Sort of Happening -PNG Soldiers firing on aussie staff at Manus Island Detention Center
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>They said Australian staff were seen running for a boat moored nearby.
>Iranian refugee Amir Taghinia was on a bus being driven into the centre when he heard shots.
>"It's crazy, many people are in shock," he said.
>"The Navy is shooting people.
Condition are better in the detention center than outside? *shrug*
well lads time for the re-colonization of pupua new guinea. Looks like these savages need some good ol British steel and civilisation
Better off just pulling our guys out
Inb4 it's a muzzie.
Quite possible it was the locals. They're still a pretty warlike and tribal people. Hell aussies only earnt their respect in WW2 after proving how much harder they killed cunts than the japs.
The most radical mudslime has nothing on png savagery
Reports say soldiers were amongst the locals and firing with them
Hopefully at some refugee advocate group or some shit
Apparently it was at the naval base soo....
soo... I'll just change that to seamen then
>No JPEG soldiers
I dont get it. Are png armed forces attacking the camp?
This is shit, they'll want to keep them on the main land then.
Nauru is next.
and to the Kiwi's, you better willingly become a state.
that is the question cobb
Looks like these savages need to have a lot more refugees sent to them.
We'll provide the targeting locations as well.
>and to the Kiwi's, you better willingly become a state.
you better get ready for the most advanced and technological gibs me dat industry that the maoris have created in the whole world
Jungle bunnies are even worse than Africans
m8 we have abbos, of course we have
we kinda already do cuzzie bro
It sounds like just a few of them chimped out a bit there, no worries, it happens and back to normal
m8 maoris can actually think and the tainui tribe has 3 billion dollars in assets so far you have not seen anything yet and the gov just passed a bill saying any local tribe gets a say on building consents and any resource management
>maoris can actually think
What should I do first, crack a DB or put the hot knives on?
only kiwi dollars brew
>An aboriginal is not as intelligent as a Maori. There is no scientific evidence that he is a human being at all
- King O'Malley, Member of Australian parliament
you have the dumbest natives in the empire while we had the smartest
and you should've bred them out of existence asap
like we were doing with abo's during the 'stolen gen' phase
>and you should've bred them out of existence asap
the monument at the back of the pic was supposed to be a monument to the maori race in 1900 who were predicted to decline until extinction
that's debatable. the main difference is our indigenous occupy land filled with precious metals, we pay them a (tiny) royalty, and they become 'custodians', you should try it, works a treat
who is responsible for giving these zoo creatures guns?
>Were predicted to decline
then your men went for the sheep
us, we also taught them zoo tricks
Most likely us.
I know China's trying to suck up to them, and i'll much rather have a bunch of neo cannibals acting as a buffer state then a Chinese neo cannibal state
m8 ours had guns and trenches when we were trying to stop them rebelling
More Muslims
PNG soldiers will shoot at anything
Wasn't that long ago they had a running gun battle for a week with PNG police because one of the lads got locked up while pissed as a maggot
They are two completely different races, maori are Pcific Islanders who had civilization and progressed beyond the stone age while Abo's are their own race.
i hope China keeps going to pressure em, gives us an excuse to move into the shithole.
are papua's blacks?
nah maori actually care about the land unfortunately and think theres no such think as responsible mining/drilling/etc -- its a black and white issue for these savages
>complain about poverty rate constantly
>want gibs
>refuse to sell even a lit bit of land for property development, oil, minerals, etc
see that's where you fucked up, you were supposed to SHOOT them with the guns, not hand them over.
papuans never even got proper colonised the aussies just sat in the capital while in the highlands the niggers still fight each other in large tribal battles
>not hand them over.
they bought them in sydney its was illegal to buy them in NZ
HAHA no shit!? sorry bro. LMAO
They have cannibalism in parts of the country
They still call us Long Pork up in the highlands
We all know the story, these "asylum seekers" are rude and violent to the locals, the locals don't take any od their shit and then the "asylum seekers" cry about how they can't be mean to papuans and get away with it.
They continually insult papuans by saying their country isn't good enough, they slander and insult them continually and are nothing but entitled demanding cry babies. They all got the chance to go to the USA where they would have more rights then in Australia but that's right, the USA doesn't hand out welfare like it's going out of fashion.
My great uncle was a missionary there and they tried to buy his daughter for 3 pigs
LMAO... sounds about right
have you read the greentext of that one accountant that accidentally found himself hired by a PMC operating in PNG?
>have you read the greentext of that one accountant that accidentally found himself hired by a PMC operating in PNG?
is that the one where he was invited to rape the chiefs daughter
the buisnessmen he was protecting, yes