regarding the chemical attack.
>why would we use it when we are winning the war?
>U.S. fabricated lies
>it is morally unacceptable to do it
regarding the chemical attack.
>why would we use it when we are winning the war?
>U.S. fabricated lies
>it is morally unacceptable to do it
Sad thing is, nobody will believe him. Nobody will even watch this. His English used to be better in the past, too.
> calling out the white helmets
It doesn't matter if no one believes him. More importantly, no one cares. No one cares if he did gas some kids.
>No one cares if he did gas some kids.
Trump does. Or rather he pretends to.
You should've seen how they framed it on our national news, it started off with the footage and a narrator saying "Assad comes out to say that none of this happened, these dying children and their grief stricken parents were just a hoax created by the US government" then you saw about 15 seconds of the interview
we all know it's faked by the US.
> calling out the deep state/regime
Assad is red pilled as fuck.
And then they pushed the "Trump is a Putin puppet" narrative and the "Chemical hoax story is Russian hackers" narrative within the same 5 minutes, I couldn't believe it.
You're gonna hang like Benito from the Esso rafters
Hang like Clara with her skull caved in
Hang like a cross around my neck
You're gonna hang
You're gonna hang
>a doomed dictator who will be strung up like Mussolini or Saddam before the end of the year goes on a crazy conspiracy-theory rant
I'll pass
stfu Mehmed
This is waiting for you.
What a fucking newfag
I came here to laugh at you
God damn it
Shit, he's literally say what people in the /sg/ have been saying. Not to mention, have you ever heard another leader call out a false flag before? More people need to see this, as it will force the west to make another claim or take some other action.
Do you live under a rock? Plenty of people at least pretend to care, while they think some crazy world leader is just gassing kids.
he's pruddy gud at reading the Russian script
He looks so much older...
>assad literally comes to Sup Forums for his propaganda
One of the reason I hate him to honest.
When the Syrian people hang this nigger in Damascus, I will take the day off work just to come here and shitpost.
>that's how you know he's probably telling more truth than lies.
He was also the person who brought internets to Syria
In other news, Hitler says US fabricates the camps so they can overthrow his regime !
>I have never read anything about Assad's governance before CNN started reporting on him
everyone knows he did it. Just look at his face. He thought Trump was on his side and they had this whole thing locked up. He figured he could gas some civies to prove to them that nobody would protect them, that they were at his mercy and had no choice but to give up. The only thing he didn't expect Donald Trump.
its all virtue signalling, they dont givev a fuck beyond how it can hurt trump or otherwise serve their agenda
>the US is not serious about defeating ISIS
I'm yawning so hard right now.
Can't wait to watch this nigger get stoned in Damascus town square.
if he goes it just means more syrian qt's entering my country, what do i care, i want a nice brown gf with green eyes.
are you serious or trolling ? i cant tell
Why are two Arabs that can barely speak English having an interview in English?
Really makes you think.
Make you think this is propaganda for Russian indoctrinated western cucks.
The chemical attack was a false-flag, but the truth doesn't matter.
What matters is winning and taking out Assad.
The public isn't in the position to understand geopoltics, so a false-flag is required to sway them.
Lmao he's fucking lying, he has no sympathy in his eyes and he's just telling us what we want to hear
"Go check the internet."
Pretty certain he means /sg/ on Sup Forums. Like seriously I think he does.
oof. a lot of shill activity on this particular thread
>t. burger who wants nothing but destroying history and culturies,
>build 10tonns bomb
>to kill 36 terrorists
> no sympathy
Exactly. Even if he were telling the truth about not being responsible, why doesn't he have any sympathy for the victims. He'd rather spout Alex Jones memes then even acknowledge them.
Anybody who's not autistic knows this guy is a psychotic fuck.
>how the fuck did i end up with these freaks?
>1. an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
Well I guess since your IP advertises that you're a Μεμέτης, you aren't really shilling. You're just being patriotic.
But no, I'm an American whose strongest ties to Syria are that I'm a Greek Catholic, and I don't want to see roaches exterminate my brethren. The Lion of Damascus is the only one standing between them and annihilation.
why don't you go blow niggers?
maybe they pay more than 0,02$
>t. burger who wants nothing but destroying history and culturies,
We bombed an airbase and some caves in the desert. You're the one bombing hospitals and museums, Sergey.
Seriously, why the fuck would you post here with that flag? Put your proxy on if you want any intelligent person here to take you seriously.
Assad and his family are white, but they live in the Middle East.
Think about it. It doesn't make sense.
It's funny how these things happen to all the ME dictators and they're ALWAYS, without exception, spilling beans on US:
why do the jews hate this guy so much
Putting on a proxy would make Ивaн here a shill because he wouldn't be disclosing his allegiances.
If you honestly disclose your allegiances and any other personal benefit that your advocacy gains you, the you aren't a shill.
Yep, now that Flynn got sniped, Petraeus and McMaster took his place. Bannon losing influence. Ivanka and Kushner bringing in dem friends like Dina Powell and Gary Cohn.
It's over folks. Assad will be gone within a year.
Syria is currently at war with Israel. Been like that since Israel was founded.
lol america has become so inept at foreign policy they are now stuck in a youtube/twitter beef with a middle eastern dictator and they are losing.
really makes you think.
You know they have no hard evidence that he done it or they would be parading it everywhere right now
>We bombed an airbase and some caves in the desert.
And supporting shitskins terorists who hates history and culture.
>Seriously, why the fuck would you post here with that flag?
Why not?
>if you want any intelligent person here to take you seriously.
>says redditor
That's all shitskins can do when cornered, blame everything on the evil white man (USA) and nebulous Jewish conspiracies
Literal sandniggers
>re: chem attack: "There's no proof, only videos on the internet, and videos are easy to fabricate"
>literally 30 seconds later
>re: white hats killing Syrian soldiers: "There's video proof on the internet."
Why do you retards take this psycho seriously again?
You'd be stupid to trust the US after WMDs and all the other bullshit they're come up with over the years.
On the other hand it is possible that there was a sarin attack that Assad and Russia didn't know about launched by some random dumb fuck in the SAA. Of course the US has said that Assad himself was behind it which is most likely bs.
Your country is literally supporting ISIS, are you too stupid to see that?
Actually does anybody know what the actual fuck is going on in Syria?
>Your country is literally supporting ISIS,
By killing them? Are u a leaf?
>And supporting shitskins terorists who hates history and culture.
Wait wut...the Kurds hate culture and history?
Assad is fighting against Israeli/Saudi/Qatari/U.S funded ISIS and Al Qaeda pretending to be "rebels".
p simple pham.
hahaha is this the new shill narrative?? oh the US is wrong but maybe there was sarin and but maybe someone did use it, but no way good boy assad and putin knew!
shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
Ruskies are a huge help in Syria's fight against terrorists.
Nice reverse
No you are a troll, people are furious at Assad.
Either he dumped toxins or he bombed a rebel facility containing toxins.
Thank you for sharing this. I wish that the deep state US government wasn't so fucked up.
By not killing them. You bomb hospitals. Do you really need me to explain to you that your leader is an ally of ISIS?
kys, kike
you dont think the russians own up to the fact they radicalized the Caucasus and balkans muslims which made up a majority of isis right? its always someone elses fault
Assad is right, look at what Pompeo has been saying recently and who do you think gave the fake intelligence to Trump?
Go back to rebbot you retarded CNN watching faggot
no dumbass WE'RE the ones supporting ISIS (assuming you're actually a fellow burger) and тoвapич Sir-gay here is the one whose government is killing them.
Agreed. You'd be retarded to trust either side.
Of course Asaad will deny any validity of the video regaurdless of the truth of that.
You shouldn't trust the US government either but as of now, they're selling it at a 1-off attack to deter the use of chemical weapons. I hope that's what it actually is. I'm not sure what a 1-off attack would accomplish in Trump's agenda other than a deterrent
>Assad and his family are white
not really.
he's a sandnigger with blue eyes.
his wife probably had multiple surgeries done to her face.
can't tell.
t. Mehmed from Sarajevo
>By not killing them. You bomb hospitals.
Look who is talking about "not killing terrorists" and "bombing hospitals".
>they radicalized the Caucasus and balkans muslims
>t. Saudi
Earnest Voice shills out in full force tonight
i am just randomly bombing some opposition
no clue what this whole un gas stuff is about
this thing in idlib,
i'm trying to find out who did it
get some airplane that flew when isis said, but, it seems they fly at some other time
i don't know why the times are different
i am bombing some little children in a different location right now, obviously not with illegal bombs
yeah trump bomb somewhere, some old planes, no clue what he is doing
i'm not really in a position to fight trump
ok, let me get back bombing evil terrorists
Reverse what? Your making no sense. Are you one of those idiots that think ISIS are the rebels?
He looks like a plasticine model.
shut the fuck up fucking burger
jesus, reddit donalds kys
>Reverse what?
All weapons what you gives to "rebels" are reselling to ISIS and Nusra.
>WE'RE the ones supporting ISIS
I almost wish you weren't a proxyfag so I could murder you.
Have you read the news today? The biggest bomb in history was dropped this morning.
On whom? ISIS.
By whom? USA.
Really makes you think in between slurps of Russian cock, doesn't it you worthless piece of shit?
Of course he does, if not his staff. /sg/ helped identify an ISIS base for the Russians, /sg/ and /k/ worked out that the gas was delivered by mortar / artillery shells from the rebel's side of the frontline, etc.
They'd be fools to admit this. Just imagine the headlines.
lol as if MickKane doesn't know he's directly giving ISIS presents during his illegal visits.
We should formally declare war on ISIS so that we can hang him for treason.
>reddit donalds
lol, I'm left wing master race, you cancerous cuck. I'll feed Trump to the same pig I feed Assad to.
>cuck soeone else a cuck
>those bluepilled faggots doing anything usefull
whatever Donald Duck
honestly hes a better leader than anyone in the west at the moment
Oh things have definitely improved since Obama left office. But traitors like McCain are still supporting them and the CIA is still funneling shit to them. Our policy has changed from "pretend to bomb ISIS while secretly aiding them" to "actually bomb everybody except maybe al-Nusra while still secretly aiding ISIS and al-Nusra."
It's a really really stupid foreign policy. I'd rather we picked the least insane group (extant Syrian government) and chose to help them win, rather than bombing everyone and giving everyone weapons so that the war lasts forever.
>I'm left wing
>I want the secular Baathist moderately socialist government to fall to be replaced by an autocratic, Sunni controlled Saudi puppet
Nice try Jew.
I bet you shilled for Trump in 2016 and you're not even an american. I couldn't even imagine being as big a cuck as you.
Right, the videos and photos of the attacks are just faked, right? The US government went through all that to blow up 20 aircraft, right?
US military policy is really incoherent on this point, we have allegiance with Saudis and sell them weapons to kill the Houthis in Yemen and then turn around and kill Saudi-funded ISIS groups
It's probably all because Israel just wants the region to be a shithole and they don't care who dies so long as there's no threat to them
holy fuck this is the first time i've actually seen the OTHER SIDE talk about the allegations, it's like there's an information vacuum or something
If Assad is a sandnigger, then you are a turkish rape-baby.
whatever sweetheart, not everyone is that stupid like you, burgers
More like
>I want the ISIS-allied sandnigger psychopath to be replace by secular Baathist moderately socialist government
Why does it always have to be either/or with you cucks?
what the fuck is wrong with those kids?