Tila Tequila said this site was luciferian in the ww3 video she made youtube.com
this shit is kinda weird.
any info on this?
Tila Tequila said this site was luciferian in the ww3 video she made youtube.com
this shit is kinda weird.
any info on this?
old meme but it checks out
Fuck off Tila. Go shout heil hitler at more alt-right events. The Dark Lord has a special place in Hell for you.
Lucifer is your ally.
YHWH is your jailer.
>Bailey described a concept of racial differentiation that posited a division of humanity into races that are on different levels in a "ladder of evolution". These '"races" do not represent a national or physical type but a stage of evolution. For example, she states that the Aryan root race (or '5th race'), is an "emerging new race" and so a relative new evolutionary phenomena. The term "Aryan" as used by her has a different meaning than a separative or racist use of the word. She stated that this newer type is forming in every land but primarily in lands where Caucasian peoples are found and indicates a culture where thought or intellect is dominant. Bailey considered the Aryan race to be determined by a state of consciousness rather than by genetic or racial traits. She stated that as evolution proceeds, things are accelerated and humanity will soon be predominantly distinguished by the Aryan consciousness.
Also, the world is flat.
Yahweh and Satan are both Archons.
They are the same type of being and I dont wanna choose sides in their struggle.
Any real rebel would revolt from these Rulers and Authorities. They would not choose to follow either side.
I have enough strength that I dont need Lucifer as an Ally, and I can call Yahweh who he really is. The Demiurge.
>A mexican tells pol what to do
were in a videogame game arent we?
Yes our Material realm is just a shadow of the Fathers Pleroma.
The Pleroma is where the Aeons reside. It means the Fullness.
The place we live in is just a mistake and a false imitation made by Sophia.
Explain yourself. Any suggest books or articles? Please redpill me on this view, who are the good guys?
Lets say you got possessed, some entity could to a limites degree move your jody itself, how would you free yourself?
If you have her on snapchat you'll see she's batshit insane.
>M-muh vidyamatriz muh neo
You simplistic cunt lol had to be an uneducated burger.
I consider the Theosophical society what Sup Forums considers the jews: the SECRET HAND BEHIND EVERYTHING. They made the UN and even channel off-world entities at UN meetings. Their game is to (through the UN) prepare the world for the coming of the next christ or some shit. It's fucked up.
If you ever wondered why the communist, UN and nazi manifesto's are practically identical, these guys are why.
I still want to fuck her, good god that crazy bitch must be a great lay.
Wow she looks pretty different but cute without makeup
Well my point of view is a Gnostic one and i get it from the Nag Hammadi Texts.
The good guys are the Aeons. They are Emanations of the One. He is the true God known as the All.
Archons are the Lords of the garden from the OT, they are like the Sumerian Anunnaki or the gods of the greek and roman Pantheon. The jews chose one of them to be their Lord and they think if they Obey him they will be rewarded.
I think if your possessed its a spiritual attack by the forces of darkness and you should call upon the light.
I don't care what Tila thinks cause she is thicc as fuck. I want to stick my dick in and leave it there till it pickles.
are there any groups that are openly lucifarian?
im trying to understand what they actually believe
isn't this literally autistic fanfiction of catholicism?
An admirable position, but one which has it's own pitfalls and traps. Any being whose Consciousness dwells below the threshold of The Abyss/ZAX is well, nothing but a particle to the Authorities.
Even passing thru ZAX leaves the Reborn as something closer in stature to a Grigori than an Archon. Given that Lucifer extols the virtue of knowledge, wisdom, and self-determintion; he is absolutely an ally to anyone seeking to free themselves from the prison.
Start with the Hermetic Corpus of Hermes Trismegistus. There's... a lot to read and a lot to comprehend, a lifetime or two of reading really.
The smartest group that actually understands the history is Joy of Satan.
But they have chosen to side with Enki and his son Marduk in their war with Enlil.
His other son Ningishzidda is Thoth, aka Hermes the teacher of Humanity who warns us of the Demiurge and tells us of a God even high then all of them.
I never realized she's that ugly
If you guys look around, there's legit porno of her where she's sucking a dick and swallows a load. It's pretty fucking hot, no joke.
Its early Christian teachings that tend to have an Egyptian or Hermetic background.
Blavatsky was a Jew.
(((They))) are the Council of Thirteen.
Who happen to largely be Jewish.
Ethnically, not Religiously. Or at least, not Religiously in the way that Judaism is repackaged for the consumption of the
non-Kohen masses.
>The day is coming when God is going to judge you zionist Jews!
okay this is redpilled
>God installed a camera in my eye and sent me here as a spy. I am recording every bad thing that people do and the entire universe will see it
>talking about God and Jesus and stuff
Pretty sure she did hardcore porn
>Catholics have been corrupted by Satan
Okay back to being redpilled
>The majority of people are satanic
This is true, still redpilled
>Jesus is risen
>WW3 is here and I'm so excited because I am going to get to say "I told you!"
Well I am, and basically I see Lucifer as a liberator. Even says in the bible, Lucifer made humans to rational beings, and God didn't like that, because he wanted humans to live as his servants with the intellect of an animal. This struggle between liberating us and enslaving us is still going on and I believe we are in the final phase.
Is Tila Tequilla a product of MK Ultra mind control? seems like it
Yes. Your typical Monarch programming gone bad.
I haven't gone that deep into the MK Ultra rabbit hole, but she is demonstrating like every single symptom that I have ever read about.
This is fucking crazy. She's like spouting off redpilled shit, and then trailing off into typical MK Ultra rhetoric.
It's actually really eerie
heavily nu-christian POV but worth the watch
Ever since Marilyn Monroe, most popstars that reach the "famous to the world's masses" level are victims of MKUltra since childhood.
If you're interested in learning about it I suggest you dig deep into vigilantcitizen's brilliant analysis:
>involved with following her
>involved with discrediting her
>almonds my man
how do you call upon the light
>I don't have any enemies
>except for everyone who isn't christian
She's just a self hating gook who wants to be impregnated by a white guy
Red pill me more you two, I want to be free!!!
Right now Im like the brown haired white girl in pic.
does that imply you like it ;)
Honest question Mr. ANONYMOUS, would you like it?
to add to the request of , do you happen to have an English rec for the the corpus hermeticum
Search up the Occult Magic General /omg/ that was occasionally posted on /x/. The OP usually had a Mega.nz link to a colossal archive of different Esoteric texts. The Corpus Hermeticum is in the 'Beginner' folder.
Liberator lol yeah once mankind has stripped the world clean of all its resources and we live in a post nuclear apocalypse you'll see what all that "progress" was for.
That wasn't God but the Demiurge, the real God isn't a God of filthy flesh but of the spirit.
Luciferianism is just another religion based on ancient mystery schools of Babylon. Anyone who believes luciferian ideas are being tricked. Thousands of years ago organized religion was created in order to control society and was done by getting the people to believe the leaders of the religion had some advanced knowledge that was given to them by the gods. It was all a sham to make the religion and priests seem important. And for 10,000 years we've supposedly "advanced society" when really all we've really done is found the best way to destroy the earth and make people love their own slavery. The idea that our society is progressing and getting better for humanity is a joke and is at the heart of luciferianism.
Oh dear God, her untreated chlamydia has rotted her brain out from the core. She's a fucking nut job, especially for judging other people and saying she's a messenger of God, after starring in tons of pornos. She said she's not going to be on the internet anymore and will leave her channel because of the messages she wants to spread. Oh honey, no one will be listening to your bat shit retarded messages, they'll be listening to you sounding retarded as they watch you guzzle cum.
Holy fuck, some of the stupidest shit I've heard all day. I think my IQ decreased.
so many words so little content