Political Compass

You know what to do


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used to be a lot lefter than now


Embodiment of Sup Forums

Every single one of you deserve a holiday trip to gulag


Anything other than purple is subhuman.


If you're a liberal you're not a person. If you're a Communist you're not a person. In either case you're something that needs to be shot then burnt.


Kill yourself you CIA nigger.


step up your quiz game

>progressivism on the right

nice meme

These things are not like the other

>national socialism that far left

This chart sucks and has a massive libertarian leaning

dude weed

>making changes
>into turbulent feeling woman

These tests are dumb and play into naive stereotypes.

>cognitive dissonance


Threadly reminder that
>X = Left/Right
>Y = Rational/Irrational
Is the superior scale

Yeah I agree theres a few bits wrong with it, progressivism should be swapped with liberalism. Anarchism should be nowhere near anarcho-capitalism, should be between syndicalism and mutualism. 'Ultra-anarchism' should be removed entirely.

I should have studied it properly before posting desu

Yea it's weird how much the results changed after I got less depressed.

Don't identify as a woman yet though.

superior chart




absolutely disgusting



Fucking hell, are you me?

West South West is best.


Uhhh guys?

We would probably get along.

Hello friend!

I'm not a Jew, I swear

How far left does one have to be for you to define him as a liberal though?

>communists, socialists and welfare liberals are objectively good and rational

I can't even..




Lawd, so many lefties. Better break out the pot and drum circles.

Aspiring Nazi

>hurr everyone on the left side is my strawman definition of a leftist
NatSocs can end up on the border of red and green you know. No accurate political compass meme has ever been made and it displays profound retardation to base your understanding of the political compass on memes.

>Left leaning anti government interventionist
You are a largish-small sort of reddish-blue dog-cat


Left is best.

rate me


>I have no strong feelings one way or the other

here you go.


Wrong. That usually means he has strong feelings to the left, strong feelings to the right, strong feelings libertarian, and strong feelings authoritarian. Being a centrist is just as extreme as being in the corners.


youre like me when my wife isn't around
you like Milton Friedman?


From what I can gather, If you are on the top half of the chart you aren't exactly a great person, In my opinion, the perfect human would be just bellow the middle

I never really see myself as a liberal, more of a libertarian in terms of economy honestly. Moral values are pretty much spot on though, people can teach that to their kids themselves and the state should not have any say in it.

Does anyone have any other test like this so i could compare?




Hey goyim


Temple OS my man.


what is wrong with you guys? Do you want free healthcare? Let me break it down to you. You have right for the government not to fuck with you, you don't have a right to someone else's service.

I dont know what to do. Clearly im ubermensh, but all my friends are on the green square. I cant even reval 1/10 of my power level without them calling me a skinhead

autoritarian 2,3
left 3,3

WTF this does not represent me

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

Trying to do one for e-celebs but I realized I only really know two

Where do some others fall in?

Wow, someone who doesn't base their understanding of the compass on memes. I would put Spencer further to the left though.

Styx would probably be around libertarian right somewhere i think


if left-right is x axis and authoritan-libertarian is y axis:
>Varg: 4x, 6y
>Jordan Peterson: 5x, -3y
>Milo: 3.5x, -5y
>Ben Shapiro: 7.5x,4.5y



Also I think spencer is farther up and a little farther left

I like this graph, because to me, it doesn't really matter if you're Leftie or Rightie.

To me Libertarians > Authoritarians.

Authoritarian faggots are the reason we don't have recreationnal weed and other Personnal Freedoms.

Personnal Freedom is more important than the rest. Fuck you if you disagree.