Can we like him yet?


No. He was black Trump.


>leaf graph user
go away

Was a pretty okay guy.


If the MSM is anything to go on, the world always did and always will love Obama.
Yet more proof that the MSM always lies.

>implying that's my name

god i hate newtards

He ordered the strike on bin Ladin.

even your trips cant make you not gay

trump being an evil liar doesn't make a pussy liar any better

Not until he's wearing orange

Obama was the worst president to ever come to power in the history of the world. Sad!

fake Bin Laden that is

sheeeeeeit I forgot all about this guy

if if if if iffff if if

If he ever comes back to the USA what will he do?

yeah and then disposed of the body

and the photos of the body were proved to be faked

It is a violation of Federal law to impersonate the President using a tripcode.

fuck off left wing lunatic

>Years of the Pharoah Barack Obama
>Which shithouse crossdressers use becomes a national priority
>"mansplaining", "manspreading", "patriarchy"
>Get fired when someone finds out you said nigger once 20 years ago


get the fuck out

He will probly run for prezident again next election

He will never be anything other than a god-mocking war criminal who used his blackness to steal like no white man ever could.

No, he was a nigger and shit president.

Dude super fucking weird time in culture. It was like we were ruled by fascist niggers

Obamas biggest economic stimulus to the job market was building roads to literally no where; unnecessary road construction work. Never heard anyone bitch about it then; you only heard "UNEMPLOYMENT SUPER LOW!"
Now Trump proposes a construction project that will stimulate multiple construction markets, give Americans jobs, and increase our national security (not to mention stemming illegal spics) but all you hear is non-sequitur arguments. Take your limp wrists and fuck off back to your cubicle before the nigger bitch in HR writes you up

>did nothing for 8 years
welp he does live up to his nigger heritage like a banana eating monkey

That is how it will be remembered. SJW caricatures will define those years. The winds of change are blowing hard once again.

Honesty afraid of it ever going back to SJW shit

Once something shows its head, it seems to come back

>Patriot Act 2.0
>$19.8 TRILLION debt
>Race baiter
>International agitator
>EU cuckold
>sanctuary city apologist

I could go on. GTFO my board shill
saged in all fields

doesn't that date back to the 1990s or was that appellation given to another project?


History will remember that he faced the greatest threat to democracy that our experiment has ever seen, and he had enough faith in the system to, first, allow a foreign collaborator to attempt to succeed him, and then to hand over power with only his trust in our Constitution and our institutions to keep the nation safe.

If Obama had declassified all the intelligence they had on Trump during the campaign, he'd run a very real risk of being the one who ended democracy himself - the precedent set would be abhorrent.

So he took the chance, and when the worst case outcome came to pass, he accepted the election results for what they were, and let a successor take the oath of office even as that same man was at that very moment the subject of a deepening and increasingly fruitful counter-intelligence investigation. Obama placed his trust in the checks and balances of our system to hopefully protect him from having the legacy of being the president who handed the country over to an adversary.

His finest moment as a constitutional scholar. History will judge this as the pinnacle of integrity and courage.

>checks and balances

Anytime I hear this phrase I know it's coming from a babyboomer

>a deepening and increasingly fruitful counter-intelligence investigation
ecksdeee the mental gymnast you are
>handed the country over to an adversary
the electoral college voted 304-227. Obongo didn't hand shit

This is either top- notch shitposting, pure autism, or low energy shilling.
Either way, get ready for 8 glorious years of MAGA and for Obummer to go to Leavenworth

Fucking who?


First round of indictments land next week.
Sorry to break the news.

Hahahahahaha. Hang yourself.

This is the greatest piece of bait I've ever seen.

Okie dokie


Just because trump fucked up doesn't mean we lost our fucking minds.

What a suspiciously leaf-like post.

"training Isil forces."

His words, not mine.

He's a nigger.