Can the Cult of Kek be considered pagan worship?

Thats the fucking question some Cuck asked me When we were talking about the Alt-right, what should I answer?

Has anyone made an offering to kek?

i offer my memes

So what if it is?

And checked.

>implying America didn't get offered to kek
>implying he didn't accept and bless it with shitstorms for years to come

>Can the Cult of Kek be considered pagan worship?
>what should I answer?

Occultism has always been a way to hide dangerous knowledge under mythology/mysticism.
There's nothing magic about meme magick, but the effects of unknown scientific phenomenons look like magic.
The clues are hidden in plain sight.
Kek is the frog god of chaos. Chaos.

The "fake news" and internet censorship are ways by which the (((ownership))) of media and communications infrastructure is now trying to regain their monopoly of propaganda.

No, because Kek is a singular deity.

No, the Vatican has that one.

a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.

won't be considered pagan for long, Church of the Memetic Kek will grow

If anything it is technomancy

think kek-ism would be better than all of those new age crap with healing crystals and shizz

If you ask a full faith christian they'll tell you that the bible refers to KeK in revelations 16:13

I offer these digits to Kek as a sacrifice.

>Thats the fucking question some Cuck asked me When we were talking about the Alt-right, what should I answer?
Tell him that he's a fucking idiot and it's just a meme of a cartoon frog.

We haven't had the threefold of frogs anywhere significant, as far as know.

I view it more as God sending the same warning as Exodus 8.
"Thus said the Lord: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go I will send a plague of frogs upon you."
Cultural marxism is attacking Christians to a point they have made it offense to wish someone Merry Christmas in a country built by Christians.

Angel of Death should be arriving at some point.
Wasn't that Augusto Pinochet's nickname and Los Pepe's were a right wing death squad?
It seems you Americans are going to have to fight marxists in American soil soon.

There is no God, but the God of chaos.

Just tell him it's ironic Internet humor.

Praise be

you have no power here moloch !

Hey, it's practical advice

I am a follower of Kek and all my OC and gets are dedicated to him. But I have a professional job and my friends are normies. They know I'm a Trump guy and they know I occasionally send them funny Trump memes (i.e. Sup Forums created pro-Trump psyop propaganda) but you can't go around letting people know your power level.

If the normies ever get too close to the truth, just accuse the enemy (i.e. the media) of inventing another conspiracy theory. They always believe that.