I don't know if you realize how much power and influence K pop have on white teenage girls

I don't know if you realize how much power and influence K pop have on white teenage girls.
It's going to hurt white culture for sure.
>mfw gook is whiter than Sven

Other urls found in this thread:


It eventually leads to young white girls craving asian bfs

Bump niggas

K-Pop performers seems to copy that WASP aesthetics.

This is true white girls love the BAC

>North Korea
.... WTF??? Do you even have internet?

whats the feeling on the ground over there?
is shit going down soon?

teach me how to proxyfag from north korea

nah, it's only a small portion. the pasty, chubby weirdos that have no friends basically.

it's honestly a good thing
white girls who like kpop are often very self-conscious about their looks, but in a very feminine way, not a slutty way
they might not want tough muscle heads, but want men who take care of themselves and aren't idiots
i guess the only "problem" i could see you guys having with it is that the girls want Asians
(not that any of the white Kpop fangirls are actually dating Asian guys, rather handsome white guys who are respectable)
but either way what happened to "Honorary Aryan"


yes, anyone who knows anything knows the one thing teenage girls cant stop talking about and fixating on is korean pop music
>gooks are this delusional

*white Kpop fangirls I KNOW

user pls. Source on this vid

you'd be surprised
it is niche, but you can find k-dramas all over Netflix
But Boybands are basically just Wrestling for girls
people just like pretending these people are real and enjoy the choreography


K-pop is my only non-white activity a week on thursdays, maybe Fridays when Music Bank is on.

It's a great marketing flurry. I don't know why Sup Forums doesn't follow suit.


this is really unpleasant to look at. why post this


what do you mean?

Fucking disgusting man.

How can she really think her chubby body can really compared to an Asians?

And she acts like she is hot as fuck.... God dam man, the arrogance of white woman these days.


Eh it will probally be alright as fucking asians in general are ultra conservative in marriage and shit.

sorry that she was cursed with boobs and an ass

clown make up, facial tone doesnt match the neck, obvious bumps and acne on her chin, cheeks, and forehead. she's trying to be cute with her hair but it just looks like a mess. it's not anything good to brag about with how you are doing with all the rest of the images you are uploading


100% agree, childlike gestures just don't suit big people

You are a hero


A-absolutely degenerate

>MTV makes gangster rap nigger culture
>hippie, weed, "free love" druggie shit easily integrates into it
>promotes nigger collectivist gang shit
>white pick it up
>stupid fucking overpriced "streetwear" emerges
>niggerized sluts fucking everywhere
>rampant miscegenation
>now chinks eat it up

I fucking hate kikes

Compared that to the koreans...


This really pisses me off. Arrogant white woman...

Please stop posting beautiful women ;_;

>clown make up, facial tone doesnt match the neck,
yes asians use a lot of make up, she's just adopting asian customs, it's better than what white women do "normally"
you'd notice the makeup on asians if all the pictures you had weren't all airbrushed to hell and back
>obvious bumps and acne on her chin, cheeks, and forehead.
she admitely has bad acne
So a lot of her makeup is used to block that.
the blemishes endear her from being like other white women
>she's trying to be cute with her hair but it just looks like a mess. it's not anything good to brag about with how you are doing with all the rest of the images you are uploading
now you just sound like a faggot

she's a fan who does cover dances on youtube and as a hobby
she doesn't have professional choreographers, directors, and etc
so no shit professionals are gonna be better

>You are a hero

Lmao the more mature and curvy body of an european woman isn't really fitted for that kind of dance. That said i'd fuck the shit out of those european bodies. You can't have big and masculine viking men if the women aren't also physically stronger and bigger.

But while were on the subject

Look at this white woman
Now look at these


How can white woman even compete?

lol what's your point for defending asian women? what are you trying to prove you race traitor?
be glad more white women are adopting asian beauty techniques and customs
lets just hope they don't get to the point of making themselves look like plastic dolls

Admit it chink, asian women look like little boys. European women look fertile and actually have strong bodies, made for breeding strong men.


not even defending, you're insulting white women for no reason other than to shill your fetish

Kpop is pure compared to Western culture. It'd be an improvement.

women shouldn't grill
the grill is for men
the oven is for women
but that's just my opinion

>be glad more white women are adopting asian beauty techniques and customs

>me on the bottom

Think they're working on putting the black in korea, that's if they survive NK war 2.0

All asian women look fucking same. Why the fuck should western women adapt asian beauty techniques? Asian women look boring, bland, and inferior compared to european beauty. European women should adapt tradional european beauty techniques, not some tasteless, bland chink shit.

I would really love to sniff Jellybeans farts.

It is interesting that ASMR has took off in Korea. Truly it is the pasttime of intelligent people.

>walking along beach
>see this
>wat do

well it's not really the techniques themselves, just more of the characteristics
kpop is the only few things that causes women to want to be more feminine considering western media is nothing but nigger hip hop and crazy slut pop stars 90% of the time

Can we all take a step back and look at what we're discussing here? Ridiculous.

I don't know about you but I think jellybeannose is cute. A CUTE :3

Funny thing happened to me last saturday. I was talking with a really-good-looking-for-an-asian chick from our class, her mother probably thought she was too good for her vietnamese village and moved to west kind of good looking. Anyway i was really conversing some deep shit with her, and when i turned around i saw a big group of finnish girl from my class all looking angrily at me. Like they had all turned their heads at me and looked at me with the same expression that finnish guy looks at a white woman who is with an arab guy. Funny shit.

Made me think that because asian women can actually be kinda attractive, immigration from asian countries isn't being promoted by women. White women know that with arabs and blacks, the females are more ugly than men, and there isn't even a slight chance a white guy might be interested in arab or balck girl over white women, while arab and black men can still be attractive enough so a white woman might considerer them over a white guy. So that's why white women promote immigration from middle east and africa, but from asia. Because they know there is no chance african or middle eastern girls will be more attractive than them, while the guys might still be attractive. Which is the exact opposite with asians. White women just want to improve their position, while they are really against the white man improving his position.

You're absolutely correct, my Mongol friend.

Holy shit this is catchy

50% of pol came out as Kpop fans

>asian, through plastic surgery and makeup acquire white futures
>white people find them attractive
Who could have guest?

Haha, fellow r/asianmasculinity user, what are you doing out here?

sorry if I'm late but what the fuck is KPop? Some sort of dance or some other weebo shit?

This gave me cancer, why would anyone act this way in public?

And American dudes who wanna fuck Korean twinks until their buttholes prolapse.

I'm just sayin, dude in OP's gif would get his booty shrekt if I could get my hands on em.

>I don't know if you realize how much power and influence K pop have on white teenage girls.
In your dreams, retard. Unless teenage girl means that fat insecure anime chick no one wants to hang out with
Literally no one I know give a shit about k-pop or even korea as a whole
As long as the gooks keep making samsungs, we good

>dyed hair
>therefore whiter

> She's an attention whore making bucks of beta orbiters


Also she sucks at whatever she thinks she does

I would do so many things to her body, she is at the perfect bodyfat index for my tastes.

go to the comments section of any popular male kpop group video.... there's literally no fucking koreans

it's all foreign women, particularly white women and asian american women

You're kidding right? Those look like cheap Turkish dolls

That's a real dog.

Nobody listens to kpop

Holy shit he's ugly,
can you get more feminine...

whites are worried about niggers
meanwhile asians are conquering the world

lol jewish tricks every time.

Yeah and we generally know white women are fucked in the head.
K-pop is degenerate,
>plastic surgery, half ton makeup, skimpy shorts and innocent yet slutty dances.
It's bizarre bullshit

>that video
the dick has now awakened

I have 2 weeb/koreaboo hybrid girl classmates who are all about putting on the "I luv japan korea anime" attitude, you'd be suprised. Funny thing is, it's all superficial and seems to be mostly for the show, for display.

weeb/koreaboo white girls are not necessarily ugly. many are more than the average.
meanwhile weeaboo/koreaboo white men are mostly ugly manlet losers

Sup Forums help
My sister won't shut the fuck up about KPop and some faggoty band called BTS. Every minute she's on the computer I hear her talking on Skype to some Moroccan friend she has who lives in England and all they talk about is this band and other bands and general Gook shit and then they go shit up the bandwidth watching fucking K Dramas all day and sperging about them before sperging about BTS again and it's just the same day after day it doesn't end. How do I make it stop? Do I meme WW3 so that either the shitty band gets conscripted or killed by a nuke, or do I do something else

is your sister hot? will you sell her to me?
cut her internet off

I mean I'm not one to say if she's hot but like if I cut her internet all I'll hear is her bitching then she'll use mobile data
No I won't sell her to you you can have her for free

which BTS is her favourite?

I've been saying this for years and years and no one listened.
Oh well.
You think female weebs were bad?

Red pilled White girls crave the BAC

OP's pic related is your average Finngolian.

This thread is pure cancer and ya'll should be gassed.

JunGook or whatever the fuck his name is

LMAO, nobody want your cock, Kim, you fat bastard.

In one thread, I heard the North/South Korea border technically counts as North Korea. So if you can bribe a guard or something to tell you the IP to the internet there, you'll technically be posting from NK.

Either way, it's definitely a Proxyfag, he's been everywhere. Kinda like that poster in the Vatican from a couple weeks back.

>bribe a guard in DMZ
good luck with that...

That's what I heard in the thread. Probably bullshit.

>tfw no korean bf

>talk to asian chick
>other asian chicks get mad

Korean pop music.

Tell her to follow Big Bang or Monsta X instead.

This really. Most of them are SJWs who like K-pop because the males have "genderless" fashion and aesthetics.

That is the gayest thing i have seen all month

look at them individually you'll see that they aren't even good looking. they don't have an aesthetic face.


sixpack on skinny fag's doesn't count...

Thank you.

It's a subculture. Quite a lot do, but it's not "normal". Kids these days can be split into.

you can tell just by look at that girl that she farts a lot and that her farts stink very badly

>I don't know if you realize how much power and influence K pop have on white teenage girls.
>It's going to hurt white culture for sure.
>>mfw gook is whiter than Sven

>caring what women think