizes males to sacrifice themselves for their nation, 100%. and historically, this is precisely the reason no civilization ever had feminism never survived any significant of amount.
works in peace times, but once war breaks out, that society will die perish..
It's a draft user, as long as you're not demented or psychotic you're going to serve.
It's far more likely that with all the mechanization and logistics, they'd have a far lower requirement for ground troops than before.
Anyways you'd literally only be used as cannon fodder while specialized soldiers do the real job, kinda like knights and peasants in the middle ages.
Oh fuck I forget about him. Goddamn I havnt seen MASH since i was a lad.
A white, white lad of primarily European decent
He was such a new on the show. Only people worth watching were on late seasons.
To each his own, I'd rather not die at all. I'm not going to shit on those who do choose to make that sacrifice, and the way you put it makes it sound fairly honorable. People with your mindset make life more confortable for the rest of us, so thank you.
Any man who uses that to get out of military service will effectively be socially castrated.
If you say that you're pretty much going to have to follow through because women won't consider you sexually viable anymore and other men won't respect you or consider you their equal.
Well Obama was trying to let trannies serve; but Mad Dog Mattis put the kibosh on that, so I suppose it would work unless things get serious and we decide to start using the mental defectives for mine clearing.
Is science a meme or not? If it is you need to let a lot of organizations in major countries know along with the mentally ill who is about to be drafted as their chromosomes through science says they are whatever gender.
>Jewish interest.
No, no thank you. Unless the war was on my home turf I'm not fighting.
what a bunch of cucks, this place and you people deserve to burn for your mongrel mumbles
The government doesn't care what you think you are.
You could be declared legally dead by an actual judge in some states and therefore be ineligible for social security and a drivers license but you bet your ass the IRS doesn't give a shit, if you exist in this world as a living being you ARE going to pay them, they don't care what some bullshit document says.
Same with the military, they wont care if some retard doctor declared you a trans-niggerfaggot, they will beat your ass until you fight like a man anyway.
>tfw you're going to be cannon fodder for (((them)))
I'd appreciate that more if I were allowed to serve. Hopefully they'll loosen the restrictions and my depression diagnosis won't keep me on the shitlist if we really do come to blows with the Norkies. But c'est la vie.
Probably. But if the draft is reinstated, that will 99% guaranteed trigger the long coming second US Civil War.
I'd be fine with that.
I thought they had made women eligible for the draft now?
I wonder if they'll remake MASH for Korea 2?
They quietly killed it because the feminists flipped their ever loving shit over it, it would have effectively been the 'now choke on it' policy that would have killed all this gender equality bullshit. Women wouldn't like the idea of double dipping into society so much when their literal ass is on the line every time they take another step towards "equality".
>Cruz said his two daughters can do “anything in their heart’s desire,” but added “the idea that the government would forcibly put them in a foxhole with a 220-pound psychopath trying to kill them doesn’t make any sense at all.”
Apparently women are just worth more, so they get to have their cake and eat it too. These people better hope a draft is never actually needed, it's going to make the Vietnam draft opposition look like a fucking joke. Whichever party implements it will almost definitely not survive, the opposition would campaign against it and they would never win any election ever again, it would be held over their head literally forever.
>Yea!? Well at least WE didn't send all those poor young men to die like a bunch of pompus monsters! You people aren't American!
And that's the least that will happen.
>dying for your jewish overlords ...
This enrages me, I hope it at least was a political decision and not a cucked one by the brass
Double past tense? And everyone thinks our education is bad? Disgusting
Most Inf guys are just adrenaline junkies who like challenges.
The whole "serving my country" meme is just to give them some dignity.
If it makes you feel better, a draft in this day and age would almost certainly result in a revolt anyway, there is simply no need for it unless our government gets us into some serious shit that could easily be avoided.
No one is gonna attack us unprovoked and everyone knows it, we would have to start some shit first and escalate tensions to a ridiculous level, something like launching a nuke at China and shitting on Putin's face would probably do it.
So the odds of it really happening are about as high as your state governor and national president deciding he wants to commit literal and political suicide via angry mob.
Didn't buy one, asked customer service for one and they gave it to me free. yah Whole Foods can have some really cringy people working there but that place is pretty awesome overall
Flee Cali, user. Before it's too late.
It's the past perfect tense.
Because your education is bad.