Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump heading to Mar-A-Lago for Easter 4/13/17
>Pres Trump meets w/I-85 Bridge First Responders 4/13/17
>Pres Trump/NATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg joint press conf 4/12/17
>Sean Spicer/Kellyanne Conway @ Newseum 4/12/17
>FM Lavrov/SoS T-Rex joint statement in Moscow 4/12/17
>Pres Trump on Mornings with Maria 4/12/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Luke AFB AZ 4/11/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ US-MEX border 4/11/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Assoc of Chiefs of Police 4/11/17
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
Morning Joe is trying to revive the microwave joke again.
Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, okay, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, okay, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right — who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
>Drumpfkins think America will be made great for them
Sorry, virgins. You have to actually contribute to society in order to benefit from progress. Tata, Drumpfies.
Trump ditched all his senior advisors to spend easter alone at Mar-A-Lago.
What is he planning?
>Fake News: Media Hype Sean Spicer Firing Demand by Obscure, Anti-Trump Anne Frank Center
In its coverage of White House Spokesman Sean Spicer’s controversial comments about Adolf Hitler and Syria, the news media is widely hyping remarks by the largely unknown, hyper-partisan, anti-Trump group calling itself the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect.
The news media has been widely featuring Facebook comments by the Center’s executive director, Steven Goldstein, who demanded that Spicer be fired “at once” over his statements claiming Hitler, a genocidal leader who murdered millions of civilians, including some six million Jews in the Holocaust, “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” whereas Syrian President Bashar al-Assad purportedly did deploy chemical weapons against civilians.
“I think when you come to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,” Spicer said when pressed by a reporter to clarify his remarks. Spicer said that Hitler “brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that.”
Spicer later clarified his remarks.
However, that didn’t stop Goldstein of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect from slamming Spicer as lacking “the integrity to serve as White House press secretary,” while demanding and that President Trump “must fire him at once.”
Goldstein joined the ranks of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D, Calif.), who also quickly called on Trump to fire Spicer and “immediately disavow” the spokesman’s statements.
Goldstein wasted no time after Trump took office, making news on January 26 for blasting the president’s executive order to temporary halt the refugee program as using “national security as a guise for racism.”
In February, Goldstein made headlines for claiming the Trump administration evidenced “the worst we have ever seen” as far as “the anti-Semitism coming out of this administration.”
I know fellow 'pedes are triggered by disenting opinions
Have quality time with his family?
Nothing, he just wants to chill a little and get his dick wet.
Remember, only you can change the world
>portugal takes ironic shitposting into his analysis
That's the idea user. If I do things right I can separate normal chan chatter, ironic shitposting and clear outsiders and outliers.
What's on the agenda today?
I know he's down in Florida, so is he taking the weekend off? Any Senators/foreign diplomats visiting?
This stupid egg-toss happening?
Anything I've missed in the past 8 hours?
WW3 when?
>watch until the end
>he tried to warn us
>look at what our society used to be
>look at what (((they))) stole from us
strap yourself in and get ready to feel
So, when are we invading North Korea?
I am so glad Trump is getting rid of Bannon.
He was such a liability to the movement. I wont be sad to see him and Miller both gone the way of Flynn.
It would also be nice to seperate manlet portuguese with the smelly hairy portuguese here but you all look the same
There's a lot more where that came from, bud.
>I know he's down in Florida
Don't tell me he's golfing again.
I love you all. Happy Easter.
But he's been vacationing almost every week already, what's the big deal?
Yeah, that's nice. Means they ran out of course for the Bannon Kushner angle and will go back to Spicer and Kellyanne
wow more proof that all Drumpflets are secret nazis.
NEWFLASH: Hitler would've killed all of you degenerates.
Now go back to Stormfront.
You spammed the last thread with this too. Who are you and why are you here?
“Our president is creating an incubator of hatred,” he claimed. “When you don’t respond to anti-Semitism as well as Islamophobia and racism in real time, when you wait days and sometimes a week to respond to attacks, you are sending a signal to the haters.”
In February, Jewish organizations nationwide were hit with waves of bomb threats. It would later emerge that many of those threats were called in by an Israeli-American teenager who was arrested in Israel last month.
“Anne Frank Center slams Trump: ‘Do not make us Jews settle for crumbs of condescension,’” was the title of a Washington Post article in one of many examples of such coverage.
Goldstein last week was also quoted in the news media to smear Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a deputy foreign policy adviser to Trump, as being linked to the neo-Nazi far-right.
In one of many strangely worded tweets, the Center called Trump’s policies “evil.” Another branded Trump a narcissist.
Writing at the Daily Caller in February, columnist and Jewish historian David Benkof charged that “Goldstein is not a Holocaust expert.”
>The JTA reported that Goldstein backed Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Prior to taking over the Center, Goldstein was an LGBT rights activist who reportedly called himself “the Harvey Milk of New Jersey,” referring to the famed American politician and gay civil rights activist.
Goldstein founded a group called Garden State Equality, which campaigned for gay rights laws in New Jersey and was involved in activism that led to the state in 2013 allowing same-sex marriage. His campaigns were portrayed in the 2015 movie Freeheld, in which he was portrayed by actor Steve Carell, an actor who is not, outwardly at least, a homosexual.
Add pede to the list.
Doesn't look like much today. Seems like he'll just be down at the Mar-a-Lago.
garden variety globalist.
You find yourself in a room with Ivanka Trump, who appears to be dazed and confused. It is a fairly small room, well lit, no windows or doors.
All it contains is a small couch with you and Ivanka sprawled on it, and a table.
On the table are the following items:
An apple
A meat cleaver
A bottle of green paint
A kazoo
An unloaded gun
A roll of duck tape
A rose
What do you do?
>that title
Thats the only place he can trust to reveal his true plans without being leaked
I kind of want us to invade North Korea. At least sometime during my lifetime. The people living there are basically brainwashed and hardly get a chance to think for themselves and I think that is wrong!
And he's the daily "YOU NEED TO WORK WITH DEMOCRATS" speech by Joe
Pedeposting was done by ironic shitposters but sure thing I will.
Listening the Morning Joe is like listening to the Opposition.
Likewise, God bless you and all your families, burguers.
Happy Pascha!
is this just all dick waving now?
What about that time he was discussing things with the Jap PM in front of dozens of regular club goers?
I'll never tire of watching that.
Walk out the door
Use meat cleaver to chop hole in the wall, take out any threats, escort Ivanka to safety. Be a national hero
>I am a bad enough dude to rescue the presidents daughter
In case you missed it.
Any way I can get the raw data set when you generate it?
>Brady Campaign Proud to Help ‘Designated Survivor’ Frame Gun Control Message
On November 25, 2016, Breitbart News reported that gun control groups were actively working with the directors and/or writers of various television programs and movies to push a gun control message. Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety worked with Netflix’s House of Cards to push gun control during season four of the series, and the Brady Campaign helped with an episode of The Good Wife in order to promote gun control as well.
The November 2016 movie Miss Sloane was directed by John Madden, who admitted the film was an effort to lessen opposition to gun control.
By the way, Miss Sloane bombed at the box office.
Now the Brady Campaign is taking advantage of ABC’s willingness to let Designated Survivor serve as a channel for the gun control message.
According to The Washington Free Beacon, Brady Campaign spokesman Brendan Kelly said his group is "working with producer and creators to highlight gun violence."
During the April 5 episode, the central character–played by Keifer Sutherland–said:
>I believe that the American people have every right to buy and own guns by virtue of the Second Amendment. I would also like to take a moment to quash the myth that somehow gun control is equal to the Federal Government coming into your home and taking your weapons away. Nobody is advocating for that. We need to be doing everything we can to stop guns from falling into the hands of prior felons, people dealing with serious mental-health issues, people on terrorist watch lists. I mean, come on. We need to be using common sense. It’s as simple as that.
>gun grabbers at it still
And may He bless you and yours.
Glory be onto the Holy Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Considering this was developed 15 years ago, I'm not all that shocked.
However, you would be a fool to think this is the extent of the current capabilities of the US military.
-play golf
-Tweet something outrageous
-feel up a waitress at the country club
-more missiles into Syria (since it's such a great distraction from his domestic failures)
-call Melania (since she's in New York)
-catch the late night Breitbart posts and get angry over some fake news story
-more golf
It is interesting to note that California has nearly every gun control ever pushed by Democrats in the U.S. House or Senate. California has universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, gun confiscation laws based on mental health, gun registration requirements, Gun Violence Restraining Orders, a ban on “high capacity” magazines, a ban on campus carry, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, and a soon-to-be requirement that all law-abiding citizens undergo a background check for ammunition purchases. Despite all this, they witnessed the murder-suicide at San Bernardino’s North Park Elementary on Monday, to which gun controller Gabby Giffords reacted by suggesting California’s gun controls are insufficient. All this without the mention of the recent act of terror, too.
The bottom line–gun control is not “common sense,” it is about control.
"Common sense" my ass!.. The moment you begin to apply common sense, logic, reasoning, facts, or whatever you wanna call it to gun control arguments, "gun control" loses the argument just like it always has.. Call this what it is.. Propoganda
Gun control is like trying to stop drunk driving by making it harder for sober people to buy cars.
I started watching this show when it came out and it was fairly interesting but after the BS 2nd Amendment attack and the over the top exaggerated evil of "Republicans" I have removed it from my DVR. Hollywood really is killing once fun shows/movies left and right putting in their distorted political views.
I can remember when 24 was a great TV series and I watched it religiously. Then it started sending a political message and went left and then lefter and then I stopped watching.
Why was KT reassigned to be the ambassador to Singapore?
>Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum.
Have a blessed Easter user.
Brock doesn't even give you guys weekends off?
I developed an unholy mashup of bash script, curl, sed and grep to scrape 4plebs. Then I toss the resulting tab separated file at Excel and take over from there.
Crude but works.
McMaster wanted her out since he took the NSA position.
She was too influential. She got in the way of the agenda.
...and then I told them "America first".
Paint myself green and make a noose out of duct tape and play a funeral march on the kazoo before taking the plunge. Holding the rose, of course.
McMaster didn't like her Islamophobia.
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis
sed nomini tuo da gloriam. Amen.
And a blessed Easter to you and yours my friend. Rejoice for He has risen!
Thicc Milfs are the enemy of globalism, so McMaster gave her the boot.
But seriously, IIRC she already had the ambassador job lined up, but that was a few years the track. I think after Flynn left, she may have decided to get out early.
To give kimmy a nice big 100 kt of tnt easter egg
McMaster. Another one to the analysis list.
>Interesting fight in the comments
I watched a download of that episode and was pleasantly surprised to hear sense about gun usage in the USA.
US folk appear oblivious to the gun totting dystopia they inhabit. They live in the land of the free to kill and free to be killed. They cannot grasp that whilst encouragement of citizen defence in the post-revolutionary era made sense that no longer is true. The main US territory has two land borders which may be defended by small contingents of troops. Its northern territory has one land border. It has a major island territory too. Bear in mind that England was successfully invaded by sea only once; that despite the English Channel being narrow.
Thus, US peeps could walk their streets and sleep in their beds safely if guns were not in circulation. Moreover, country folk could keep weapons appropriate for hunting. Other people besotted by firearms could be allowed to keep them under lock and key at approved firing ranges.
It is a mystery why the inmates of the US broken society should imagine it a God given right to run around with lethal weaponry much of which is suited only to the battlefield.
>Americunt reply
Your entire post is complete BS, but your assertion that Americans can't "walk their streets and sleep in their beds safely" is the cherry on the cake. Was that an intentional lie, or was it just ignorance on your part?.. The fact is as follows.. Our gun problem is overwhelmingly found in just a few inner cities and zip codes that are 100% the creation of, and continue to be controlled by, the very people who hold your very same totalitarian views.. Doesn't that tell you something?.. People like you are the problem, you are NOT the solution! In America, the more legally owned guns there are within state, county, or municipality, the fewer violent crimes there are within that area, and you cannot change that fact regardless of your bigotry or ignorance. Not even being racial.
Is there anything you're not adding to the list?
>an unholy mashup of bash script, curl, sed and grep
Sounds glorious. I'd love to get my hands on the output data still, even if it's ugly as hell I can pivot table with the best of them.
I've often tied with the idea of using machine learning to solve forum mafia games by feeding prior games to an algorithm and telling it the outcomes. a similar thing would work for shills but we'd need quite a few confirmed shill-posts of various lengths / verbosity / subjects to train the system with.
Joe sucks
Very astute and accurate statement, user.
>still believing in god
>not knowing christianity is a cuck religion created and corrupted by jews
>President Donald Trump reversed his stance on NATO being "obsolete" Wednesday — a 360-degree turn on a key campaign complaint that the military alliance was no longer equipped for the fights ahead, specifically when it comes to terrorism.
>During a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg, Trump said NATO "is no longer obsolete" because it has adapted to focus on handling the threat of terror.
>The president called NATO a "bulwark of international peace and security."
>As a candidate Trump complained repeatedly about fellow member states not paying their fair share. The agreed upon amount is at least 2 percent of a country's GDP, but less than a quarter of the 28 countries in the alliance are actually contributing that.
120D Chess!!
>36 soldiers
Et veritas Domine manet in aeternum.
Oh calm down
Sounds about right, it's a comfy position I guess but I feel like it's kind of a downgrade for her
wtf i love nbc news now
Trump said NATO was obsolete. After the recent changes, NATO is no longer obsolete. Fuck off.
>equating god with christianity
>being this autistic
>After the recent changes
It's funny how some of those idiots don't even understand what's going on, yet they continue to post stupid shit like that
8:02 PM, Pyongyang. Only a few hours more until the end of North Korea.
Machine learning is an overkill, as we already know what to look for.
I'll post the raw data (day / search / totals) at a pastebin when it's done
I'm taking suggestions but at 15 seconds a search (4plebs limit it at that) it can't be too many
Hurry up
You suck, too
>recent changes
Could you expand on this please.
>‘Scandal’ Stars Still Sad! Trump Won: ‘We’d Worked Hard to Get Hillary Elected’
The stars and producers of ABC’s political drama Scandal are celebrating the show’s centenary episode and sharing their thoughts about how Donald Trump’s election caused anxiety both on and off the screen.
The series’ creator and executive producer Shonda Rhimes revealed in a lengthy interview with the Hollywood Reporter, that Scandal writers were anticipating Hillary Clinton winning the White House last November.
“There was a very specific planned progression that was going to be easy to tell because Hillary was going to be president, and we were going to be living in the light,” Rhimes said. “But it didn’t occur. I’m still trying to come to terms with that.”
Rhimes — who produced a 12-minute biopic of Clinton’s life, that aired live the Democratic National Convention — laments that life under President Trump is more “outrageous” and “horrifying” than anything she could have created for her primetime political TV show.
“One bad thing after another keeps happening, and the world feels very unstable,” said Rhimes said. “So in a world in which all of the things that we would write on ‘Scandal’ are happening in real life, it’s very hard to write ‘Scandal’ the way we used to, when it was like, ‘Let’s make Washington the most outrageous, horrifying place it could ever be.'”
“Any of the stories we planned now just feel like we’re copying what’s happening in reality, which is insane,” said Rhimes.
Scandal’s star Kerry Washington, who plays D.C.’s powerful political fixer Olivia Pope, said “Now, we have a hard time competing with reality, which is insane.”
Washington’s character underwent an abortion in a fifth-season episode while the Christmas hymn “Silent Night” played.
Scandal co-star Tony Goldwyn, who plays U.S. President Fitzgerald Grant was partially upset about Clinton’s election loss.
“We were all very upset,” Goldwyn said.
Because they're faggots from /leftypol/ who are probably all underage
You just know
>180 degree on almost all issues
>They dont know whats going on!! its 1202D Chess!!!!
Trump handed Merkel a bill for about 50 billion (right after her and the EU tried to charge the UK that same amount to leave...hmm...).
The focus on NATO has shifted from RUSSIA! to terrorism. There is to be more involvement from allies, even smaller allies.
In 4 hours its their holiday, in 28 hours the holiday is done...
Anyone know the time if day (their time) they usually do their tests? Midday? Night?
>machine learning is overkill
>we already know what to look for
Oh I agree. I want to do it for purely geeky reasons, just because. Likewise I'd never use it to actually solve a mafia game I was playing in, I like spotting scum. But it can be done and the thought interests me just as an exercise.
Just like the China thing, they started to stop fucking with their currency when Trump first was calling them out on it. Now also they stopped buying NK coal and are buying ours, so much stuff going on these retards don't understand
Nato nations agreed on their commitment to spend the agreed upon 2% of the budget and to focus on terrorism instead of on the soviet boogeyman.
Wasn't those the two Trump demands? Flawless victory I say. Isn't the US moab bombing the hell out of Isis under its NATO role?
Let me guess, Trump is going to get impeached in 6 weeks right?
Trump's "bill" was made up.