Voluntary vs. involuntary interactions and racism

I am racist against spics, niggers, and most Muslims because my involuntary interactions with them are unpleasant. No one is going to make me date them, or room with them, or start a business with them. However, I will probably have to deal with them in public and maybe work with them if I'm unlucky.

I have never understood why there is racism against non-Muslim Asians, because my involuntary interactions with them have always been fine. They can be on the cheap side if they are fresh off the boat, but after a few years they are close to normal, even with broken English. I honestly prefer the company of a Vietnamese or Chinese person to a black Jamaican who speaks perfect English. Their personalities are too forward, so they rub me the wrong way. Even native born black Canadians piss me off, because they usually have low impulse control and big personalities.

I understand the role of the "red pill" and HBD in waking normies up, but the racism of our grandparents wasn't based on infographics. It was based on first hand experience, and ours should be too.

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You're not racist, you're behaviorist.

muslim is not a race
arabs are often muslims, so just say you hate arabs

We have different kinds of Muslims here. None of them are white.

That's not accurate desu. The main problem with racism is that it's used to judge individuals based on their group's stereotypical behaviour.

Even if you're red-pilled about racial intelligence distributions and such you still shouldn't be blindly racist, because there enough outliers to make racial judgements regularly inaccurate.

t. racist

What are you?

I'm mostly the same. I hate Muslims mostly because they make their women cover their hair and believe in having multiple wives. Also they barbarically murdered millions of Christians to rise to power, plus the whole Armenian Genocide leaves a bad taste in most of my families mouth.

I hate most black people, or I guess "niggers" if they act like it. Don't really hate any others. Mexicans and Latino's are fine with me. Love Asians.

Mixed European. So white but without any specific heritage.

>t. racist
>waaa stop being racist
In-group preferences will reign supreme, lynch all niggers.

Jesus speaks

I've heard enough.

To me it's very simple; the muslims(yeah not a race but a sharply defined shitty minority) and blacks make this country worse. They don't contribute, and it is more than obvious they destroy neighbourhoods, commit more (sex) crimes and act rude all-over. And that's aside from the terror attacks. Even if they start a shop it's some shitty kebab with bad food and an ugly store front. Or a shady phone store. Whatever they touch devalues our quality of life compared to western immigrants or Asians(most Asian restaurants look really good and are well-kept). Bespoken groups just don't care for their surroundings, they don't mow their lawns or pull next door weeds out of courtesy.

Basically, they just suck. I don't want them here and I don't care how we make them get the fuck out.

i live in a chinese suburb and i actually prefer chink neighbours to anyone even whites. they are quieter, more polite (at least to your face) and commit even less violent crime. people complain that they are fucking up the housing market but im never going to have enough money to buy a house so i dont care.

It's actually
Be black --> Think you'll get treated differently --> Act like you'll get treated differently --> get treated differently

For maybe a third or so of them.

Pretty much this. Merit is irrelevant, the outliers can suck it

I hate every foreigners equally, but I try to be tolerant with other Europeans

Mixed as in ancestors from all around Europe you mong.

>In-group preferences will reign supreme
This is not true. You are too sheltered to pass judgement on people you barely interact with.

We have some of the niggest niggers in the world man, they burn people alive over theft. But blacks outside the townships are completely different. They may be a minority but they are proof that socio-economic circumstances have a greater effect than race alone.

>They may be a minority but they are proof that socio-economic circumstances have a greater effect than race alone.









>muh based blacks
Take a hike, nigger.

I didn't say race has no effect dumbass, I said it has LESS of an effect. Wealth has a much stronger correlation than race.

tfw 1 chance at life and you were born white male in america and everyone is jealous. thanks god.

We normally go beyond that, we hate every foreigner, each other and ourselves.

>I said it has LESS of an effect.
Read the evidence.
>Wealth has a much stronger correlation than race.
Wrong again: archive.is/WzHS4
Want to know how I know you're worthless nigger trash? How does it feel to have done literally nothing with your existence? Your people are worth less than garbage. The life of a nigger is worth less than the life of an ant. At least the ant has stable social structure and can work cohesively.

>They may be a minority
>not all 'x'
Association with nigger trash has been a monumental catastrophe, just as it has been with kikes and spics. Only the subverted or the untouchables defend said association.

>tfw you have to take shit from literal refugees because you work in customer service

>Want to know how I know you're worthless nigger trash? How does it feel to have done literally nothing with your existence? Your people are worth less than garbage. The life of a nigger is worth less than the life of an ant. At least the ant has stable social structure and can work cohesively.
Wow you're obviously researching this from an objective standpoint and not just confirming your beliefs.

This does refute me though desu. Good point.

>not all 'x'
I have a black friend who's more intelligent than most whites I know. I'm not a sociopath, how can I condemn his entire race because of they have a larger criminal minority? By that logic all men should be excluded from society because our crime rates are also higher.

>Wow you're obviously researching this from an objective standpoint and not just confirming your beliefs.
Not a refutation of the claims put forth.
>This does refute me though desu. Good point.
>Data indicate that although higher levels of wealth were associated with lower rates of incarceration, the likelihood of future incarceration still was higher for blacks at every level of wealth compared to the white likelihood, as well as the Hispanic likelihood, which fell below the white likelihood for some levels of wealth.
It is actually principally opposed to your claims.
>I have a black friend
My friend smokes all the time and hasn't gotten lung cancer, too. Point is, anecdotes are worthless. Nigger history speaks for itself. They have and always will be useless subhumans dependent on superior people to show them the light of civilization.

Kek is blessing these posts. His light shines upon me, can you say the same?

I wasn't being sarcastic man, I read the study. My point with the anecdote is that absolute discrimination isn't right.

>My point with the anecdote is that absolute discrimination isn't right.
Niggers can discriminate fully against whites if they invade their homelands, too. But all niggers should be dead by now so that they can't complain, seeing as how all of Africa was already conquered.