Literally every social and economical construct is getting better development by either a right winged or a middle right winged ideologies very easily,if you look at things with no confirmation bias,how can you even be a leftist?You pretty much ignore every social,biological,cultural construck ever and try to paint your own fantasy world,it doesn't work that way now does it?
Why lefties unironically think they are the smart ones?
And they're cucks. Just me intellectual 2 cents.
He was thinking "cuck" while typing "construct". It happens to all of us conditioned by the chans
Because all their authority figures have told them they are
And anyone who disagrees is a racist/misogynist
It's basically like middle-aged Christians and calling anyone who disagrees with established common-sense heretic, pagan, or blasphemer. You don't have to address any arguments if the opposition is evil and you're morally superior because the priest told you so
Nice bait
All the tax leeching states are Republican, Democrat support increases with education level and got to something ridiculous like 90 percent hilldawg 6 percent drumpf in Cambridge us (Harvard and not) this election
Some retard will probably post something showing Republicans earn more on average without realizing they're also much older
No one likes you, guacamole.
Generally you earn more the smarter or better skilled you are. However, memorizing a few books from cover to cover is so easy even less smart people can do it. Therefore education doesn't correlate with intelligence. More educated people are more liberal because leftism is being pushed in these education institutions.They just believe what they are told because they are not intelligent enough to really think if the agenda they are being pushed into is in check with reality. Because you know, education doesn't correlate with intelligence.
shouldn't you be looking for shia and da gang
Nailed it.
Judaized consciousness. If you "know" all the smart and moral people are in your ingroup, you can skip thinking and just fight for muh [whatever].
Stay mad cuckaroo
>ecause you know, education doesn't correlate with intelligence.
Lol you can Google it and the first result shows they're the same thing. I expect Oxford will be lying likes note since they did the study
More women have college degrees nowadays,there is no internalized oppression.Why are men cucking them on every aspect ahmed?
ever since they gained the overwhelming support of the media and millenials, leftists literally think there is no way they can be wrong so you frequently see situations where they don't even bother making legitimate arguments anymore and just call you stupid for suggesting something that doesn't fall in line with the sjwcuck mindset
desu it helps us in the long run that they're so smug about being brain damaged. Just saw a serious HuffPost article that called for white men to be denied the vote.
Also it's pretty easy to understand why alot of smart people fall in the trap of liberalism.They are smart,they make good arguments no matter if they have shitty opinions.In their mind they can rationalize it and people will listen to them because being smarter you will probably win most arguments.This leads them to think that in fact liberalism ks the way to develop on nowadays society.They don't even search for all the easy answers on the right side,they make it work with the complex left side of things because of their intelligence.Conservatism is pretty straight forward and it works.IF everybody had 140>IQ leftism would kind of work
thinks that will gget you into fights with people
>talking about how homosexuality and transsexualism is a mental illness and should be treated how pedophilia is treated scientifically speaking
>talking about genetical gender differences
>talking about genetical race differences
All these three talking points are literally shunned by everyone but they still remain true
The reason they have gained the support of millenials is because we millenials were taught in schools since we were smalls that leftist values are the only morally right ones and without following them you end up in hell. It's literally the mold for society they have been teaching to kids for at least 20 years now. Some of us just are intelligent enough to break from that mold when we see it didn't represent reality.
Your original statement is rather unclear.
Not all lefties are the smart ones. Many people are only on the left because they don't understand the right's arguments against it. If they did, most would probably move right.
However, the smartest ones are nearly all on the left because they not only understand the right's arguments, but also see and understand the flaws in those arguments, and so return to the left.
Of course there are some things categorised as "left" that virtually no smart people would support, such as revolutionary communism. But there are plenty of sensible policies which also get categorised as "left".
For example, getting girls was really hard because they teach in schools these days that girls and boys are the same. So i thought that girls think like i do and i did to them stuff i would have liked if done to me. Obviously it didn't work and i was confused for a long time until i understood that reality might not be what liberals taught to us in schools. Redpills like that, that we find out after strugling for a long time that things weren't as we had been taught, are what wake us up from the liberal mold.
What are the flaws in right wings arguments that are bigger than lefts flaws, which are on the level of "people don't act according to their biology."
Only sensible left winged policy is NatSocialism
I'm not sure why you are asking here when almost virtually no leftists come here.
Grow a pair of balls and go ask somewhere else.
then how come all the college kids i know can't hold down even a simple part time job (almost always out of sheer laziness and an inflated ego that end up getting them fired), can't/won't drive anything but mommy and daddys car, lack basic common sense and practical problem solving skills, spend all their free time playing videogames or watching other people play them, and stand in the middle of the highway to protest nothing? Unless you REALLY want to be a scientist or doctor go to a trade school instead of a college. I learned more about managing linux servers in a month of watching youtube videos than i ever did listening to professors drone on about their bleak lives and socializing with students instead of actually teaching anything. or if they DID teach something one lesson would span days because most of the dipshits couldn't figure it out in the alotted time. idk if its just the college i went to or what but it was practically highschool but with 3 hour classes. also have fun paying out the ass and being tens of thousands of dollars in debt for your useless degree.
>well if I'm making $100k a year as a [JOB] i can pay off my college debt easy!
like i said, have fun with that.
Apart from the fact that modern academia is biased, it is "The Emperor's New Clothes" all over again.
In both the red and blue states, it is Republicans paying the taxes, and leftists collecting that government money. Hillary won the vote of those earning under $50,000, who pay very little in taxes. Trump won all income groups who earned over $50,000, who pay most of the taxes. Your favorite meme has been put to rest.
>Because all their authority figures have told them they are
>And anyone who disagrees is a racist/misogynist
This, it's a form of propaganda like any other.