Can we get a Germany rekt thread going?

Can we get a Germany rekt thread going?

Fucking fatty




the thread you are looking for is called "newschannel"

Lets have a america rekt thread instead since you guys killed your future along with ours.

What are you, a cuck sympathizer? Fuck Germany, they are the single biggest blight on Europe.

USA isnt trying to destroy this continent for the last 1,000 years, senpai.

This is your third try in the last 100 years alone.

You wont stop until everyone on this continent is either from africa or dead.

There is no other country on planet earth that did as much damage to the human race as germany did.

No photos of the holocaust I guess

Leave Martin Luther out of it. All he did was call out how fucking Jewish the papacy is.

This is now a Clapistan rekt thread

Thank you, every pic helps. Here's another one, Hamburg getting pwned in 1943 courtesy of the RAF.

'Until every fertile white womb is doused in potent African seed, our mission is incomplete.'

-Martin Schulz, future Chancellor of Goymany


i got tons of dead germans saved, commencing dump!


How about a German BBQ instead? Mmmmmm!

What to go faggots
Pol needs to be gassed

Russian even didn't lower themselves to such kikerin' as to carpet bomb cities AFTER the war was over, genociding Germans and destroying livelihoods and hundreds of years of culture

That's why I will continue always picking the side of a Russian against anglokikes ,kurwaniggers etc

I will happily cheer when Russkies shill nuke JewSa and England will turn into Pakistani Caliphate


Gee whiz, whoever lived there could never possibly return and rebuild.

what are you talking about, mustafa?



"Nyet Hans, we will not release you so that you can watch your wife get fucked by a Turk!"

you know if hitler didn't come to power none of this would have happened, germany wouldn't be the literal shithole it is now.

I used to love learning german up until now where i don't see a point in learning it further as it'll be a dead language soon.

Fuck you Germany.



What the actual fuck? Did someone try to scalp him? Was Inglourious Basterds real?
Also fuck all of you


Jewing this hard...

The only thing that the Allies did wrong was that they didn't flatten more g*rman cities. Dresden wasn't enough.



Six Million Poles died in WW 2
that is 20% of their Population
their women got raped by the German, Lithuanian and Estonian Einsatzgruppen till 1944
and after that by the russians in 1945-till 1990
and this Rape Baby tries to Trigger Germany
Top fucking kek

Fuck off Jew.

>and after that by the russians in 1945-till 1990
That's literally Germany though. Except at least the raping stopped for the Poles in 1990. Instead of Russians, you've been raped by Turks, Syrians and other third worlders from 1990 on.

Hitler was a Jew, just fyi.


hitler was a jew.

you jewed yourself jew.

Is this modern art or an aerial view of a rekt German city?


This image is so fucking aesthetic.


not really, Berlin got the raping, yes but that City has allways been a multikultihellhole since Frederick the 2nd
Kind of like any Anglosphere Country in the world
And if you ever looked at the statistics of foreigners in Western style countries, Germany and the whole of Middle and east Europe fares far bether than the "Winners" of WW 2

Germany is at the heart of Europe. If there is no hope for them there is no hope us.

OP is doing kikes work.


Day of the oven can't come soon enough.

>mfw I'm posting this from Silesia
>mfw if it wasn't for Hitler the Potsdam agreement would have never happened
>mfw Hans unironically praises Hitler

Pretty much yeah
but the West is lost anyway at this Point
Kind of just enjoy their shilling until it crashes down on us
and remember, the shills are the first to get shot when it happens



do it again bomber harris

There is more physical evidence for the destruction of Dresden than there is for the holocaust.

Yeah because the bombing of Dresden actually happened.


still doesnt matter
those lost provinces were under "German" controll for 1000 years since the Teutonic order had ist eastern crusade,
the poles there are so heavily intermixed with german DNA, it doesnt really matter at this Point
and the "Heimatvertriebenen" were just the rich "Juncker"-Families
I dont really give a shit about them anyway
at this Point Western Poles are so heavily intermixed with German DNA, that the only difference is the Language
i really dont care

i know they were killing serbs, but it is sad that so many people had to get killed. I'm sure not all german soldiers wanted genocide of all eastern european people.


> Germany and the whole of Middle and east Europe fares far bether than the "Winners" of WW 2

t. country with the largest Turk diaspora in the world


Has nobody noticed that the sign over the US soldier says 'trash'? Was that a real sneaky troll photographer?


>Western Poles are so heavily intermixed with German DNA, that the only difference is the Language
"Recovered Territories" are inhabited by Poles who lived in the Eastern "lost" territories.


You're right Poland bro, the Soviets are the true heros.


>USA isnt trying to destroy this continent for the last 1,000 years, senpai.
U 4 real, nig?


Biggest turk Diaspora, yes so what ?
It is really funny we got the Turks with 3 Million
and what have you got ?
10-15 different ethnic Groups from Sub-Saharan-Africa
your "Natives"
6-10 different East or south east asian Ethnic Groups
all Factoring between tens of thousands and millions in the anglosphere
Of course statistically it Looks bad for Germany if you Point out 3 Million turks
but in comparison to your Hodgepodge of Ethnicities it is Baby talk

Do you not realize it was Russia that raped your grandma?

I think Hitler is a pretty cool guy. Eh lets millions of bombs fall on his cities but doesn't surrender and doesn't afraid of anything.

For real, mustafa.
USA isnt even 1,000 years old. Your "must destroy the white race" competition is going on for much longer.

This thread is despicable.


So they killed the Ethnic Poles who were intermixed too ?
The Serfs ?
the Gentile Poles who were known for intermixing with Germans ?
The Polish Catholics in the west who had strong ties with the German Church at that time ?
Those were all intermixed with German blood
The Pureblood Germans in those Provinces were a minority there even under Prussia
or did you really cull them too after 45 ?



Just sage these shills

Laugh on, you fucking slavic runt. You're only laughing at the demise of your people too.
>inb4 "Muh Poland strong and C-C-Christian"
When they destroy our nations, they'll come for yours as well; they're only taking out the strongest and the best before they take out the runts of the litter.


I hope your country is annexed by Russia.

Heard he was a gay Jew.

>a Jew Pole and a Jew American finding satisfaction in the destruction of the last hope of western europe

Honest to god, nobody here is afraid of niggers or a nigger invasion.

>When they destroy our nations

first countries in history to lose to niggers.


Fucking traitor bitch they were trying to save us

You will pay for your sins

>destruction of the last hope of western europe
>germany is the last hope


Your country is so poor I could go over there and buy a neighborhood and have a harem of your women treating me like a god

Yeah leave Martin Luther out. The Papists were selling salvation, 500 shekels for 1000 years less in painful purgatory oy vey what a deal.

>Catholics actually defend this

Maybe I'm alone in this or whatever, doesn't matter if the dead are germans, brits, muslims, whites, blacks, 'good or 'evil' etc, but seeing so many lives lost just makes me feel uneasy, and how nonchalantly some people can post about it just blows my mind...

Nobody was afraid of niggers in this country 50 years ago either, retard. The first countries to go are the strongest; it only makes sense to pacify the most dangerous before picking off the scraps left. Germany, Sweden, Britain, France, Italy all contributed to society. Countries like Poland, Romania and Latvia have done fuck all and are weak in comparison to the western nations, which is why they're being left last. Laugh on; your people won't be laughing long.


>Fucking traitor bitch they were trying to save us

by murdering 60 million whites worldwide and killing 0 jews.

job well done, israel is proud.

very concise argument. yet you doomed the world for danzig, which you hadn't any claim over in 500 years. i will pray every day for poland to be invaded by the niggers


Retard, the Nazi regime was marked for destruction since day 1. The Zionists used any excuse to take it down, like that border dispute with your fake nation. What could they do but fight back?


you're probably driving a 1999 toyota corolla your dad bought you.


Papists and Lutherans are in the same heretic boat. You even admit themselves that you've deviated from orthodoxy.