For how many of you is this actually true?

For how many of you is this actually true?

You know, coming here in the last year or so and just hoping on the staire train taking it all a bit too serious than it was meant to be taken?

Before you yell "kike" though I'm not baiting or shilling but legitimately curious. Whatever your view or opinions are I reckon most of you who spent over a year or two here would agree Sup Forums became a lot more serious, I'd even go as far as to say "professional" than it used to be.

Anyway, Shia is a memegod but he does raise a valid point. I guess (((him))) or (((they))) or whoever is in charge at this point did their actual research, and it took them almost half a year to figure that using this approach would yeild better results than being a cringelord on a stream or flying flags in the middle of nowhere.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's all bollocks lmao, lurk more faggot

is this surveillance log cabin in the woods?

>kikes working as hard as they can every single day for 70 years to destroy Christianity and European culture.
>point out that's fucking bullshit on a Japanese anime imageboard.
>think about the people you are hurting user.


Honestly I don't believe in any of the Sup Forums bullshit, in most issues I agree with the left, even though liberal naiveté disgusts me.

I help spread antisemitism and Jewish conspiracy theories because it helps promoting anti-war and anti-Zionist ideas. Yo do evil to fight against a greater evil.

Jews are just a convenient rhetorical replacement for the global elites and the ultra-rich. Yes, a lot of the oligarchs are Jews but just privilege and ethnocentric bias.

I don't want to hurt Jewish people, but I think that they are currently in a position in which they can take it. A bit more antisemitism might be worth it if war can be prevented.

You will forget that I ever said this. I will keep posting merchant memes and many peopke wilk take it seriously.

>shia trying to have a serious diatribe
The dude is a fucking joke who had to flee the country to not be mocked to his face. He's literally hiding in a cabin projecting his own insecurities. To answer your question, Zog: I became a fulltime Sup Forumsack around zimzam. I stayed because this is one of the few places where people will openly discuss what giant socio-economic problems jews and niggers are.

Without niggers and kikes you wouldn't even have a culture burger. The Jews created Hollywood, the Blacks were behind every single bit of worthwhile popular music that you country produced. You should be glad.

That's very untrue. Jews have subverted american culture with nigger-loving, fag-enabling, and other socialist bullshit. American big band music is great. The truth is American culture hit a decline following womans suffrage and has never recovered. Saying that niggers and jews is American culture would be like saying Costa Rican culture is crime and cocaine.

>American big band music is great
it's litereally black musicians playing jewish composers

>nazi recruiters
stopped reading there. What a fucking idiot this guy is. He's trying to make sense of something he clearly has no understanding about.

"Why won't you let your culture die goyim " is all I hear from this like faggot.
The fact that more people are agreeing with our point of view don't fire up his neurons. His analysis is too shallow to be taken seriously. You can't summarize the rise of the right with muh virgins. Society just isn't sustainable right now.

We aren't a cause, we are a consequence.

no, it's really not. the 'jazz' influence of big band didnt even start until after the 20s. the start of swing and negro influence is the decline of good big band music. just like everything else, niggers stole jazz. they werent even prominent as band members for another decade. and besides thats just american big band, the genres origin is european. but you could point to any good aspect of american culture, compare it to todays, and see a decline (that involves niggers)

OP, I hope this is b8, otherwise you are doomed.
Didn't you watch season 1&2 of HWNDU?

post good american big band from pre 1920. I'm gonna get learnt today

I liked the 80s better when black people were fun and cool.

unfortunately theres not a lot of recorded music from before the industrialization of recording devices, sven. can you read sheet music?
you could google paul whiteman, its a bit campy, but the euro influence is very notable. i also enjoy benny goodman but thats starting to detract from my point

couldn't get through most of that because it looks like it was written by a fucking 2 year old.
reads like shit

I stared into the abyss too long and it stared back at me.

>paul whiteman plays my blue heaven
I'm pretty sure I recognize this guy from the background music in MASH. This is comfy as fuck man

Your taking this too seriously, it's just a prank bro. Shia is liking this more than he knows. He has not had this much attention in a long time.

well I don't give a fuck if youre right or not, what's important is that you've got good taste

the first part is true for me, looking for shock humour, but i'm neither resentful nor angry just bored

i've been here (by here i mean Sup Forums) since 2005, but it wasn't till these whole trump happenings that i became truly redpilled bc msm really revealed their true face this time

And as much as I hate niggers, even their musicians of the post 30's big band era were fucking amazing compared to the trash of modern american music. I can't begin to defend modern american culture, only point out times when it WAS good. When i was a kid it seemed like 'old people music' but now I appreciate it so much

Not at all.

For me, I became """right-wing""" because of my own observations of the behavior of leftists. There are no right-wing speakers I fully respect or agree with, or even substantially. Growing up in Norway there was pretty much zero right-wing ideology. I was surrounded by leftist people and ideology on all sides, and only by critical examination of this did I decide that it was all shit.

Even as a young teenager I had terrible experiences with leftists at an academic youth camp - they were adults who blatantly lied, and lied, and when I asked some questions about it and "exposed" them, they hated me for it.

Of course, after having this view, it's great to be able to discuss somewhere without censorship, hence I came here.

I actually believe this is by far the most common situation here - LeBouf's theory that we FIRST were just somehow generally, nonpolitically and unspecifically maladjusted, and THEN came to be influenced by rightwing "recruiters", is unrealistic.

It's not long since a Jew in Norway, Ervin Kohn, behaved quite badly and deceitfully. Nobody else has said this, it's based only on my own observation and reasoning.


>leftist antisemitic-false-flag spreader

well what a surprise

fuck off cunt

He sounds bitter and sour. It sounds like a losing beta desperately trying to hold a rousing speech, but nobody gives a damn and his wife keeps on sucking the alphas cock.

I'm 30, been with many good looking girls. I was married (now widowed) have a child and a long term girlfriend. No, I became a Nazi for 2 reasons.

The first is society pushed me to it. I couldn't stand the thought of my son/s growing up in a world where white males are treated so poorly. Where people say shit like "we should kill all white males" "the world will be better when all the old white males die" and so on. National Socialism is the natural defense of whiteness, it uses love of your own people, and not hate of others, to help you strive to better not just your own life but your people's. The anti-white lunatic narrative was the first and foremost reason.

The second reason is my autistic desire to align myself with the facts as they are known. The basic foundation of fascism is the recognition of natural hierarchies. We can see these repeated in all forms of life around us, yet the left wishes me to believe humans are a magical exception to the natural laws which we are a result of. This is patent, humancentric nonsense. Both the modern left and right wish you to perform mental gymnastics in order to push their fictitious narratives, not based on fact or the light of reason, but their own designs awash in subjective garbage.

Now go fuck yourself OP and fuck this jew-manlet. Sieg heil

honestly I think pol needs to lay off Shia for a while. this is getting too dark

>The anti-white lunatic narrative was the first and foremost reason.
I wonder if the original cultural marxists predicted this

>this is what newfags actually believe

remove left-wing antisemite

get gassed

nah, I mean there's definitely a lot of truth to that, with lonely r9k guys getting more and more pissed off at a world that thinks them less than nothing, but for me it's always been about the facts, black crime rates, the muslim pedophile rings (people bring up rotherham but there were at least a dozen other cases in different councils across england), I could go on. teenage angst is definitely a starting point, but it is everywhere, from mulsim terrorists, to mexican cartels.

Honestly, I could have probably drown myself in vidya and other irrelevant garbage until I died had I not had a child. But I feel such incredible pain and rage when I think about the shitty world I was leaving to him. It's why I worked tirelessly in my social media pushing for certain topics, and in real life to those that will listen.

I've listened to anti-white and anti-male venom my entire life. I heard it on the TV, I heard it from teachers, I heard it from blue haired feminists, I saw it creeping into vidya, it was putting its tendrils in every single facet of life. How could I rest when this is the world I would leave my children, and for my people? No one will save us, especially from ourselves. It is up to us and only us.

Perhaps this is why they have so actively discouraged people from having children, and continue to do so. They demonize our ancestors and discourage us from having descendants. Our people become rootless and fruitless trees, dead.

This. There's been a massive influx of right wing speakers into the memesphere in the past year or so, and I'm STILL yet to find one who I agree with fully. The only thing we have in common is a pursuit of the truth.

Came for the lulz stayed for the racewar

reminder he literally stole his rant word for word from a twitter furry

>we dont have any way to connect to the internet besides this video chat screen

same. It hurts my eyes and brain trying to process this gibberish. It looks like some automatic translation...

Is that for mgtows/r9k? Because yeah i was lonely internet kid when I first started this journey but I had no issue with women and still dont. I want a loving housewife and to care for one. I just got upset about all this retarded social construct shit the left would spew over race and gender, and how vehemently these degens would defend a religion of savages that would see them hanged. Theyre so obsessed with deviancy from natural normality and so hypocritical in their discussions on how male and female hormones and gender affects personality that it drove me to reee point. The memes and ironic shit came as a result not as a catalyst

Who is this cabin and why is it lecturing me?

. This song is recognized as the first recorded Jazz tune from from 1917 the band existed for some time in New Orleans before they were picked up by the Victor recording company