i'm a muslim girl, ask me anything
specified gender in case someone has questions regarding that
Muslim AMA
Will you do this to me?
>pic related
how's the Islam?
Hows the hijab?
tits or gtfo
why do people still follow islam when it is so lame and boring
How do you feel following patriarchal ideology full of violence and misogyny?
how does it feel to be stoned
Did it hurt more physically or emotionally when your father threw acid on your face for wearing makeup or refusing to marry Abdullah from down the street?
What is the status of this world according to islam? The world that we live in that is.
Do you think Islam oppresses women?
Strange I don't see tits attached
post tits.
Do you like Acid Drinkers?
show a muslim tit ?
Who gave you permission to speak
>hair or gtfo
7 mins and not a word, guess you were the real deal. RIP to being stoned.
Do you still have a clit?
when will your country fall into the hands of ISIS?
>when you hate Israel and Jews but they are the only ones who are going to safe your ass
Ankle or GTFO
then we can talk
Why do you know English
hey baby
wanna frick?
Are you dumb because of islam or because you're a girl?
have you been circumcised?
Clearly a slide thread she hasn't responded
Is playing shitty porn games with far too much grind and not enough scenes haram?
Face or GTFO
> Question
> Flag
Your house is so getting raided
Top kek.
Digits confirm both
Hello greatest ally
sorry, my mom called
i don't think islam is mysogynistic. i feel like the gender roles are balanced. there is a reason for everything, for example, daughters get half the sons' inhertiance not because islam hates women but because men are religiously obliged to provide for their families unlike women were spending money on her family would be charity even if she's rich. frankly i pity the guy more.
>Rhodocks in charge of field battles
Pics of feet right now.
are you circumcised?
how old are you? are you married? was it love or was it arranged?
why aren't you a battle maiden on assad yet?
Hello, 50 shades of tomahawks.
>Pity the guy more
Well yes he got the previlige of boom boom with isis.
>i feel like the gender roles are balanced.
how about you balance a sharpie in your pooper you headrag slag
never. our army is very advanced, they don't have a chance. also, jordan has a neutral relationship with israel.
Do you feel oppressed because you have to be wearing the hijab/burkha?
Are you married or single? Age?
Tits or GTFO
19, not yet. i want to marry a guy i love.
They also 'secretly' allow our military to launch ops from there. Sneaky allies
Allies post pics. Ankles now
comeup with balanced explanation for why men are allowed to marry who they want with or without their father's permission but women need the permission of their closest living male relative in order to get married.
>all these fags above are falling for this LARP shit
Now listen here you mudslime cunt, either you post proof or you can fuck off
>I'm a girl xD
tits or gtfo
no, i started wearing it at 17 completely by choice
Have you ever had sex? Sucked a dick? Had your pussy played with? Given a handy? Kissed a boy? Kissed a girl?
Tits of gtfo.
You can cover your face, if you care.
>tits of gtfo
She hasn't posted tits yet
Don't talk to her
why are you afraid to think and decide for yourself?
have you never thought that the Muslim countries might collapse during our lifetime due to their ridiculous population growth and their culture that is incompatible with the 21th century? You, Madam, are sitting on a tinderbox.
because women are the weaker sex, and also naturally more naive. so it's important they're protected and guided by her male relatives.
What if he's not a muslim? Would you make him convert or would you run with him?
Trips of truth
praise kek
that is just not true, but many 4chiners would sign your post.
Tits or GTFO
It's the fucking rules.
Thoughts on potentially going to war with north korea?
Can you post halal milkers?
it's a guy boys
the same guy that keeps posting amas every fucking day
get a hobby nerd
Rule 1 of 4chin
>states "Ima gill xDxD"
>nobody engages until tits posted
>upon posting of tits, we can talk
>no tits, slide tred
Prove it.
''specified gender in case someone has questions regarding that''
Her gender is relevant to discussion, not attention whoring. You guys have no reason to request tits.
Fuck off sand nigger.
You're new here aren't you
no, no, no, no, no, yes because in the middle east the standard way for girls to greet each is by kissing
Post tits
You know what this islam thing is starting to look alright to me.
until they stone them to death
You're an embarrassment to the West. Stop having opinions.
Nope the rule is there to stop attention whoring, you are misusing them.
wtf I love islam now
Should trannys be put to death or what?
>Muslim girl
You are a hairy abdul until you show proof.
do you take it in the ass like every other slut of your sect ?
>everybody in the family, on the street, on the television is covered
>obvious difference of attitude towards covered and non-covered women from both the family and society
lel, no.
How small is your feminine Benis?
>Sup Forums falls for the "Muslim women are pure" meme again
Muslim women in the west are sluts and whores that are fucking white Chads at any opportunity, it's just hidden because they'll get beaten and/or killed if their male family members find out.
>Should trannys be put to death
Yeah, by my cock, user
Kek. Some of you guys are alright.
>Muslim women in the west are sluts
mplying it's just in the west
Isl*m will be eradicated from the world in 21th centrury. It is deadly threat to civilization. Trump, Brexit, rise of Wilders, Le Pen, Hofer, Petry etc. is just a begining. Civilizied world is becoming more educated about the death cult. Even centre-leftists parties will change their position on isl*m.
Also do not bred. Do not open your disgusting hairy legs to another subhuman. There are enough ar*bs. Aside of barbarism, ignorance, terror your kind done nothing to the this world.
show us your tits or leave.
Proxy, or roach?
>brain washed muzzie female(if true)
>weaker sex
Women are not the weaker sex, they are just meant for something else, where as men are supposed to protect and die for their tribe.
A nation that loses 80% of it's women dies
A nations that loses 80% of it's men, survives.
Damn your stupid
Stop making retarded threads on pol
Women evolved to focus on the inner workings of the tribe women strenghted is making sure the tribe is sable, as they atempt to make sure there is less conflict inside.
Men evolved by being choosen by women for being able to work together with other men, to hunt and die and provide security and food.
When humans became top predators with their inteligence, our numbers sky rocketed. And then we fought among ourselfs.
Most build walls, created kingdoms and allied themselfs with other tribes to fight invading tribes.
Religion was a good tool to help the union or enslavement of people and to march them againts others.
Islam is based on abramhim religion, bascily the same core as Judaism and Christianity, and it was created by your faggot pedo Prophet as a tool to justify asasination, convertions and the mass murder of those that dare to believe something else.
Islam is not the religion of peace
It's the religion of conquest, of rapist, and mass murderors.
How many christian raids on muslim lands resulted in taking of slaves and sold around europe? 0
How many muslims raids on christians lands resulted in taking of slaves and sold around the muzzie caliphate, there were even special markets in Bagdad that european beauties were brought to be sold and abuse.
prove me wrong
>pro tip: you can't
I agree with pretty much all of this
roachlar ananın amını siksin
Bine zis!
Tits or gtfo. Read the rules, whore
Someone is disperate. Holteiul pulii.
Thanks goy.
Plently of based anatolians non-brain wash turks there senpai.
Turkey was made great by ata turk, he banned polygamy, banned buraks, he modeled turkey on western values. And Turkey was great for awhile.
Most people in Turkey are based, most of them don't even have arab/turkish features.