Now that the dust has settled, whats your opinion on this guy

He aint perfect but hes all we got, thats my take.

Other urls found in this thread:

>this thread again

the dust has settled on the settled dust, latefag.

/our guy/ forever and ever

I trust he will MAGA even if it takes some maneuvering

Go away, he's a wankstain

He is an incompetent stooge.

wtf I hate campaigns and fundraising now

>Error 404: Dust Currently Unsettled

>txt trump to 80888 is a genius move.
no wonder so many dumb successful people


Effective and clever. He's quickly learning how to manoeuvre in Washington. It's fucking incredible how quick he's picked it up.

Dems are fucked.

On the fence about his decisions and promises, but I'm in Canada so it doesn't really matter. I'm honestly just hoping something gamechanging happens with the military action. Something where I live through it and get to experience a less shitty world without world banks.

never thought it would be possible to have a president worse and more dumb than bush, but I was wrong


Proud of my vote. Get off his dick and let him work and we will make some progress.

He reversed on literally everything.

That's the opposite of progress you dumb fuck.

i agree we need to keep expressing our disent for his failures but our support for his successes. being a an american takes more then just voting.

blundering idiot, permanent stain on America.

45-dimensional chess grandmaster and expert pussygrabber. Men want to be him, women want to be with him. Truly the leader we deserve.

Can't tell if he's going neo-con or not.

He did a bunch of cool shit right after he was elected, then shit started getting weird. Seems like Bannon has been less influential lately. Then he did that retarded health bill and did a sketchy missile strike on Syria.

But then a dropped a Nuke-lite on Isis today and that made me flex my freedom dick.

Really don't know what to think anymore. Aren't we still in the first 100 days? I want my tax reform, obamacare repealed, the wall built, hillary imprisoned, and immigration haulted.

If I don't get that shit by 2020, Imma be mad.

>Dust has settled
>Sandstorm is actually rising

He's a lying neocon face, but was slowly getting rid of the cancers in his administration before the Kushner shit. His promises are falling short outside of military action, which is at least a positive. I commend him still for essentially giving our Mad Dog and high military forces, to green light whatever they want, as this is much better than him trying to wing it.

I also commend him for admitting healthcare and the North Korea situation are harder than they appeared to him on the outside. Setting aside some stubbornness may at least keep the party stable.

I'm still surprised he's kept Spicer around, and Betsy Devos is allowed to make her moves with it hardly getting any light, all of which have been more monetarily beneficial more than they have been in the best interests of our people.

Basically it started off rough, I don't think he wanted the job more than he wanted the attention and brand awareness, but I think he has good intention that are within reach. However, he and Spicer need to quit telling verifiable lies in public, and trying to blame democrats for the "obstruction" of their failed policies, support, and picks (that they have yet to submit).

5/10 could be worse


Wheres the fucking wall?

He only ever had bluff and bravado. The bravado is gone and the bluffs are getting bigger.

Fuck Trump.

he may end the wars we've been dicking around in for over a decade.

best President ever if he does that

jew plant

Still was the better choice, not much of a choice but better none the less. Hillary would have dragged us into the same shit, we would be down a conservative supreme court justice, up a liberal one, and we wouldn't have all these bipartisan investigations going on into both the former and current administrations shining a light on the corruption in Washington. If nothing else his lack of popularly guarantees a level of scrutiny and public engagement we haven't seen in a long time, probably not since Watergate. Not what I think he had in mind when he said drain the swamp but it hopfully it will achieving something and garner some positive results in rooting out corruption. Unfortunately the public has a short attention span and this whole mess with Syria and NK has diverted the worlds collective attentions elsewhere for a time.

you brute!

ISIS? "Gonna Bomb the shit out of them."

He's just following through with this campaign promise.

Implants should be illegal. Disgusting.

He betrayed us all with his arms policy, turned his back on Russia and accepted NATO, now we are at the edge of the WW3.. add it
- Hillary isnt in prision
- The Syrian atack
- Wilbur Ross
- The FED still the fucking Fed...

Nothing has change and all seems worst than ever.

Why everybody refuse to notice it and open your eyes...

it hurts but he left us... Establishment has grab hem

It's 4:30 PM in Pyongyang, fucking strike already. I'm ready to see footage of a real life Zerg rush from China.


STILL, Mein Fuhrer


He and his entire cartel are going to prison. I hear the arrests will begin as early as next week.


Trump is fucked. His whole team is fucked. Russia wants their money back.

Anyone who doesn't really dislike Trump after completely lying about all kinds of America first no intervention shit he was hyping up in his campaign is simply misinformed and hasn't really followed him, the shit he's been doing is simply shocking to his populist voter base.


Still too early to tell.
Or has he really done anything significant yet except for these 59 missiles? So, I guess we have to wait.

>turned his back on Russia and accepted NATO
NATO is our ally, Russia is a geopolitical adversary. America does not turn it's back on it's allies.

I love'em so far.

People are stupid.
He said he was going to bomb the hell out of ISIS.

What the fuck did they think he could mean other than he was going to bomb the fucking shit out of everywhere??
That was literally the promise.

4D chess is real

Heil Trump and praise Kek!


He's scumbag!

>end wars by getting in wars

Thanks for a good laugh leaf

He's pretty much perfect.

>all the "we cant let him get the nuclear codes" shitposts

>drops the biggest non nuclear bomb in history

dont tempt the donald

>>drops the biggest non nuclear bomb in history
We already have them beat by that:

>Jewish reality TV personality
>US president

this is the future you chose america

Extraordinarily happy thus far.

He won't be able to drain the swamp because he lacks support. If he didn't do a 180° on his policies he would have been found dead of two heart attacks to the head on one of his gold courses, or impeached. Maybe Putin will give him a pointer during their future meeting.

he's a megalomaniacal fucking idiot
better than hilarity though

>Now that the dust has settled
Radioactive dust is about to cover 2/3 of the planet you dumb fatburger