Wow trump is a piece of shit.
Wow trump is a piece of shit
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wtf i hate drumpf now
You'd think for a Neocon he would at least do us the favor of dropping a few on Canada while he's at it.
We can't let this man get his hands on the MOAB codes!
How? I wish he had just nuked instead. Muslim don't deserve to live fucking pedos
Holy shit, it knocks tents over?
It's like anudda shoah
I wonder how many CIA assets died in the blast? I wonder how they will try to retaliate?
stop pedoshaming you bigoted piece of shit
>1.7 miles
>shock wave kills people
Yeah, nah. Frag from the shock wave COULD, but you'd need to be unlucky as hell to catch some.
~14 tons of TNT is a decent boom, but it's not that decent.
nigger raghead fuck off
>oh shit if there were civilians at a bomb site they would be dead
That's why there weren't civilians in the area.
Please use spoiler tags for those planning on watching the upcoming North Korea happening.
Good thing we dropped it on an ISIS base in the middle of fucking nowhere
Luckily no people were harmed by this strike
>1.7 miles away blows tanks over
Is she sure she's talking about the correct bomb, or did she just pull this shit out of her ass?
Awesome bomb.
hhaahahahahahahahhahahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bring it bitch we'll take over the white house u fat burger lardass fucker
Sounds good. Release the video..
If it was all ISIS that was killed, 100 +.
No civvies died so stfu sand-wench
>14 tons of TNT is a decent boom, but it's not that decent.
Moab is thermobaric, isnt it?
Its like a small puny ""vacuum bomb"" or a large fuel bomb
>be me
>Decide to have a stroll around an ISIS base
>Cause the terrorists at war wouldn't shoot me on sight, right?
If there were any civilian s caught in the blast, they would've probably died sooner or later anyway
Arrest this terrorist supporter. Why would you be on a IS base bitch?
Yet the media is making it seem like he dropped a nuclear bomb in downtown Kabul.
This. In my eyes, if civilians are fraternizing with ISIS, then they are not civilians anyway. Even the US military has their team of sluts, cooks and maids.
That's in Yemen a few years back when an ammo depot exploded.
And we wish he did.
I remember a part in the World War Z book they describe one used and the shock wave inverts your lungs outside your body within a certain range.
pics when
you're welcome to try.
oh no i wasn't wondering
btw i hope she goes to jail for supporting terrorism
So it only knocks people down at 1 mile but kills people and blows tanks off the road at 1.7 miles? Why would I take he word of a 12 year old black girl?
yeah we'll try and succeed you stupid fat ass
Wait, the knock down radius is less than the kill radius? If I was 1.5 miles away would I die on my feet?
Ban Canada.
>complain and then bomb a nation because terrorists used nerve gas
>then go and use a nuke equivalent on another country
Reagan was right to call it empire of evil.
Why is this a bad thing?
>nuke equivalent
>Hiroshima was 15,000 tons of TNT and is considered quite small by today's standards
>MOAB is 11 tons of TNT
lol no. It's just a bomb, and the explosion really isn't that big.
Lot of civilians in the caves, I guess. Fucking Afghanistan...
>up to 1.7 miles: shock wave kills people
Wow. What a pile of bullshit.
Muslims really lie at every given opportunity.
Chemical warfare is illegal and also its not a fucking dirty bomb that lingers for a whole fucking century radiating everywhere
>1 mile: knocks jeeps over
>1.7 miles, blows tanks off the road
the fuck are those jeeps made of?
Muslims drive a fucking truck through crowds killing innocent men women and children
U.S drops a big ass bomb on ISIS killing a bunch of terrorists
The irony here is off the charts
Go ahead then. Do it. What's stopping you?
we''ll do it one day. until then, you get our pre-preemptive assaults on here. and you can't even take it on here, you just cannot handle us hahahahahhhahhhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Nigger it is the largest bomb used in combat in the world since we nuked Nagasaki
It's not a nuke but let's not pretend like it's small
>causes deafness
>what ???
Oh my god yeeeessssss we must drop MORE
Fake news. They use the metric system in Afghanistan. Dumb sandnigger wouldn't even know what a mile is.
Seeing how the blast radius is 300 yards from the point of detonation, pulling it out of her ass.
>blows tanks off the road
Let's do a benchmark chek
>afagnst still muslim?
Looks like they still are. Bomb into stoneage it is then.
tank jiggles, tanker bumps his head*
Both the instantaneous and prolonged effects of a nuclear blast are on a completely different level than that of a moab.
Now just imagine what a legit nuke would do
Pray to be at ground zero bitches when the Tsar Bombas fall
It's a big bomb but it's not even remotely comparable to a nuke.
Nah it's just a really big conventional bomb.
>blast equivalent to 0.011 kilotons of tnt killing people at 1.7 miles distant
yeah, no.
stop bumping slide threads