And trump's flipped on god dam everything. He's expanded the wars, stocked his cabinet with neocons, not renogicating trade, and told his entire base to go fuck them seleves. A lot of people I've talked really regret voting for him.
Not even a 100 days in
Other urls found in this thread:
Sucks to be you, fag.
>no wall
>she is not in prison
>betraying his promise on Syria
>shitty little ""muslim ban""
>israel is our greatest ally
>tiny inauguration audience
>Bannon about to get sacked
>disavowed the pro-white, ethno-nationalist Alt-Right
>no mass deportations
>liberals still laughing at Trump supporters
>no proof for wiretap
>no drain the swamp
>cucked on obamacare
>cabinet full of globalists and billionares (DRAIN THE SWAMP FAIL)
>most hated president in history
>no reversal of the demographic shift
fuck trump
It's almost as if Sup Forums played themselves.
It turns out voting for a fucking retard leads to a fucking retard being voted in.
I know fuck this putin puppet. Why the fuck is he helping assad fight isis?
America doesn't have any business in that civil war. Let assad deal with his own fights.
I really thought the muh russia narrative was bs but then he goes and bombs the ISIS base withe moab..... he did a 180 from america first.
Fuck off shill niggers.
you're wrong, she didn't win the electoral vote
>you cant criticize le god emperor ;___;
I've said this before, and I'll say it again
"Good job memeing your country to the ground"
>A lot of people I've talked really regret voting for him.
Can confirm.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
there are people on this board who actually thought blumpf was a genius
>1 post
you tried, shareblue reddit shill
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
These posts are not criticism. You're spouting baseless shit without explaining your position properly. Hence you get called out as a shill.
>shitty little
Eight countries. Christ it would have been beautiful.
>Bannon about to get sacked
I thought he was already gone? Nevermind. Thanks for the white pill
>betraying his promise on Syria
>Lobbing a couple of bombs
He was testing the opposition response in my opinion and it killed 6. Obongo could do more hitting random buttons
>no proof for wiretap
He got people talking about it at least. Getting normies to process that fully would take too long.
-All the judges were Obama appointed but don't worry it wasn't obama goy. Oh by the way we broke the law by not destroying findings which didn't relate to the investigation but nevermind that
>most hated president in history
I think you mean Lincoln
We can take away the tranny bathrooms at least and this Syria business honestly I think its just so he doesn't appear limp dicked because if he appears as stymied then he will be always stymied
Even the normiefags noticed how screwy the media is now.
Yeah sure I'll criticise the things trump does wrong but that makes me happy because it means we aren't some Bernie cult without morals
that sound really was the biggest blow they ever could have dealt to trump.
Shut your mouth chink
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Wow, this really corrected my record. Where do I go to have my penis removed and register Democrat now?
>>Bannon about to get sacked
Howmuch do you enjoy Cuck fetish that you want a literal Goldman saks lackey to run the most powerful country in the world?
Trump voter here, I would still vote for him over Clinton and I will never regret that decision.
That being said, he has finally given into all the bad press and become a full on neocon.
>1 post by this ID
We trusted you, blumpfberg
>literally elected a homeless serial killer president
I wish I could repeal my vote :^(
Electing duterte united the country (for a short bit)
Electing trump just straight up divided theirs
but speaking of bad decisions, how's the brexit working out for you
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
fuck blumpf and fuck white people
>hurr hurr shill you have a different opinion so you are a shill hurr durr arguing is notpossible because you are a shill durr
what a bunch of fucks. ever occured to any of you that there might be real shills operating on this site, but from the other side? i mean every fucking time someone posts anything slightly against trump, the hurr shill shariablue fuckoffctr train is starting to roll. what a bunch of losers
1d Ludo
Ah I get it. You're mad that people can see that you are a dirty shill kike
wtf i hate drumpf now!
>ever occured to any of you that there might be real shills operating on this site, but from the other side?
that's nonsense too
everyone with enough brain to get paid for funposting on Sup Forums quickly realizes how to blend in and be at least a bit funny.
all those plain stupid unironic shitpost are made by genuine retards who got washed in during the election because of 'political activism'.
I bet even a fair share of reporters and intelligence interns are spending their 'free time' here. serves them good imo.
>waaaaaah waaaaah they are violating my blissful state of ignorance
Look, you faggot electionfag nigger, this board doesn't appreciate your neocon goy anymore. We were ok with this during the election because he was a better alternative and he showed some promise. Unfortunately he wasn't worth it because it attracted brainlets like you and now you are like a shitstain that won't wash off.
Please kindly fuck off to the_donald where you have mods that will delete or shadowban all dissent against Trump. There are only 'good' goons there so your mutual masturbation will go undisturbed.
i guess you are right, i pity the brainwashed neckbeards who will slowly realize what they have gotten themselves into. imagine the horror once you realize that this site is a pure shithole and you thought for years that it matters. you lost your youth, have no friends, are an outcast. scheisse oida
It was a fun ride burgers. Many liberal tears were had. But in the end, all politicians must hang.
I am not saying fuck trump but if he was going to start WW3 just like Hillary I would've preferred to blame it on a woman.
>you thought for years that it matters
that's the point --> nothing does
I don't use any consumer products any more. I live on a diet based on lentils, barley and green veggies and work out at home.
although I have enough money I can't figure out what to do with it. I actually lost interest in mainstream society. The only luxury I get is reading classics on my kindle and coffee/tea.
If that's the end for all the retards who get lost here than I actually pity them.
>posted from my iphone
old desktop pc
phone posters need to use the Brausedusche
Learn what fucking English is you brainless parasite
reddit spacing
>regret voting for him
We chose the lesser evil. Trump is shit, but now I would still vote for him if I was American, because there was noone less shitty.
Warum schleichst du dich nicht ins Standard-Forum?
>redditfags/shills/nu-pol everywhere
Says hes gonna bomb the shit out of Isis in regards to foreign policy.
Bombs the shit out of ISIS.
oh man, such a 180 doing exactly what he said he fucking would
you'll get over it.
>Defending drumpf selling out america to Assad and putin
Fuck of putinbot
why pity? sounds like a good lifestyle.
>>Defending drumpf selling out america to Assad and putin
Was that before or after he blew up assad's airbase?
Shill get the fuck out of here.
Trump is playing. Shame on you!
heast is das der sellner persönlich? pass auf dass di nit wieder anschiffst
i can never shake the image after he got in office and talked to obama, then came back out, he was so white so confused from then on i knew he was a deepstate bitch for life
>hehe that servers those trump supporters so good
>i just hope i'll get laid one day...
Sounds sad man.
Steve Bannon 2020
The wall is getting there though.
>some Bernie cult without morals
So what are Trump's morals?
inb4 libtard - I'm NOT a bernie supporter
this board is becoming a parody of itself tbqh
That was just a show. He told PUTIN he was doing it before he even told CONGRESS lmao.
Didn't start a new one.
>muh neocons
Many of them are businessmen and military.
Stopped TPP, in process to renegotiate NAFTA.
>his entire base to go fuck them seleves
Cuckservatives are satisfied with Gorsuch, wall prototype is being built in San Diego for the wall people and manufacturing is coming back in the rustbelt. That covers all of his base.
>A lot of people I've talked really regret voting for him.
Trump could start another war and literally none of his base would regret their vote because even people on here voted Romney. Fuck Democrats.
Trump is not shit, he was is doing what he said 1000 times he'd be doing in his campaign. Old Twitter posts of him don't disprove that because they were before the campaign.
This. Fuck off the_donald faggots, your God Emperor is not the second coming of Jesus.
He never said he'd attack Assad
>Didn't start a new one.
Kill yourself you nigger loving faggot
>Many of them are businessmen and military.
Or neocons as we call them.
>Stopped TPP, in process to renegotiate NAFTA.
He's already stated he's not renegotiating it.
>Cuckservatives are satisfied with Gorsuch, wall prototype is being built in San Diego for the wall people and manufacturing is coming back in the rustbelt. That covers all of his base.
30% of his based didn't vote for him to attack Syria and North Korea
>Trump could start another war and literally none of his base would regret their vote because even people on here voted Romney. Fuck Democrats.
I hope kike loving nigger faggots enjoy dying for Israel.
>falling for obvious political showmanship
That was just a show, idiot. It's called posturing.
I got banned from T_D yesterday because I made a comment simply saying that I was pissed he was no longer going after hillary.
Waves of T_D cucks came in saying that he never said she'd go to jail and it doesn't matter because he's done so many other great things.....he's literally done nothing of note
ASICS have stopped making 4e shoes in all colours. Fuck america and I hope you all die. Make america great again and bring back 4e width shoes.
I don't even know what you're trying to say.
What was just a show? Why am I an idiot?
Well he put even more pollution in our water and air and just stated yesterday he was gonna no longer label China a currency manipulator
Because T_D is a shill echo chamber - the mods are paid off.
desu stormfronter invasion + TRP cucks
Not bad considering it was a mile deep when he started
It always was to a degree but I never expected so many cuckolds to double down on him after he literally did the exact oposite of what he was supposed to. It's almost as if the shills have switched sides. I wouldn't be so surprised looking to msm.
>Not bad considering it was a mile deep when he started
Trump and Sanders campaigned on exactly the same platform, it was all about breaking up big banks, stopping corruption, helping small business and the working guy. The only difference is that Sanders laid out plans on exactly how he would do it. Whereas trump just made a lot of vague promises and everyone who voted for him just thought he might be crazy enough to follow though. Trump voters gambled on a man they knew was crazy for a slim hope that he would shake up the establishment but just ended up with pure crazy.
All you had to do was vote Sanders and everything Trump promised would have happened.
Sup Forums is always retarded
Most people don't get Trump was getting a shit ton of super pac and special interests money. One of the things at the very beginning was that he wasn't taking donor money, but flip flopped right on that and become a corporate whore. He's a total fucking fraud like everyone else. Doesn't matter what their views are if they are being funded by literal big corporations and billionaires to shill for them.
>All you had to do was vote Sanders and everything Trump promised would have happened.
deep state wouldn't have allowed that to happen, moron.
7s confirm, Trump is a giant walking, talking corporate interest
>Campainging for 17 years+
>18 months
Nice try, shill.
The only thing I was really hoping for was Hillary going to jail and it doesn't look like it's going to happen anymore.
This. You retards backed the wrong horse. The only reason you think Bernie couldn't stand up to the Deep State is that he let that BLM protester run her mouth instead of telling the crowd to beat the Hell out of her like your uber-Mach God emporer.
But look what happened. Look at how quickly he succumbed to the neocons and evangelicals. For all your talk about cucking and "telling it like it is" you voted for the biggest whore in American politics.
But Bernie wasn't backable.
He was fucked over by the democrats and he told people to vote for hillary
Are you saying we should've rooted for hillary?
Oh wow he ran for a month in 2000 on an obscure third party ticket
That definitely equates to campaigning for 17 years
Go fuck yourself shill
>Deep state wouldn't have allowed that to happen. It's futile to fight them. Let's bend over and allow them to continue sodomizing us.
If everyone who wanted legitimate political change voted for Bernie instead of Trump in the Primaries, he would've won.
Bernie was truly /ourguy/ who would have brought real change unlike Drumpf who is an establishment whore