Kekistanians and Shareblue are self-destructing with Kek/Wojack memes. It makes sense since they can "praise Kek/Hilldawg pepe" anywhere without continuity issues as numeric sequences aren't actually required.

Thoth requires sequences however, and also GET doesn't work the same way. Thoth is about spontaneity and discussion, even an incorrect statement could lead to a comment later.

Basically, Kek's chaos will eat the normies and fags alive, and once stale, they will be empty. Thoth can guide discussion in a way the enemy cannot grasp. First word of advice, "praise Thoth" won't work, "thanks Thoth" is what will have an effect.

Kek and Thoth are greatest allies



Thoth really makes one think of their own volition, according to plan.


What if Thoth resurrected Kek to guide Sup Forums to self reflection and... self improvement?

thanks Thoth

I support this.

Thanks Thoth.

With Thoth wishes are not granted, but rather, the process of discovery is facilitated.

Perhaps, along with self improvement, it is time for Sup Forums to evolve once more.

>thoth skips leg day


Or Thoth merely sequenced events so that the artist or yourself would think of leg-day, thereby helping you and the original artist get fit.

most likely, dude's a master


Oh my.

Thanks Thoth! I DO need to go to the gym.

I was born at 3:53 am. Can I be Thoth this time pls. He's been reborn like a million times already

These sequences may give hints on where to focus, but they will not give clean cut answers as with Kek.

will Sup Forums adapt thoth tho? are they ready to move on? i suppose thoth will remain esoteric, then.

Do push-ups for Thoth

The girth and over all mass of nutrients located in the rectum is swelling. The phylum husks need liquid in order to expand and make for smooth anal release. There is no sweeter feeling in this world than demoralizing an entire people thus causing them to self destruct. The German is a unique specimen, he does not know how to think critically not for himself. He is empty and cold and easily persuaded (even to his own demise) what was once a proud people degraded into slovenly pigs that watch anime and live the life of a hermit. Even the ones that claim to be mgtow are delusional, for they are incels.

I spread me ass now daddy, pls burn my cheeks with your cigarette fuck nigger bitch, burn me while I Defecate mordecai hershawitz.


You superautists are so cringy taking ancient gods you know nothing about and superimposing them onto your juvenile "chaos god" fantasies.

If you like ancient polytheism so much why don't you look into them at an esoteric level so you can stop constantly exposing yourselves as profane plebs (basic bitches). There were secret societies who ran shit in the ancient and classical world who understood what these gods and their myths were really about, but you sperglords come onto a Vietnamese candle making blog rambling about "muh digits" and "lel normies" like a bunch of preteens. Please choke on razor blades next time you think about shitposting one of these godawful threads.


yes goyim! jump ship, do it now
sticking through the thick and thin, sickness and in health, the good AND the bad
just a meme
only ever follow trends and stick to the winning side, betray everything you've ever loved and believed in constantly
after all, how can you expect to win a war, if you lose every 1 out of 10 battles


I have to agree.

Getting real tired of nupol with their le Kekistan cancer.

Ancient priests saw meaningful connections between numbers and phenomenon/objects. For example: the number 7, which is thought in many religions to be a holy, if not one of the most holy numbers, was associated with completeness primarily because the ancients were able to observe 7 planets, the sun being included as a planet, then up to Saturn. They couldn't detect Uranus or Neptune. Because the Sun represented to them that which gives all life and light to the world, the Sun was associated with God and each planet with its own sub-god or less powerful god.

Given that all the planets were associated with or even in many cases viewed as themselves gods, the numbers assigned to them took on significant value for this reason alone, not to mention the countless other associations that were made with them.

1 = the sun = God/unity/masculinity (phallus)
2 = mercury = duality/connection/femininity (ovum)
3 = Venus = trinity/mathematical harmony/combination of masculine and feminine
4 = Earth = "the four corners of the Earth"/nature/agriculture
5 = Mars = man (pentagram symbolizing the points of human anatomy i.e. head, 2 arms, and 2 legs)/dominance-war/correspondence (being that man was viewed as a microcosm of the universe hence "created in God's image")
6 = Jupiter = largest planet and the only thing in Saturn's way to the others hence association with heroism and strength
7 = Saturn = furthest from the Sun aka God thus furthest from the light, the evil one

Thus completes the set. That's just ONE interpretation among many valid and meaningful interpretations of just 7 of the 9 primordial digits.

You faggots jerking yourselves off about how woke you are with your "lel duz xDDD" is just a pathetic waste of energy and life.


Ancient Egypt was made-up by the Masons as a tourist attraction for the rich. The Pyramids of Giza are made out of concrete blocks.

Nigga with our modern technology we still can't make the pyramids never mind making them like hundred years ago

the technology didnt go anywhere, ffs

really treats my sandalwood

I always knew thothposters were actually shills.

the ogdoad is the true redpill