Assad gassed THIS

>Assad gassed THIS

Other urls found in this thread:

pretty sure it was Jews

>Russians will defend this

>muh appeal to emotions

Fake news


The United Nations

Fuck you. I didn't ask for these feels. How can I strengthen my anti-empathy Asian abilities to counter this? Lurk here more often? Help me my cunskin bros

>10 heart broking pictures that will make you say "FUCK IT lets start WW3"

(((The United Nations)))

Muh Russians

>The United Nations

>better keep my children in an active war zone

It's her guardians fault if she died.

You're gonna have to help us out with that one you goddamn soulless chink bastard.

Well maybe not you, but there's got to be a secret to how your mainlanders operate... I've never seen a more deadened people in my life.

Shame you don't give half as much of a shit about all the kids Muslims have run over in Europe.

>Hitler gassed THIS

i wish he gassed you

stfu china


At least no one will molest her further.

that's what you think


Assad gassed this poor sex slaves. They were only 3yo.
1 Up vote = 1 Prayer.

He could've been a Bush


fuck now I have a boner

But what did Assad do wrong, even if he did gas his own people? I mean, it's a fucking CIVIL WAR that's going on there. Of course, as a leader, you'll have to kill your own people in such situation. Assad is the equivalent of Lincoln.

White helmets

can't unsee now
kinda crazy

She did not deserve a brap post m8

fucking lost it

she looks like my favorite anime character desu kawaii

I cri evrytim QQ

little girl is lebanese though user.

>skip to 2m48s