Guys, how do we get Sup Forums to be pro-Trump again?
Shareblue, CREW, /leftypol/, /r/politics have clearly won. At least half the posts on here are anti-Trump now.
Guys, how do we get Sup Forums to be pro-Trump again?
Shareblue, CREW, /leftypol/, /r/politics have clearly won. At least half the posts on here are anti-Trump now.
I voted trump
Things can win or lose on the internet.
It's something you turn off when you're bored and then just go outside. I
>they clearly won
Is that why they're forced to do daily raids?
Pol will always support Trump.
Go fuck yourself.
Lol. Theyre pissing into an ocean of piss. Their presence is high now and once they think they have won they will stop spamming. Once they leave things will go back to the old status quo. Don't worry about it as this place will never truly change.
Their posts keep reinforcing how wrong they are though.
It's like they are filling up our car's gas tanks hoping to make it go slower
You'll have to stop adding fuel to the fire.
This means stop replying to the troll posts. You are feeding the trolls. They will get bored, but you have to stop interacting with them first.
They're literally just spamming, and half of it is probably bored Sup Forumsacks posting copypasta.
>we can't allow him to get his hands on the nuclear codes
>he played us
It'll get old in about a week and they'll leave.
STFU! Natsoc is in total authoritarian control. Your little Trump panty party is kill. So, fuck off!
According to wikipedia we're still winning.
And there's nothing they can do about it but kick and scream and possibly shit themselves senseless.
Nice try, shill. They come here at their own peril. They'll gaze too long into our abyss, and the abyss will gaze back at them.
Shitposting will bring them to us. It starts with them (you) trying foolishly to tell us.
DAE Drumpf blew it?? DAE pol lost???
But laughter is involuntary. They'll grin. Smile. Chuckle. Appreciate freedom. Once free, they'll come to our way of thinking. There is no other way.
Send me your shills, shareblue. I'll return you an army of men.
This is textbook concern trolling.
You must abandon Kek for a while. While they cling to the chaos, lets scheme for a better tomorrow for Sup Forums.
We should be attacking their morale. This is a psyops game, you need to fight fire with fire. Its well known now that shareblue doesn't always pay checks on time, or at all, this can be leveraged in our favor.
You all sound like 12 year old school girls. Pathetic.
Even Kek agrees that his bro Thot should handle this for a while.
>RP faggotry going away
>People realizing Trump is a fluff-spouting retard
Just don't be anti trump over this
>Oh he bombed an airbase with 6 saracens guarding is
What was weird was how the media just openly applauded him. I think it drove a sort of wedge between normies and them
Kek they see Sup Forums reacting to shit and think they're having an effect
Sup Forums isn't a hivemind.
Spam their threads with gore until they get triggered and stop coming here
Still scared about the frog phenomenon?
Either Trump makes America great again by putting America first or Trump bankrupts America waging Israel's wars.
Either way Chaos God gets it's way.
the losing started the second he got into office
which is how it was with democrats too, executive branch always gets all the heat
I swear you Trump shills are the most annoying group to ever infest Sup Forums. Shoo shoo, get out of my Sup Forums!
>At least half the posts on here are anti-Trump now.
I pushed as hard as I could for Trump to become President, and now he is throwing away all his good will so that the globalist stories told to him on the MSM are favorable to him.
Feels bad man.
What is it like to browse /po/ as a teenager? It was new to me as an old man and would say that it led to some valuable things. You'd have to be retarded to buy into Trump though.
Sup Forums was never Kek's, yet it was always Kek's. Kek chooses the platform for which he will speak. He is a god of chaos, we should expect no less! The digits are still with us, wherever we go. You'll see it on your bus tickets. On your receipts from Taco Bell. The point is, Kek is everywhere. Kek is nowhere. Just like all of us. A product of chaos.
>Sup Forums was always pro-Assad
>Sup Forums supported Trump because he said he will leave Assad alone
>Trump bombs Assad
>Sup Forums hates Trump
What's so hard to understand faggots?
>he is throwing away all his good will
But realistically
>One Arab airbase
If this is all that happens then literally who gives a fuck. Theres a 4d chess narrative that he went with it to sort of tie the hands of those (((advisors)))
>Well guys this could have lead to world war three. I think that counts as treason if you were ever found lying to me - which carries the death penalty by the way
>implying Trump was ever more than the best of a bad situation.
Realistically we could just bring back the pony fags. Scared off all the shills.
Or have to clock back in
>There's a 4D chess narrative that he went with to tie the hands of those (((advisors)))
I really hope you are right, 'cause otherwise all we've got is Hillary Clinton with a bad hair job and no pant suit.
i dont even know whos jewing who anymore
the syria thing has blown over and the tide is slowly turning back
trump is unstumpable
>Guys, how do we get Sup Forums to be pro-Trump again?
>Shareblue, CREW, /leftypol/, /r/politics have clearly won. At least half the posts on here are anti-Trump now.
90% of the posts were Shillary CTR threads before the election. But we're still a PRO TRUMP BOARD!
The_Donald doesn't care about this board, when they have their main base back at Reddit. They posted shitty memes with HillPepe with 'Shareblue' sample file to bring awareness that Shareblue is here, or simply teasing at this 'dank' meme. Therefore, they will continue bringing their lowest quality of 'shitposting' just to render the support of Trump, not caring whatever this board turns to.
>Trump bombs Assad
suuuuuuuuure he did
Why do you think your corporate (((masters))) and the MSM are suddenly on the Trump Train?
theres a problem with Trump user that divides pol, before election ALL TRUMP but now Trump is Bomb Assad .
>So what to do ??
>Trump does a 180 on Sup Forums over night
>the_donald shows up to show nazi larpers they're wrong or shil's if they criticize trump and create fake screenshots to convince Sup Forums that everything they believe is just /leftypol/, shareblue, russian hackers, r/mat, r/politics, and richard spencer shills manipulating them.
>Sup Forums finds out the real shills are pro-trump
>the_donald are still here saying it was just shills while ignoring 90% of Sup Forums
>now pro-trump shills are using reverse psychology to get Sup Forums back on the trump train
>ww3 on the horizon but it's all 4d chess because Israel deserves to be great
I'll k-keep you posted
shills can try, but still doesn't change my views on trump
its a loss for them
It's just bot posts and proxy shills, why do you think they're all 1 post by this ID and say endless variations of the same thing?
It's obvious even to rank newfags how shilled up this board is, which means they've actually failed.
Get a shitload of neocon normfags so you can fill Sup Forums with your new friends. Or fuck off to t_d
yeah we definitely won
The shills distract us from the deep state takeover
nobody started using that here before your little discord raid started
what an obvious way to out yourself as a leaf and a shill all at once
>shill telling anons to get out
no sir you are confused you have to go back
C'mon lad, you can't be this dense.
isnt that the beauty of r/pol that we've got all the idiots in one basket, sure you can make this a pro trump forum, but then you would create an echo chamber.
Let them come. They can only shill effectively by embracing our ways
Let them come
Nobody needed to use it before the_donald showed up, there was hundreds of posts on the_donald that were basically telling people to raid and the kike mods didn't delete them.
>shill thinks trump supporter is dense
you know you cant win so why go on if its a losing battle
You have to go back
>Sup Forums
>no Pepe
>no kek
Never gonna happen
>thinks i'm a shill
Here's a quick rundown
One has to wonder who the real shill is here?
>shill pretending to be lefty pol
>thinks i'm gullible to believe him after he argues with trump supporters
yes you are a shill
Wh do black people always vote against their interest nigger?
Where's your arguments m8 ? I see none.
>Poltards try hard to defend his shitlord
>Despite his retardation will lead their own country to collapse
>inb4: build wall
DUMBFUCKISTAN AKA AMURRICA does not have the resources to make me do so faggits :^)
>Shareblue, CREW, /leftypol/, /r/politics have clearly won
yeah na defeatist faggot, the autistic left can screech here all they like but we still support trump.
trump supporter explains what the shills do, while (you) told him to leave
its good too see a angry deported mexican support shills.
>tfw it was a botnet all along
Maybe of Trump stick to his promises people will be more happy to support him again?
>They clearly won
How exactly? I still hate them as much as when they started if not more
I doubt they convinced anyone so calling it a victory is a rather big stretch
>>Trump bombs Assad
it was just saber rattling get over it change your tampon
There's a difference between pro trump and blindly supporting him like Reddit. We were never Trump worshippers he was a means to an end to get White people in the US better off then Shillery or any other Republican. Reddit cucks worship him and claim Sup Forums as a Trump board and defend him when he does stupid shit or fills his cabinet full of neo kikes.
If trump becomes a retard and keeps bombing Syria and going back on a lot of his policies or making them shit versions of grander promises he's made he deserves to be shit on.
>it's bots
>it's proxy fags
>it's shills
It's not.
Trump supporters haven't left their safe space all week and have no clue that they're being laughed at
>blindly following someone
you're no better than the SJW
>reddit shill link
yeah your making a deeper hole for yourself shill
>At least half the posts on here are anti-Trump now
At least half of the posts on here are $40 million budget shillings at work. Keep calm and do not let astroturfed herd mentality influence you that much.
Rebbit cucks and jidf need to leave
Yeah half the posts during work hours...
Leftyclucks and redditors like you really shouldn't be using that line.
>wtf I like echo chambers now!!!!!
Nice thread, retard.
It's good to see a based user around here.
Part of your evidence as to why Sup Forums shouldn't like Trump is a HuffPo hit piece claiming he said Hitler wasn't all bad? And you have trouble understanding why you stick out so badly smdh
this picture is so accurate
You can still have legitimate criticisms towards Trump while still supporting him. That's a concept that's lost on a lot of newfags here sadly. Posters who criticize him aren't actually "shills".
The REAL problem here is the constant divide and conquer raids we've been experiencing. Leftist subreddits have been circling our board like a pack of hyenas for months now and the Syria strike was the ammo they needed to launch their (unsuccessful) attack. Do not fall for their divide and conquer tactics and ignore their threads whenever possible. Keep in mind that they like to try and create a false consensus by replying to each others' posts but they're literally just shilling to themselves.
But don't give in. Their constant attacks only prove that they fear Sup Forums and its memes. I for one consider it an honor that a bunch of leftist faggot NEETs would waste their time pissing in a proverbial ocean of piss while trying to turn Sup Forums against Trump and failing spectacularly while the real Sup Forumsacks effortlessly bait them and expose them in every thread.
So by all means keep shilling here, MATfags. It's been fun making you niggers squirm for the past week.
>how do we get Sup Forums to be pro-jew again?
Still better than hillary but he never was truly our guy.
what ? No, i said trump shills are using reverse psychology to get Sup Forums back on the trump train.
a new low for shills
Hold on, i have to get my glasses. That screenshot is a proven fake btw.
As you can see here in Exhibit A, the SRS Goontard lefty ledditors are having a mental breakdown due to Sup Forums posters being aware of and exposing their scheme to other users of the board.
Truly a majestic sight to behold.
Ummm no sweetie. I don't suppose you're going to post your fake damage control "screenshot" from T_D to try and deflect. Please go back to shitting up /ptg/ so the probability of you getting banned increases.
Me replying to someone who didn't understand what i was talking about is a breakdown ?
>But don't give in. Their constant attacks only prove that they fear Sup Forums and its memes. I for one consider it an honor that a bunch of leftist faggot NEETs would waste their time pissing in a proverbial ocean of piss while trying to turn Sup Forums against Trump
Cringe. Kill yourself my man.
My bad Seamus. I still think you're suspect though Mr.(10).
pol was never pro trump
Hillary won the popular vote
When you find the bigger image just look at the g on the bottom name. You the_donald fags are always talking about subreddits.