what goes through the mind of a coalburner?
what sort of mental illness does one have to have to put themselves into such a dangerous situation?
What goes through the mind of a coalburner?
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All they think about is sexual satisfaction. They subscribe to the stereotype that all blacks are hung like horses and great lovers. They don't subscribe to the fact that blacks are dangerous.
Both subscriptions are racist but the latter keeps you safer.
>lifetime of racemixing propaganda
Women are easy to propagandize. An overwhelming majority of women never think about issues at all and just follow blindly. These are women who have never pondered over a single thing.
These. Then after they've been with em awhile, I reckon it's something like Stockholm syndrome.
Sexual fetish
Because they like it. All womem like a bit of an asshole. And they're self centered and don"t care if the child suffers because of it.
maybe for some but bimbos will stay with all kinds of races of guys who beat them.
I can deduce no other explanation then they like the attention other people give them for it. They love being victims.
There are subliminals teaching them all the way back to when they are small children. Even Nickelodeon always props the black boy next to the white girl and the white boy off in the distance or a little cuck.
It's engrained into their processes that it's a-okay because of hyper-normalization. It was a soviet KGB propaganda technique used to thwart the west back in the Soviet era, but the American Jews (same as soviet jews) took it too far and are continuing it because no whites = no historical enemies. Breed them with Africans and you have an 80 IQ mudrace that is easily ruled over like cattle.
its a shit test for white men
women cant control it
if women are so easy to propagandize, then why aren't we using propaganda to redpill them
because we don't own the media.
Because it's like using a water gun against a fire hose. (((They))) dominate the narrative from all sides, so there's only so much we can do outside of direct relationships.
>what goes through the mind of a coalburner?
bullets, eventually
Not everyone is a 4channer
Liberals engage in active denial of reality, even in their own minds
All these people started young, there is non-stop race mixing propaganda portrayed in the media, rap/hiphop glorification. They are living in mixed communities, so they are living around blacks, and think blacks are people just like us.
It's inevitable that some of this hiappens due to integration, which was obviously the whole fucking point of integration in the first place.
>Red pilled my girlfriend over four years
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>CIA/Mossad did 9/11
I'd love to nutt inside a black woman, but would never have children with. HOWEVER, would have if they had eyes any other than abyss or brown. If I were to do so then I can consider forgetting talking about my family with my parents, etc.
The Number 1 reason is because of popularity. If niggers are inventors of ANYTHING in this country is popularity. They control the narrative of what is popular and what is not. What is trendy and what is not. Being with a black guy is a short road to popularity and the stereotype that they know how have fun and party. Blacks right now rule the music scene, the dance scene, second in television/movies behind Jews, and the fashion scene as well.
Tommy Sotomayor told this and it made sense. Since most niggers are raised by single moms they end up growing up to behave and think like black women. They are obsessed with fads, trends, fashion, appearance, music, public displays, etc. That's what ALL women are into. Basically black men behave like aggressive black women. So they end up obsessing over popularity and social status which is what women want. So a lot of white women do it the lazy way and just date a nigger.
Some sort of adrenaline addiction
That's why they go after the niggiest niggers not the ones that behave like real human beans
That was naughty of you, OP, not posting the link to her vidya:
Comments are pure gold.
>what goes through the mind of a coalburner?
Tyrone's fist
Women can't think for themselves.
This will probably fall on deaf ears but the best way to combat miscengation (racemixing for the illiterate) is to treat it as a mental illness. Think about it, why do people cut themselves? Because they hate themselves. Surely then, having a child that doesn't look like you is the ultimate act of self-hatred.
race war when?
That shit barely makes any sense, lad.
It's only dangerous if you date a dangerous black person. There are exceptions to a bell curve.
>hate how I look so I cut myself
>mental illness
>hate how I look so have child that looks nothing like me
>not a mental illness
Not a great example, she friendzones him at the end even when he could have died from his injuries.
List for gold? Power? Or maybe they're just born with a heart full of coal burning.
Do you honestly think people who racemix do it because they hate how they look themselves?
the only white girls who date """normal""" niggers are made up relationships in movies
This is why: youtube.com
California liberal nonsense spreading across the globe. Only in Cali can this coal do this...
>what goes through the mind of a coalburner?
>I wonder if it's true what they say about black guys
>It's solo big
>Ah uh ah uh aaaaaand uuuuuuuuujhh
>Whitboi can't compete
>Omg I'm pregnant
>So happy I'd be giving birth to an beautiful biracial baby!!
>Tyrone? TYRONE?!
>comments and ratings disabled
why do I keep being surprised by this?
what a surprise??? A jew then he starts using white women?
Because the new youtube agenda is selling out their mostly male base to corporations to appease women. Notice how all major companies, schools and shills have comments and ratings disabled???
lmao bro that is such a great visual parallel
Whether or not it is true (or I believe it), the best way of stopping racemixing is by comparing it to self harm and pointing out the hypocrisy of western societies. We spend a huge amount of money and time arguing for more to be done to improve mental health yet the products of mixed race relationships do the opposite.
If it can be successfully argued and brought into the mainstream that "cutting yourself because you hate yourself" is bad and a result of mental illness so that means "having children who look nothing like you because you hate yourself" is in the same logical vein, then it can be stopped.
>why can't they man up?
>I want a MAN, not a BOY
>see little Jaquan this is why men are bad guys but not you, you're mommy's boy
White women, as a group, are the property of White men as a group.
You're a moron
Do we really want this to breed with ours? MENTAL ILLNESS
What can you say? Tell a woman to not burn coal and she'll either already know or not listen. Don't expect them to have the capacity to know without directly learning. It's why so many feminists want Communism or Sharia.
had to be done
Lol It's insane this guy appears to be the next agent in their agenda. Did some research and buzzfeed already wrote on him:
Whatever it is, I will never have even the tiniest spark of respect for one of them. They are instantly subhuman trash if they burned coal once.
You're phrasing it wrong then. Don't ever tell a person what they can or can't do because they will just end up doing the opposite to spite you. This is the same for men and women.
If you want a woman not to coalburn then you need to ask her some simple questions:
>Why would you want a child that doesn't look like you?
>Do you think people people will look down on you for fucking a black guy? [social pressure works brilliantly on women]
>I don't think it's right to fetish a race of people. It's racist and you're not racist, right? (Try some racism accusations for fun)
The time of thot is coming to an end. Retribution is at hand.
I've asked all three of those questions at one point or another with three separate chicks. Even mentioning the race aspect leads to "loljelly?" or something equating to dick size even though one admitted she wanted to say her coal was big so she wouldn't be made fun of for finding an oreo or whatever "looks black but is actually white" meme of the day they follow.
To even bring up the topic is met with ways it's shut down, even if they are valid questions. What some user said in another thread makes the most sense: "women adopt the mindset/stance of whoever they're trying to impress". Not a direct quote but you've seen more than enough women who think they can say "nigga" because they suck black dick. Then that leads to them getting beat or otherwise trained that she's not allowed. Add in how women are with abusive relationships and they make their own little pseudo-D/s dynamic, the racial aspect is thrown in.
So in a roundabout way, it's possibly a kink and no way would they admit to it because they're good people. Until post breakup when the insults come left, right and center.
I agree with what you're saying and that's why I think the best way of stopping it is to equate it with mental illness. There are lots, definitely a majority of people regardless ethnic group, who hold prejudices against racemixing and are just looking for a "fake because" (as Scott Adams would say) to justify their views without being labelled a racist.
If we can bring into the mainstream that "having a child that doesn't look like you" is the next self-loathing step from cutting yourself, then things will change.
It's far too honest to be helpful, there's the issue. Any basic stat sheet on interracial kids that emphasize single motherhood would be more than enough but then you have people claiming the government is racist and pulling numbers out of their ass. You're also too spot on with the white sense of self loathing...case in point the SJW/feminist plague in the western world. The very idea of a straight white male who isn't mentally ill is what they consider to be a sin. An original sin, given the religious following they have.
All the same, I'd love to see an ad campaign with that. No slogan or music. No actors. Nothing but half minute clips of single white mothers with nog children. How utterly pathetic their lives are. How the father is either fully MIA or in prison for the first or subsequent time. Nothing but first-hand "victims" telling about how far they fell. Basically what they used to do with domestic violence cases.
just save any social media proof of them burning coal, so you can send to her future white husband. either save him from himself or laugh at a cuck.
Aren't males the biggest race mixers in America among whites?
The problem with your ad campaign is that people will largely dismiss it as racist propaganda. As Sup Forums has been saying for years, people will go to extraordinary lengths to say they aren't racist and won't take any of the subject matter seriously.
It is also deliberately divisive; forcing people to choose side. Based on the point above, most people would be against it. That is why a campaign against miscegenation needs to be ironically inclusive and non-judgemental so that everyone can join it. A campaign stressing that it is a mental health issue would do just that. Instead of treating those who racemix as the enemy but as victims of poor mental health, more people would be willing to help them. We can play on the altruism that people have to help those in need while also satisfying our prejudices against racemixing.
thats probably only marriage. maybe babies too.
Fucking around, definetly women burn more coal
In order of importance:
1. Charismatic personality
2. Sexual satisfaction. After all, mudsharks love niggers for BBC.
3. Money (such as OJ Simpson)
Apparently mudsharks and aspirants learn nothing from the OJ Simpson-Nicole Brown Simpson case.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
>Pic related, Nicole deserves what she gets for being a race traitor! Her family including parents sold her out to the nigger for money
fuck I had a graph but I can't find it
it's a fucking sickness and an illness not only to find niggers attractive, but to fuck those animals in the first place. The one's that should have their children taken away, are the 100% human babies they had with a human mate. Placing a child in the paws of a nigger is like playing with an uncontrollable fire with no mind of its own. If the coalburner had a nigglet with a nigger, who cares what happens to it or the mother, both are wastes of oxygen and waste of taxpayers money.
>what goes through the mind of a coalburner?
They get off on showing the world how accepting they are. That's literally the extent of it. A nog isn't just a boyfriend, he's someone you can use to virtue signal to other brainwashed fools.
That's very true...was thinking on it while driving. What a world we'd live in if we saw that.
If there's another coal thread I'll try to find it and post updated ideas. Keep on it britbro.
Honestly I think they are weirdos. You don't have to be around niggers for long to realize they are very different in a bad way.
Probably daddy issues. Looking for an authority figure to punish you and tell you what to do. Also, the whole "fuck you, daddy. I can date who i want" shit.
>what goes through the mind of a coalburner?
Sometimes a bullet, sometimes some nignog's pimpcane, occasionally just a brick, I guess. They all end up dead or beaten down.
>what sort of mental illness does one have to have to put themselves into such a dangerous situation?
Low self esteem and general unattractiveness or ugliness of thinking that they feel entitled to maintain.
Can confirm, she blames the jews for cheating on you with me.
White men marrying Hispanic / Asian women is the biggest source of racemixing.
Also not sure if this perspective has been mentioned but: a good quote I read on here once was "any feeling can be sexualized", whether it's positive or negative. Your brain starts throwing up little "Hey, no, what are you doing!" alarms when you racemix (for both males and females), and that latent anxiety / shame / stigma can be sublimated into sexual satisfaction. It works in the WMBF direction as well, that's why slave role playing is so popular amongst those couples, both involved parties know it's "wrong" (and it is) but that's precisely what makes your nads tingle.
taken away....into gas chambers
Propaganda definitely has something to do with it.
I remember growing up in Germany some girl saying she wanted to have little brown babies. She'd probably met a hand full of black people in her life.
All white people are accused of racism, which is The Worst Thing in the World. Dating a black is a defense against charges of racism. It is virtue-signalling and self-defense against the hate of the world. If whites were inured to the charge of racism, if they weren't brainwashed by (((media))), if they were allowed to respect their heritage, interracial relationships would be practically non-existent.
Ignorance. They simply have no idea that what they're doing is wrong until they get the worst of the consequences.
Worse, many have been told it's good, or better, than seeking their own kind. Disgusting and sad.