Transgender Plus-Size Model Has Proof Her Body Is High Art

>“Art museums are one of my guilty pleasures that this wonderful city possesses,” Brooklyn-based Neary wrote, captioning a nude photo of herself. “When I get to go, it’s always a confidence boost. I look at statues and paintings of women from time past, and how the men who painted them were too keen to admire them in all their glory.”

>The work of 17th century Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens reminds Neary of the fact that bodies that look more like her own were once the standard of beauty.

>“When I model, I often think of the art I admire,” she continued. “How once upon a time, my body was not only fawned upon, but revered. When I want to lose weight, I will. But this body, as much as it’s shunned or commented upon, whether it be my health or how we shouldn’t promote obesity… is mine.”

> like her own were once the standard of beauty.

Really? C'mon

America unfuck yourself.

>It's artistic because it's unhealthy and it pisses people off

Sounds alot like Sup Forums desu senpai

>Hey you fat fuck, put your fucking clothes on. Nobody wants to look at you, you fucking whale

problem solved

>Being morbidly obese was considered the epitome of beauty before the modern era

Where the hell did SJWs get this meme from? Being MILDLY CURVY was considered beautiful, morbid obesity didn't even exist because it just wasn't physically possible to get that far.

Is this the WE WUZ KANG of SJWism?

>If everything is a social construct anything can be art!
>.t degenerates

Aw she's actually cute

Modern Rome my ass. Even Rome wasn't this degenerate at the end time.

he fokin wot


so even fat girls aren't girls anymore

that baby is t h i c c

>Transgender Plus-Size Model

For what does this thing model?

Mentally ill men plus size clothes catalogues?

>America unfuck yourself.


Roman Catholic Ireland and Poland are praying for you USA.

>that baby is t h i c c


looks like my mate (but overweight and pretending to be a girl)

naa, shitty degenerate "art"

Burn in hell frog

Who does "possesses" have so many ss'es

what do this mean? obese? unhealthy? american?

Y'know, when you look like that it really doesn't make a fucking bit of difference what gender you want to call yourself because absolutely no one on earth has the tiniest amount of sexual interest in you.

I pray for you to get nuked, brother.

It's america-speak for "fat as all hell".

>one of


I don't discriminate, I hate all ultra-obese people the same, i don't care about their genitals or gender. They should all be put down the same.

to 1 up Mississippi