What is the best case scenario for North Korea right now? I don't want to see them become westernized degenerates.
What is the best case scenario for North Korea right now? I don't want to see them become westernized degenerates
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>westernized degenerates.
Give me a break. That's much better than what they are currently. Besides, the innate conservative nature of their brand of ethnic communism will do much to slow the introduction of liberal social policies.
Give kim full control of asia that would be best for us little guys ok praise kim
>What is the best case scenario for North Korea right now?
That the whole population will finally know the taste of tacos.
How much is your VPN?
after the war we can make some brothels
and put all north-korean girls there
males can work at mcdo
or clean the hotel bathrooms left in horrorifc condition by the average diahrrea-filled american
>Spic food.
>What is the best case scenario for North Korea right now?
That all little Korean girls become blacked by US soldiers and everyone starts watching Jewish hollywood movies and multiculturalism finally gets introduced to Koreans, so that Korea will also become a mixed-race Brazilesque momgrel society by 2050
praise drumpf, ok?
Korean girls aren't really that attractive besides the k-pop plastic surgery barbies.
I paid for niggerettes
I can pay for koreans as well
>linking child porn
-They nuke the carrier strike force and us doesnt nuke back
-China doesn't invade and keep the 150000 troops at the border just to prevent refugees from entering china
-NK launches massive invasion of SK and capture seol before Air support is arrives from Japan
-capitulation of SK government
-The glorious leader is praised for reuniting the great country of korea and the destruction of an oppressive and imperialistic regime
Who are you quoting?
>he thinks glorious Best Korean girls would ever be interested in a fat american pig
Blacks arent soldiers
They would if you waved a cabbage under their nose. They'd suck your dick for a juice box. A cabbage would probably get you anal.
The US military is full of niggers
the guy who took that picture came to my college to hold a presentation about NK desu
Make it happen with these digits.
>allowing people to cut their dicks off
>allowing sodomites
>welcoming terrorists from all sides of the world
>accepting cheating women
>taking antidepressants all day long
>having shitty senseless jobs that don't help the country
>accepting jews to use the money from your labor to traffic shitty art
>accepting jews to dilapidate your money instead of using it to better the country
>letting your demographics get fucked with race mixing
>having your culture reduced to degeneracy propaganda movies
Yeah, allow me to beg to differ.
New zeeland is going to be ash
>take worse aspects and pair them to good aspects
wow I've seen this argument before!
Go ahead, counterargument then.
If you can.
But the westernized degenerates are the best
counter-arguement what? nothing I will say will convince you. you've already made up your mind clearly about north korea being better than the west because "no degeneracy"
Cherrypicking isn't an argument.
He's right though user.
wtf i love the eternal leader now
But really, mate. Do you think south korea is overall better than north korea?
You couldn't even hit Japan you plebeian fuck.
Anyone who denies the western degeneracy is overwhelming at this point is copeposting to keep themselves sane. At this point Islamic caliphate or Communistic """"utopia""" would probably be an improvement
At the moment, it looks like Kim Jong Un is a dead man and that North Korea is gonna get some freedom shoved up its ass.
It probably won't affect their culture too dramatically for a few years. Those North Koreans that go to South Korea usually despise the degeneracy they see as it is one of the few things that gets talked about a large deal in their media. After a few years, more people will see what it's like being able to trade with other countries, getting to enjoy things like video games, and it'll make everyone there lighten up and probably become a lot more accepting of western values to some extent.
>Do you think South Korea is overall better then North Korea
South Korea suffers from same problems as other western nations. Except they took the feminist stuff to a whole new level. Anyone have the eight goddesses stuff, or the cheek bone tower?
>The USA is going to invade another nation
>It'll make everyone lighten up and probably embrace our degenerate ways
The USA is un-ironically the great Satan
The Kims will probably get the Hitler treatment as they investigate the "death camps"
Death to america.
Let's hope that norks don't waste those nukes on some shit targets and instead bomb the shit out of burger carrier group.
Yeah, it has its problems. But you still agree that it's better to live in south korea than north korea.
Destruction, they will be overthrown or ground into dust unless they fall into line. Trump is not pissing around and the quicker the world realizes that the better off we are all going to be.
>What is the best case scenario for North Korea right now?
to die in nuclear fire
> I don't want to see them become westernized degenerates.
you would not last two months in a communist """utopia""" and neither would he.
idolizing shit countries because they are not "degenerate" is what spoiled man children who have barely been out of the 1st world do
>dying of starvation every few years
>horrible living condition
>oppressive regime capable to kill you or sentence you to decades of hard labour for wringthink
>they are going to watch porn, oh nooooo
Dumb pampered westerners
Yea, I've made up my mind on fascist ultra-traditionalism being better than liberal individualism but I'm fine with both existing. You can be a degenerate mulatto in Los Angeles worshipping Jewish buttholes and the Koreans can be proud Koreans in their own motherland. There's no need to occupy, invade and force your way of life on them.
Just leave Korea, this is the earnest wish of tens of millions of Koreans in both the north and south. You have no roots in the Korean civilization, it is foreign to you racially, linguistically and culturally.
>But you still agree that it's better to live in South Korea then North Korea
Why would I agree with that? If you had to compare the two, it would be city life vs rural life. Guess which one doesn't make you want to kill yourself?
Who is going to rule over NK after the war?
An American puppet? China? South Korea?
I have no preference, but I'm happy that the supreme leader is going to be removed.
They are piss poor, corruption is high, they don't have access to external knowledge, they only have one referential.
Better be poor and sane than well off and insane.
A poor person who has values is better than a rich person who takes pills every day and allows his wife's son to be gay.
Very few are infantryman tho. Most are cooks or admin guys
I thought everyone liked happy fat koreans?
>Trump is not pissing around
>Murica fuk ya plays in the distance
The fact that this kind of action is yet again cheered by our countrymen on makes me welcome the eventual death of our nation
Ill turn on Trump the second be blasts innocent 3.14 qts
>Not wanting another country to fall to the ways of the west means you're a hopeless weeb
Hello mister neocon or copeposting user
But they don't have the freedom of sarcasm
I would not live in a place where it's against the law to make a joke
>What is the best case scenario for North Korea right now? I don't want to see them become westernized degenerates.
They are westernised degenerates, Marx was a german who dies in London. The ideology of communism developed in the west and exported to china and best korea by stalin has destroyed them utterly, eliminated their heritage, tradition, economy, dignity, rights and reduced them to an impoverished dictatorship.
Communism YES!
I would if I had it my way. But I'm not a politician. I would've left nato as well tbqhwyf. communism didn't have roots in korea either. it's literally the same shit. korea is not korea on both sides. that won't happen user.
i'd rather live in a country with some insane idiots where I can freely tell people on the internet that I dislike them than a country who can't even tell their own leader to fuck off and be executed. just my opinion man
>You would not last two months in a communist Utopia
Not many people in the west would last a week doing honest days work required for daily life in areas like North Korea regardless of their guiding idealogy
>Idolizing shit countries makes you a spoiled man child
>Implying I'm legitimately idolizing North Korea instead of lamenting another nation falling like so many before it
Your nation exists because Maoist revolution drove your government into exile. A revolution that was only allowed to take place because the Nationalists successfully fought off the Japanese then got back stabbed by their countrymen for said revolution. Now they re-write the history and deflect all their problems onto the Japanese and ignore the nationalists movement even existed. You more then anyone should realize how cancerous a society can become when you reach this point.
But your people still have a culture to try and hold onto, the very foundations of the west have been corrupted since the mid 17th centurary. To the point that most don't even know what they need to come back to. The vast majority accept the way things are and drown themselves in escapism, or try to find an earlier point and hold on for dear life. Your way of life returns when you can wait for the communist regime to fall, and it will. Our way of life will not return, our best case scenario is balkanizing and the old ways being revived through blood shed.
Fair enough.
On an individual level you're right, we're better off.
On an individual and physical level, if we value comfyness over the rest, we're happier.
Try to make a joke about jews to your boss.
A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They seat themselves, and engage in animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores their conversation at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following:
''Emma come first. I come. Dennis come and Dennis come again. I come again. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come once-a-more.''
''You foul-mouthed swine,'' retorted the lady indignantly. ''In this country we don't talk about our sex lives in public.''
''Hey, coola down lady,'' said the man. ''Imma just tella my friend howa to spella Mississippi.''
>Acknowledges history is constantly re-written, even during our lifetime
>Acknowledges media manipulates people to shape public perception, support what is desired, such as war with specific nations
>Still can't seem to notice that they're living through history, and their hatred for nations like North Korea, and the claims may not be accurate
Even on Sup Forums, who can see through the lies of the past(sometimes) can't see through the lies of the present, which one will day become the past.
Is it just me or does their skin have a greenish sheen. Is that from all the human flesh they unknowingly consume?
go live there
>Misses the entire point of my posts
>Not realizing his utter idiocy proves my entire point and encourages the very lamenting I was engaged in
It's the dim light user
apparently north korean women are horny as fuck and prime for breeding, all we need to do is get them to not hate foreigners
Die with honor. Reset the world in the process.
>muh dik
>Reset the world in the process
One can only hope user, one can only hope
That is what usually happens when the US has invaded the Middle East and so on, but this is a more unique situation because several countries depend on North Korea being stable. Specifically South Korea, China, and Japan. Each of which will likely want to go out of their way to ensure a peaceful transition for North Korea into a moderately decent democracy that way they don't have a ton of illegal immigrants flooding into any of their countries.
Normally when the US invades a place we'd essentially be on our own with trying to stabilize the place while other countries would just do a few random humanitarian projects like making a building that could be used as a school or hospital and then abandoning the place to be bombed or just taken over by terrorist groups.
Will trump bring turd impact?
That's the thing these idiots don't understand though user. They think war is like in their vidya games. None of the nations that have a vested interest in actually keeping North Korea from destabilizing have the money to integrate the territory and population, much less modernize it. That's why China hasn't acted on them much, and South Koreans have voted against reunification. We're talking tens of trillions easily.
They will declare war on the United States and defeat them on a dancing floor.
T. Kim
I don't know strongestraceanon, if he does attack N.Korea he'll surely go down as far worse than Bush. If I'm being completely honest, I don't think the USA would actually win a fair fight with Norks either. I saw a poll recently that had South Koreans saying in the event the USA did invade North Korea, the majority would side with the Norks. No one wants the USA to pull a murica fuk ya.
>be a nation of manlets
>get BTFO
To expand upon that, other than very expensive toys, the USA is pretty shit with conventional warfare. Between the massive obesity, lack of discipline, and integrated units (mixed races, and genders) the USA likely wouldn't stand a chance. The vast majority of USA "vets" have never actually seen combat. The closest they get is on a comfy forward operating base
Take heart - they may yet become little puffs of ash floating in the wind
They look like they've had rough lives
>largest non nuclear bomb moab dropped
>50+ tomahawk missiles
>all in that span of a week
battleships are waiting near NK as we speak and the norks are ready to provoke, china has already said make the choice to the norks. Time to come out from under the rock goyim.
Either way - win or lose if the battle occurs, the fact will remain that the USA will be killing itself by going to this war. Trump has backed down on a number of promises made during the campaign trial, one of the latest being his budget chief saying Trump will not be addressing the massive national debt. Another war would make the 'impossible' debt even more so, and just hasten our collapse. Just like the gorging American will who will eat themselves to death, with every war the USA gets involved in, they're killing themselves
>Largest non-nuclear bomb
Yes I've read the hype, in reality the bomb would would cost 300 million to replace is mostly used for surface damage. The complex the report claimed it was targeting (an underground tunnel system) would not of likely even been destroyed depending upon how deep or structured it was. Latest news says only 31 people died, the strike wasn't even in one of their main headquarters
>50+tomahawk missiles
With over 20 of them not hitting their target, and the others not able to take out even a single small airfield on the front lines, killing maybe 7 Syrian soldiers, and 3-4 civilians.
Like I said before, war isn't like in your vidya games. Nations and cities are very big and are not destroyed with single or even route bombing.
>Battleships are waiting outside their border to invade
>Norks are ready to provoke
>Aussie education
>None of the nations that have a vested interest in actually keeping North Korea from destabilizing have the money to integrate the territory and population, much less modernize it.
It's not really necessary to modernize them with others' money. You just establish trade and for some cheap factories to get made there, and they'll gradually improve their standard of living substantially in comparison to where it's at now.
What the various surrounding countries will want to do is just make sure there's a decent amount of security in the country as it transitions to a Democracy and maybe setting up some trade deals so they can take advantage of the cheap labor. Which may sound a bit shitty to think of them being taken advantage of, but in return they'll be able to trade for food (so they're not constantly starving) as well as basic household items that'll probably feel like a blessing from god.
Its debt until we go to war with the debtors.
believe what you want buddy, that's the facts. China is not going to wipe your ass and the norks sure as hell aren't going to listen to americans any time soon. 2 weeks before shtf mark my words.
not bad friend, a sensible chuckle was had.
>It's not necessary to modernize them with other's money
I was speaking in the event that outside influence does cause the North Korean government to fall, the nation to dissolve, and outside forces to be forced to re-stabilize
>Establish trade, and some cheap factories
If the government is gone, and you take on the role of acting authority, the land and people come apart of your nation unless you're going to oversea a new government being formed. All of this takes time and money, and trade doesn't happen over night, since officially the people would still be subject to outside sanctions. Cheap factories and goods are covered by places like India, China, Vietnam, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and many others.
It's easy to conquer, but difficult to rule
>Descent amount of security
If they will be providing security - which this could imply taking on the authority of border protection, and judiciary responsibilities, this will be even more costs and long term commitments. As stated earlier, none of the nations involved have that kind of money laying around, they either are bankrupt themselves, or severely neglecting their own domestic affairs and don't have the resources to allocate towards such imperialistic ambitions
>As it transitions to a democracy
Do they not get a choice in what government they want to take up, will democracy be forced on them? If so be prepared to increase those security costs, deal with riots, assassination on your security forces, likely gorilla fighting, uprising etc. I'll add for you to keep in mind how well democracy has worked in the west too.
>That'll probably feel like a blessing from God
>What was Chaney saying the Iraqis will consider us heroes for taking down Saddam pitch to the public
>People either don't know even recent history or easily fall for the same narrative
>Ha, we can just kill the money we owe money to, what could go wrong
>American education
>The people we owe money too
My American education kicked in
>That's the facts
>Implying my reply wasn't an elaboration of the claims you made
>Aussie education
>China is not going to wipe your ass, norks are not going to listen
All that has to happen for a conflict to be avoided is for the USA not to go murica fuk ya, again. That's it, North Korea for the most part just wants to be left the fuck alone, nuclear weapons ensure their survival, and allow them to maintain their sovereignty. If the USA was genuinely opposed to nuclear weapons, they'd get rid of their own, and refuse to do business with any nation with them.
>2 weeks before shtf
Could be
Iraq had multiple religious groups all vying for influence over each other.
North Korea, just has North Koreans. There are no difficult disputes regarding their borders. There are multiple countries that really are going to feel forced into intervening with THEIR money to ensure North Korea works out their bullshit, rather than the US on its own such as what happened with Iraq.
It's what makes dealing with North Korea a fairly unique situation. It's one where other countries would feel pressed to help rather than the US having to manage it on its own, since usually the US would be trying to fuck over countries in the Middle East where everyone else is far enough away that they'd have little reason to want to help out.
Invest in Korean plastic surgery clinics now. They're about to have a major boom.
They can probably hit Japan.
Not unlikely they'll fail in the attempt, but there is a substantial risk they can get missiles trough.
So what is the likely hood that a war with NK actually will happen?
I really want it to. I am tired of living in a world still influenced by cold war politics. Need some change
>no one checked
>Iraq had multiple religious groups all vying for influence over each other
Iraq had a leader with pan-Arab nationalistic idealogy that wanted to unite the region and peoples, Iraq's version of Adolf Hitler at the helm. The vast majority of regional problems relate back to how the borders where drawn up following the British overthrow of the Ottomans with the manufactured Arab revolt; and the propping up of the house of Saud.
>North Korea just has North Koreans
North Korea has a people that never fell to outside influence and maintained some semblance of their original culture they added to their ruling idealogy. They are not even International Socialism (what people call communism) they're ruled by juche (self reliance). Their regional conflict beyond idealogy extends towards Mongolia, Russia, China, and Japan immediately.
>There are no difficult disputes regarding their borders
Check out the nations that want North Korea stable, than take time to look into why that is and the history they have with Koreans.
>To ensure North Korea works out their bullshit
You mean has to clean up the mess of the USA, the problem does not exist without the USA fucking things up again
>It's what makes dealing with the North Korean a fairly unique situation
>Vietnam war
>Cuban war
>Haitian invasion
>All the military junta's the USA overthrew directly and indirectly during such thing as operation condor
It's unique in the sense that every nation the USA gives the same treatment to has it's own unique circumstances. But the approach, actions soon to be taken, and fall out is not new
>other countries would feel pressed to help rather than the USA having to manage it on it's own
>Thinking other nations reluctance towards war, but being pressured into doing it by the USA is wanting to help
>Thinking a another regime change by the good ol USA is helping
>This much American education
>Since usually the USA would be trying to fuck over countries in the middle east
There is very few nations we haven't or don't continue to fuck up
>How likely is war with NK
Depends how eager to avoid handling domestic affairs Trump is
>I really want it to happen
You're part of the problem in this country mate
>Still influenced by cold war politics
The current political climate is a lot older then that. What we have right now is a battle between those who embraced egalitarianism, and those who didn't, an idealogy that goes back to at least the mid 17th century
darwinism at work. I mean, how many cultures have been destroyed. Thing is, NK is developing dangerous weapons and seems very untrustworthy. Nothing you did not know, but your being poor and sane comment is nonsense. NK is poor and insane.
North Korean citizens are the victims and a genocide would not float so US has only one option, taking down kim. However North Korea without kim is a vacuum. They will never accept a western regime and they don't need to be saved.
an option would be;
Why does the US just not decided to buy all the nuclear weapons of NKorea with some clear regulations and start a friendship. The yearly US military budget would more than suffice.
This is going to be an interesting shift in geopolitics. The Russians and the Chinese won't like having American Troops on their backyard.
The problem right here is that a full on invasion from the North could reach Seoul within hours. It's less than 60km from the border and flat. If they attack first the South will have lots of casualties before retaliation. Incheon will be the first city they reach.
>NK is developing dangerouns weapons and seems very untrustworthy
>NK has never invaded another nation, nor killed another nations people
>The nations calling NK untrustworthy have done both, and include the USA who is the only one to of actually used nuclear weapons against another nation
>North Koreans are victems
>We're helping them by destroying their entire nation way of life, and dooming them to ruin and destruction
>They don't need to be saved
Sanity at last
>Why does the USA not decide to buy all the nuclear weapons
Why does the USA just stop making it national policy to not go a week without invading another nation or killing their civilians. The USA should be reducing it's massive military budget and stop acting as 'world police'