Niggers getting BTFO

>Sankara seized power in a 1983 popularly supported coup at the age of 33, with the goal of eliminating corruption and the dominance of the former French colonial power. He immediately launched one of the most ambitious programmes for social and economic change ever attempted on the African continent. To symbolize this new autonomy and rebirth, he renamed the country from the French colonial Upper Volta to Burkina Faso ("Land of Upright Man"). His foreign policies were centered on anti-imperialism, with his government eschewing all foreign aid, pushing for odious debt reduction, nationalizing all land and mineral wealth, and averting the power and influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. His domestic policies were focused on preventing famine with agrarian self-sufficiency and land reform, prioritizing education with a nationwide literacy campaign, and promoting public health by vaccinating 2.5 million children against meningitis, yellow fever, and measles.

>Sankara was assasinated in 1987, his body was dismembered and he was quickly buried in an unmarked grave, while his widow Mariam and two children fled the nation. Blaise Compaoré, the coup perpetrator, immediately reversed the nationalizations, overturned nearly all of Sankara's policies, rejoined the International Monetary Fund and World Bank to bring in "desperately needed" funds to restore the “shattered” economy, and ultimately spurned most of Sankara's legacy. Compaoré's dictatorship remained in power for 27 years, until it was overthrown by popular protests in 2014.

Sounds like he cared about his people and wanted them to stop being lazy fucks dependent on the kikes and tend to their nation and themselves like good natured people should.

Top Kek. You nigger lovers say the most idiotic things

>Want what's good for niggers
>Kick the white man out
>Get killed by nigger warlord
>Country now live according to nigger traditions, not to white man culture
What does he expected?

This makes me angry

>averting the power and influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
>pushing for odious debt reduction

>Try to make your country great

>Literally try to fight the niggership

>Be against dependance on the kikes

>Reduce the debt for said kikes

>Ensure that faggots won't steal shit and flee the country with (((earned))) money.

>Some fucking nigger rolls back your country into being shithole the moment you are assasinated.


> Implying that (((white))) man was not financing the coup in the first place.

>What is Biafra
>What is Rhodesia
>What is Suid Afrika

Like it or not blacks have contributed to noble causes, whether it was kicking out muslims in Nigeria and attempting to setup a Christian state (Biafra), black soldiers fighting willingly alongside whites for Rhodesia against ZANLA or blacks fighting alongside whites against SWAPO and the ANC, not all blacks are niggers, some are humble and just want to be left alone among their own

This. Blind hatred is just ignorant. You can't really be a nationalist if you don't have respect for foreign people who want the best for their own nations.

Mayby the author implies that the debt restructuration and independence from the IMF created a lot of hate from those institutions

>This much delusion.
Race traitors like you will be killed.

>Implying any self respecting white man will ever respect a nigger.
Marxist please leave. You will not corrupt us.

>Set about making your country great again
>Kikes overthrow and assassinate you and set up puppet regime
>Puppet regime immediately re-kikes the country.
>Person who overthrew you and sold his own country out to the kikes gets to live rich, fat and happy in power for 27 years.

Welcome to everywhere. The only pariahs are the dictators who wont deal with the kikes. As long as Gadafi played ball - A-OK. Mess with the kikes and the petrodollar scam? Deposed and murdered. This guy, Saddam, Hitler, Putin, Castro... It really doesn't fucking matter.

Fpbp OP is a kike

Maybe. But with the second paragraph, it seems like the author really does despise the idea of debt reduction and financial independence.

Nice try newfag.

Sound familiar but America is more civilized and kikes had to do subversion instead of assassination.

>Kick the white man out


tbqh, if Hitler went to America instead of USSR, he might not be deposed.

Tale as old as time. Pic related.


I'm not afraid of fat LARPers on the internet, kiddo.

Begone shill, this thread is clearly about supporting foreign people in their causes so they stay foreign and don't come to our homes and fuck everything up for the rest of us.

Not unless you support gangbangers.

He should be enslaved. Ita only natural

He's risking his life to bring order to the negroes. He's more White than you.

Never. He will be killed like the rest of his race.

>Blind hatred is just ignorant.
You'll get shit for that but you're absolutely right. To be hostile to every non-white isn't going to get us anywhere and it never did.

The best solution to mass immigration is to encourage nationalism in them and have them forge their own nations with which we can deal internationally without compromising our own identity. It's why we should tend towards avoiding this attitude of world policing - nations ought not to be so concerned with each other's interior workings (certainly not so explicitly).

Sankara RIP

Are you forgetting the French did it?

if you think every black person is a stupid heartless psychopath killer than you can't be engaged with really, you're beyond reason

It's a reasonable assumption to make for blacks you don't know, but I do agree, there are a tiny minority who aren't.

I agree but in his defense most are.

If thats the case....that black are just born with being more "violent" then that means they can't be held accountable for their actions, just like a mentally ill person isn't hold for his..

Idi amin lived a comfy life in north Africa.